In their Class War against Americans, what the wealthy fail to understand is blowback. Once a democracy no longer serve its people, they stop looking to elections to solve their problems and take their destiny (and pitchforks and torches) into their own hands.
When I was growing up in a Democratic kitchen, my parents made the difference between Democrats and Republicans abundantly clear.
Keep in mind that this was in the 1960s, and I was a small child, just starting school, when Kennedy...
OK, it's official.
Elizabeth Warren is running for the Senate in Massachusetts.
She's challenging big, bad Scott Brown, who's voted with the Democrats as much as he has his own side, and who used the Tea Party financing to get elected...
The world looks very much different now than it did 10 years ago. The lives of every American changed forever that day and in the days that followed. One transformation to come out of 9-11 was the rise of...
Join us tonight to live blog during Pres. Obama's Jobs Speech before a joint session of Congress. Until then, feel free to comment about your thoughts about what he should say, what we should do to get our economy back on track and how all of this connects with the 2012 elections.
I know all there are scores of too-cool-for-school kids who hang out on Bill Maher's Facebook page and stoke this little man's enormously fragile ego.
Bill's always been a big fan of Ron Paul's, although he's not too keen on...
I was born a Democrat. My parents were Democrats before me. My father cast his first vote at 21 in 1936, for FDR. Four years later, when she turned 21, my mother did the same. She came from a...
Calls for a presidential primary challenger seem to fall into common messaging traps that don't help progressives on the whole.
Roosevelt did not accept the simplistic conservative meme that MACROeconomics and MICROeconomics have the same fundamental principles and that government has to "live within its means like families do"... a juvenile concept that the "rabble" can understand, even as...
Anyone who is looking forward to the time when major corporations will start hiring Americans for good paying jobs again in big numbers, are among those who don't know what the "new normal" is for corporations.