From Talking Points Memo:
Specter: Republicans Plotted Early To Stop Bipartisanship, Beat Obama In 2012
During his appearance yesterday on Fox News Sunday, Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) appeared to give out some...
From Think Progress:
Gingrich: Republicans ‘Will Run On An Absolute Pledge To Repeal This Bill’
Yesterday, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) refused to acknowledge that Republicans would campaign in future elections on...
The outcome of the 2010 midterms will be a referendum on the current health care reform legislation. The economy is showing signs of making a solid comeback, and so...
This morning my partner's mom came to our room to ask me about something. She told me that my would-be brother-in-law just got an email that says the White...
From Talking Points Memo:
Tea Partiers' Next Target: American Business?
The end-all-regulation, my-health-insurance-company-is-just-fine-thanks crowd in the Tea Party movement have found an unlikely target for their next national effort: Corporate America.
From Think Progress:
Ugandan official on gays: ‘Killing them might not be helpful’; life imprisonment would be better.
Reuters reports that Uganda may “soften” its Anti-Homosexuality Bill, a draconian attempt to...
WASHINGTON DC -- On a cold Christmas Eve morning the United States Senate met for one last vote on H.R. 3590. With Vice President Joe Biden presiding the voting...
Talking Points Memo has just put out this sobering article:
Fragile Health Care Agreement Fraying? Whispers, But Not Yet
Some Democrats are popping champagne and already writing campaign talking points for...
From Talking Points Memo:
Senate Votes Again And Just One Vote Left On Health Care
The Senate just cleared its next-to-last procedural hurdle before passing its version of the health care...
Congresswoman Louise Slaughter of New York's 28th congressional district wrote an op-ed for CNN on Wednesday that outlines why she feels it's time to kill the current health care...