
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2314 POSTS

Vox Populi – 3-12-2010

FrankenPC : I'm lost. I try to think what it would take to get mainstream attention and I always fall back to accidental fame. Viral...

God’s Blog – 3-16-2010

I thought God might be pleased with the Texas education board putting him into their textbooks (he likes to try to stay ahead of Paris Hilton in popularity) but...

The IQs of Texas Are Upon You

Texas has just officially doomed generations of their children to ignorance and being oddities in their grasp of history and reality...because neither of those items supported the political views...

Site Maintenance Underway – Now Completed!

Just a head's up, we've had a few tech issues at the site lately. I'm working on it currently and it may disrupt usage at the site occasionally. Thanks for...

Vox Populi – 3-5-2010

AdLib is online. AdLib : Patsy - I was actually surprised that it wasn't already taken. Khirad : Excellent news on the URL. See you guys on the other...

Blogging and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

As the title alludes to, I believe that the most constructive path in blogging is Zen-like, IMO, it is best and most considerate to accept the opinions and blogging...

News Snacks

Just a few bite-size stories to nibble on today: Top home-school texts dismiss Darwin, evolution By DYLAN LOVAN Associated Press Writer LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- Two of the best-selling biology textbooks stack the...

Vox Populi AfterChat – 3-5-2010

The chat continues here...

Vox Populi – 2-26-2010

Chernynkaya : See you on the thread. AdLib : Cheers Patsy! PatsyT : Another Great Vox Populi Thanks all !! AdLib : Looks like we've reached the end...

Friday Music Thread – Oscar Edition

The 82nd Academy Awards will be presented this Sunday so in tribute, the theme of today's music thread is music from movies. That can be original soundtrack music or...