KQµårk 死神

My PlanetPOV contact is kquark@planetpov.com Proud Dem whose favorite hobby is cat herding. The GOP is not a political party, it's a personality disorder. Cancer, Heart Failure and Bush Survivor.

A Healthcare Irony

One of the most interesting ironies within the healthcare debate is the most liberal healthcare solution, single payer healthcare, is the most fiscally responsible solution as well.  You can...

Cheney Says Torture Investigation “Offends The Hell Out Of Me”

Well Dick your lawless administration offended anyone in this nation that believes in the rule of law. Fucquis Chenem DiquatTM Former Vice President Dick Cheney, claimed president Obama was allowing Attorney...

Scientific Discoveries that Changed Our Perceptions of Reality

What does multi-dimensions look like?  (Calabi-Yau Model) There are scientific discoveries and then there are scientific discoveries that rock our reality. Some of the major scientific discoveries that changed...

Who’s Paying to Kill Healthcare Reform?

One of the GOP's most diabolical tricks is to dumb down any debate in effect making it's orthodox right wingers believe that any government system that a high school...

Senator Edward Kennedy the Liberal Lion of the Senate Dead at 77

BOSTON (Reuters) – U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy, a towering figure in the Democratic Party who took the helm of one of America's most fabled political families after two older...

Moment of Zen: Why the Hubble Makes Us Humble

The Hubble Telescope Deep Field surveys into the previously thought darkness of space opened our eyes to how expansive our universe really is. If the following video does...

Many Developments on the Bush Torture Front

The GAO released a long awaited report on CIA abuse of prisoners during the Bush years. It documents many things we know and many things we did not. "CIA...

Budget Reconciliation: If It was Good Enough for “Contract with America” It is Good Enough for Universal Healthcare Reform

Again we have another faux member of the Democratic coalition (Senator Joseph Lieberman, (I-Conn.)), today claiming Congress should not use budget reconciliation for universal healthcare reform. Well...

Revisionist History: Two Can Play at that Game

I previously had thought only conservatives revised history to fit the memes of the modern day but it seems like progressives are playing that game as well. We...

Reports on the Death of the Public Option are Greatly Exaggerated

This weekend President Obama and the Kathleen Sebelius underestimated the public's passion for the public option not only with progressives but with the mainstream public.  It was simply a...