The House's and Senate's so-called "health care" bills are transparent tools of class warfare, they are defined by the Congressional Budget Office as ripping away healthcare from 22 million to 24 million Americans to deliver hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans.
Republicans lose on healthcare no matter what happens and they may in fact be passing single payer in the future if they pass zero-payer for millions of Americans as they are trying to do right now.
TRUMP: "I know that and I know all about vows, I've made three of the most magnificent wedding vows and each was more absolute than the last."
That is what America and the 1st Amendment represents, we don't arrest or stone people who have bad senses of humor (which is why Carrot Top is still alive and free today....wherever he is).
What if Trump was able to reshape America without Congress or the courts being able to check his power, what would this country look like? Let's call it Trumptopia, a regime resembling Russia but with a Trumpian twist.
Democrats should commit themselves to blocking any and all business in either house until or unless an independent prosecutor is appointed to investigate the possible collusion of Trump's campaign and administration with Russia.
The Spectre of Death proclaimed, "The AFCA will give Americans killer health care! What your president and his fellow Republicans are doing by moving the AFCA forward is dead right! This is health care to die for! In record numbers, Americans will be passing away...their Obamacare cards for Trumpcare cards!"
Donald Trump is a terrorist in the literal sense. When Trump tries to negotiate, he doesn't do so like a sharp businessman, he just uses extortion like any thug or terrorist might. There is no art to the dealing Trump does, just the threat of brute force.
Trump declared that it is important for the world to see the US perform its responsibility to appear as a moral leader and that he hopes they appreciated this performance...also mentioning that it's available same day on Blue Ray, DVD and pay per view.
Trump declared that he had complete confidence in Nunes' integrity and that the they were about to go for a walkie so Nunes could "take care of his business".