

KevenSeven banned at Huff, time for HuffNo Fridays again

What more to say? Banned for protesting the bannishment of other posters. Adlib, you managed very well with your previous campaign of HuffNo Friday, waddaya say we do it again?

Is this really any sort of health care reform?

Seriously, I am having doubts that any of this has anything to do with resolving the nation’s health care issues. I see almost nothing that would substantively reduce the national...

Is any of this health care reform?

Seriously, I am having doubts that any of this has anything to do with resolving the nation's health care issues. I see almost nothing that would substantively reduce the national...

100 Sponsors for Anti-Czar Bill

Alright folks. We were on on the verge of a depression, barely missed total bank melt down, and must muddle through a few years of recovery before anything like full...

Hurricane Katrina Anniversary

Four years ago 1600 of our citizens were sacrified to prove a point: That government is the problem, not the answer. And how true that is.   When you hire reactionary assholes...

LaRouchies on the loose. Seig Heil!

If you did not know, the dining room table that Barney Frank refused to debate was a LaRouchie. LaRouchies are present all across the nation, including the town hall I...

Profiting from the delivery of health care is immoral

Profits are a reward for taking risks. How can it be that a company makes a 30% margin being the gate keeper between you and your doctor? Why should a...

What is John Bolton’s major malfunction?

I suppose the problem for John Bolton and the other NeoCon clowns is that Obama did not bomb N. Korea. The Rethugs demand a blood sacrifice. Seriously, Bolton compared the two...

Logic? Birthers?

There was a contest for the nomination of the Dem party. The other major player in that contest was Hillary Clinton. Some of you liked her, I did not. I think...

Is Holder Freaking Kidding Us?

Holder's trial balloon describes a course of inquiry worse than no investigation at all. While what little we know we know due to carefully leaked comments, the fact that the...