
Proud progressive Vietnam Vet against WAR! Can't stomach chickenhawks.

Justice Is Not Always Fair

      If there were really such a thing as "justice" the bush administration would be in prison, the cop who killed Mike Brown would also be in prison, and Boehner...

My Wish For The New Year

May the world experience PEACE! May all people think about others and help those in need. I wish for love and peace to out pace and overrun war and discourse. I wish for cures for cancer and all the rest of deseases. Equality for women, and all minorities. That all people care about and love one another.The end of GREED!

Religion and Politics

Extremists of any religion are the downfall of their religion. Those extremists hurt people of their religion and others as well. For proof, you need look no further than the Muslim extremists killing indiscriminately which gives Islam a black eye or worse. Of course Christianity has those vile "Westboro Baptist" extremists. They don't like anyone. Seem to hate other religions and soldiers and just about everyone. There are examples of extremists in most all religions.

A Bit of History: Cuba and the USA

Cuba and the US have had a long history of adversarial relations. Yet we have diplomatic relations with Vietnam. Cuba didn't kill 50,000 Americans, but we have ostracized Cuba! Why? Why have we not done what President Obama has just done long ago?

Military Training is Good Training for Businesses Too

When the veterans who served their country are retired after 3 or more years of service, they are excellent possible employees for some business.

It’s Veterans Day Today – Please Remember Our Vets

Many veterans are injured either physically or emotionally or by some illness brought on by (in my case) Agent Orange. We all carry memories that we wish we never had to.

History, Is It Being Taught Anymore?

It is not only the college students who don't know history but many of our Congressmen/women and Governors (former half term comes to mind, you know she could see Russia from her back porch.).

Time For A Lighthearted Piece

Test yourself. Can you think of other words in our (not hour) language that either are spelled the same but mean something else? Or spelled differently but pronounced the same?

Science vs. The GOP

Safe to say more Americans have died from the flu in the past two weeks than from Ebola. Why are they not fear mongering about the flu?

What Are Athletes Actually Learning In UNC?

What kind of example is being set at colleges where athletes are given a degree without having to actually go to class and study and learn like the non athletes do?