Darrell Issa protested GOP control of the House, "This is unAmerican and anti-democratic, I should not be in charge of this oversight committee and I will use all the power I have as chairman to prove that I shouldn't be in charge!"
There's no reasoning with a sociopath. They are devoid of the ability to empathize or reason. They are purely focused on self-satisfaction and the sad thing about Tea Partiers is that their satisfaction comes from the acting out the pain and fear they carry inside against those they have deemed as deserving targets. Or more accurately, deserving victims.
Governing based on hatred and spite is not sustainable in a democracy...especially when that hatred is aimed at the majority of voters.
No one ever discovered The Cowardly Fireman's secret because whenever something scared him, he would cry and the other firemen would just think that seeing houses burn down just made him too sad to help them put out the fires.
We've compiled a variety of scenes from movies that might help explain to the GOP where they really are and how their actions are sealing their fate.
Just as Republicans insisted that the 2012 polls were all wrong and Mitt Romney would win by a landslide, Republicans today are blindly and overwhelmingly confident that the Democrats and Obama will bend to their will and the country will see them as heroes...and they'll be just as right as they were on Romney.
Ted Cruz and Miley Cyrus do make quite a pair and suggest the perfect name for their duo act, "Jerking and Twerking".
The polls on the ACA are misleading. Many Americans have been impacted in their opinion of the term "Obamacare" but when you look at the numbers, a majority supports all that it provides and many want it to go even farther.
Boehner may be counting on the pressure from the public and the business community to push his party back from the edge but he is now standing with the extremists in his party like a battered wife.
thinking Republicans are under the same kind of "tyranny of the minority" as Democrats are in the Senate by Republicans. That small but big-enough contingent of Tea Partiers in The House are in a position to block any bill including the CR that will keep government working.