"Reality poses a threat to Russia and its future so purely as a matter of self-defense, I have ordered Russian troops to move to the border of Reality and stand ready to use force to defend our country," Putin declared.
It is hard to decide what is more horrible, that a major news network would rally for a mass shooting of law enforcement officers and citizens or that Right Wingers were literally giddy at the opportunity to "begin the revolution" by wanting to kill police in order to steal land and violate laws.
Just last November, pundits were saying that Obamacare's troubled rollout doomed it to failure and Chris Christie was so nationally popular, he was the odds on favorite to win the GOP Presidential primary and perhaps the White House.
"Me know women get less pay for same job but speaking for all women as man, what feel worse to women is everyone knowing it. So me decree, on behalf of women, no one talk about it anymore." Problem solved!
Perhaps the only science Murdoch truly believes in is the calculation of tv ratings and advertising rates.
Putin's game plan has been clear, using Russia's renewed oil revenues and supplies to support and control those countries that undermine stability for the rest of the world to create a space for Russia to wedge itself back in as the most powerful and threatening force among nations.
They combine all of their supermarket shopping needs for the week into one large list so they can save time and money to put towards taking away the 99%'s time and money.
Those who have propagated bigotry and hatred for profit like Rush Limbaugh and Fox News have so saturated society with it, that people who join that horrible chorus feel that they are just doing the normal thing.
The question to be asked of Republicans about the poor, aside from, "How can you be such complete assholes?!" is, "Really, there are well paying jobs out there just waiting for the poor to apply but the poor won't because they're way too comfy being poor? Name those specific jobs."
There was a crooked man, and he blocked a crooked mile,
He found a crooked fallguy within a crooked pile;
He bought a crooked guise which hid a crooked louse,
And he lied like a carpet in his little crooked house.