Have you ever seen Vladimir Putin make a dramatic entrance? If not, rewatch last night’s Triumph of the Trump extravaganza. The White House was the backdrop to Trump's own brand of Nuremberg Rally and the program Triumph of the Will Deux.
I hope states move quickly to use the courts to stop this historic attempt at election theft by Trump but everyone in power, especially Dems in Congress, need to "lock up" Trump ASAP from stealing this country's most valuable possession, our democracy.
I've known the son of a powerful New York Mafia don. He told me, "They started telling me when I was a brat kid that everyone is just as crooked as everyone else. That no one is any "smahta," that that's just the smartasses talking out their asses." And they hate experts and smartass know-it-all assholes above all things (except, maybe, boredom).
"Look, it's all very simple. If you want to vote for Sleepy Joe, you vote 'Trump' on your ballot. And you can do that with the confidence that the president who promised to make Mexico pay for the wall and end American carnage would never cancel Opposite Day once the votes are in," Trump snickered into both hands, leaving an orange crust on both palms when they lowered.
There is one single most important moment in the life of an epidemic, it is when virality is achieved. They should have known that they only had a few months to prepare.
There is one person who could gum up the works of Trump's dictatorship-in-process. And he's not even in elected office. Yet. Joe Biden has said that this election is a battle for the very soul of America. So right now would be a good time for Biden to really flex on this, step up and fire a loud warning shot across the bow of Trump's henchmen. The Rule of Law is coming back in 2021...and it could be coming for them.
The evil, soulless wight in the White House has made The People his enemy. He called this fight because he hates all humanity; and in the end, all humanity will hate him.
Why is the president allowed to use his immense public power to attack private individuals out of infantile spite? Have we dispensed with the law altogether?
The compulsive transparency of his array of personality disorders nakedly reveal his corrupt intent, fearsome ambition and incompetent weakness. His attacks on rivals are both psychic insights and admissions of guilt. And as his stress level has increased with the mounting coronavirus death toll, Trump's already fragile grasp on reality has devolved into mental deterioration, delusion and grandiose fantasy.
Despite all the polls currently favoring the Democrats. If the economy really begins to recover and the first wave of Covid-19 subsides (without a second wave striking), Donald Trump’s reelection prospects could improve greatly. The Republican Party and Trump 2020 Campaign have huge war chests ready to fund ads galore, massive targeted outreach, and widespread voter suppression.