I'm a big James Bradley fan. The author of Flags of our Fathers and Flyboys hooked me with the first book, a loving examination...
I could not believe how many pick-up trucks in the school parking lot were sporting a Johnny Reb bumper tag that read, “Hell, no! We Ain’t Fergettin.’” It was here, in 1960’s Mississippi, that I learned the Civil War was not quite over.
As free market capitalists, Republicans have a primary allegience to this very American system and we will always do all we can to protect it from the serious threats it faces from criticism that's not baseless, regulations that protect people over profits and the tyranny of majority rule over our political system.
Much of what I’ve learned about politics I learned in the duck pond. Sounds strange, I know, but keep reading.
So it’s a normal day...
Censorship? Surely there are few things more revealing of a reactionary mindset, some would hasten to assure me. Why, censorship can be identified with all the cruelest dictatorships, the most oppressive regimes, the most hardcore religious fundamentalists, etc. This is indeed true.
WARNING: This post is rated SSA for Serious Snark Alert. Its content may not be suitable for those of a right-wing persuasion or even...
It has been two weeks now since Japan was hit by its worst crisis in over sixty years. Though eastern and northern Honshu are...
As nations, corporations, and media outlets go to war, you can now play along at home!
After a frustrating day of watching Republican ‘termites’ boring incessantly into the heart-wood of America, I amuse myself by chasing our country’s national symbol...