"Loyalty is important to me but so is flexibility. I've always tried to combine the two so that my loyalty is as strong as steel but as flexible as a rubber chicken. In this way, I think I can best serve the most vulnerable and needy...meaning myself and Republicans in Congress."
The second Presidential debate between Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton and temporary Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump takes place tonight at 6:00pm PDT. As usual, we'll be hosting a live chat during the debate and you're invited to join us!
It's a big night in the campaign for President and as always, PlanetPOV will be hosting a live chat to accompany tonight's VP debate. The debate begins at 6:00pm PDT at Longwood University in Virginia, our live chat begins at 5:30pm PDT.
Hillary's debate skills may not be enough to defeat Trump in the debate, she may need one or more strategies, depending on how Trump conducts himself, to win the debate not only on substance but when it comes to perception.
"If you'd been honest, you wouldn't have had Crazy Rudy yammering about how she had all these coughing fits which proved she had ebola-zika-AIDS-IBS-zombieism. You helped cause the very situation that made you want to lie about her condition, get it?"
What could be more Republican than appearing on the biggest Russian-controlled propaganda network to denigrate America's democracy, its free press and provide cover and support for Russian attempts to sabotage and manipulate America's election process? A lot...if you're not Donald Trump.
Like a heroin addict desperately shooting up whatever he can find to get high again, the MSM has mainlined the story of Huma Abedin finally divorcing her emotionally deranged husband, former congressman Anthony Weiner as being all about Hillary.
Trump's hair explained, "Could I just sit around and pretend that what was going on right under my nose wasn't happening? I'd rather dye. I've lived believing that you don't judge based on one's color and I'm not going to flip on that so I just had to give Donald a permanent wave goodbye."
"I'm telling you, Hillary's a full blown zombie, she eats brains! If she becomes president, look out! Do you really want a zombie for your President, I mean, come on," Trump exhorted his white male, pale and jagged toothed audience who responded in unison chanting, "Brains!!!"
PlanetPOV is summarizing this week's news using unrelated YouTube videos. While in sync with today's level of journalism, we hope you'll find it as informative as it is entertaining. Thank you!



As a great way to share this experience, PlanetPOV is hosting a live chat (live typed comments) tonight to discuss the night's results as they come in along with everything else this election will bring and what folks think it will mean for the future.