
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2314 POSTS

Beware of Greeks Blogging Gifts

We all know the story of the Trojan Horse. The Greeks cleverly concocted a plan to present to the Trojans, a valuable gift that in fact concealed those who...

The New PlanetPOV!!!

Marking  our one year anniversary and dedicated to all of our loyal members and readers, we are pleased to present to you, the new PlanetPOV website! In addition to...

A PlanetPOV Surprise on Monday!

A  surprise awaits you right here at PlanetPOV on Monday. Can't say much more or it wouldn't be a surprise! See you then!

Vox Populi – 10-15-2010

AdLib : My pleasure, night! Questinia : Nite, Adlib. Thanks for everything! AdLib : Will do! Questinia : Please smooch Hunter. Oh, please!!! AdLib : Sounds wonderful. I'll...

LIVE COVERAGE: Obama Speaks @ USC – 1PM

Watch live: President Obama is scheduled to speak today at approximately 1:00 pm at a Democratic rally from the front steps of the Doheny Memorial Library, the site of previous...

Vox Populi – 10-8-2010

javaz : or witches and warlocks javaz : my husband and I say that we are ONLY voting for withes! PatsyT : Good night Grand Pa AdLib : ...

Waiting for Bizarro Superman

Okay, an arsonist has set your house on fire. You drive up to see it burning and call 911. They say that the fire department is coming but it...

Vox Populi – 10-1-2010

PatsyT : «link» PatsyT : A better Link Khirad : Yes, night. And that reminds me to dig up some of those demotivational posters. I've lost...

EXCLUSIVE: Republican Tea Party Pledge – Secret Draft!

At great risk to their personal safety and careers, GOP insiders smuggled out an early draft of the Republican Tea Party's Pledge to America and have provided it exclusively...

Vox Populi – 9-24-2010

AdLib : Night Bito and thanks! bitohistory : Night, peace and thanks to everyone for their tthoughts. AdLib : And Bito, I'll leave you with this: Pelosi says...