Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders debate tonight and PlanetPOV will be hosting a live chat to accompany it. The debate and our live chat begin at 6:00pm PST!
Now that the MSM's "build up" of Biden and "knockdown" of Hillary stories have evaporated, they have resorted to another familiar agenda, going back to the "build up" of Hillary as the inevitable winner of the Democratic Primary.
DNC, don't chase after Trump voters. Instead, use the Field of Dreams approach, "If you build it, they will come."
This could be the night Marco Rubio is knocked out of the GOP Primary, Kasich may win his first (and possibly only) primary and Donald Trump could become the only Republican with a mathematically viable path towards winning the GOP nom. Post your thoughts, observations and predictions on the night's results!
Finally! After a two month break from debates, the top ten candidates for president in the Democratic Party gather in Houston to debate. And all of them on the same stage on the same night so it could be very...
Like a heroin addict desperately shooting up whatever he can find to get high again, the MSM has mainlined the story of Huma Abedin finally divorcing her emotionally deranged husband, former congressman Anthony Weiner as being all about Hillary.
Up until now, though there has been a degree of polarization between Hillary and Bernie supporters, a majority of Bernie supporters appear to be okay with voting for Hillary if she is the eventual nominee. However, just as Hillary alienated many Obama supporters in the 2008 primary by trying to smear him with Reverend Wright/unAmericanism and other falsehoods, Hillary's and her SuperPAC's attempt to improve her polling in this way may have the opposite effect.