The fraud of the Norquist no-taxes pledge has been publicly exploded now and as long as Dems don't overlook this opportunity, the entire raison d'etre for the Republican Party will be invalidated in the minds of most Americans.
The Right Wing were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of Orwell plots danced in their heads. And Romney in his flip-flops, and Newt in his spite, had just settled in for a long winter’s fight.
There should be fireworks with this being Newt's first debate as the front runner and the GOP Elite just begun its panicked attacks to knock Newt out fast and install the unlikeable Romney in his place.
If Gingrich were a stock, I’d say sell high, which means I'd sell soon.

Why Newt Should Win

Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s looking like what will be thrown into the bubbling GOP Presidential caldron in 2012 will be the will be the Aye! of Newt.
The diversion of billions of taxpayer money from secular social services to sectarian religious outfits was probably the most under reported story of the Bush administration. Bush's faith based initiative became a spoils system for evangelicals.
Apparently, local media are now noticing what we have been talking about here for some time. For all the talk about President Obama facing "DOOM!!!", he looks to be the only candidate with a real grassroots base and campaign...
Lately, there's been plenty of talk on how President Obama can win reelection next year. Pundits wonder about how he can escape the same geographic dilemma that did in Al Gore's and John Kerry's respective campaigns. What most don't...
In a show of holiday spirit, PlanetPOV reached out to prominent Republicans to ask them what they're thankful for. Once explaining the concept of being "thankful" through the use of instructional videos, diagrams and action figures, they shared the following responses with us. We've heard plenty about what may have happened when Occupy Las Vegas moved Downtown yesterday. I wanted to share with you what I thought was the most poignant part, which was the part that did not receive all that...


The MyPillow Guy To Be The MyBankruptcy Guy

“The perverted ambition of another class of men, who will either hope to aggrandize themselves by the confusions of their country, or will flatter themselves with fairer prospects of elevation from the subdivision of the empire into several partial confederacies than from its union under one government.”—Federalist 1.