AdLib : Bito - Sweet!!!
bito : "They just announced on Madison's Radio Station WTDY that they officially have enough signatures to Recall Hopper! #wiunion"
AdLib : Night...
Today's music thread is all about the singers, those with the most unique, powerful, moving and/or memorable voices. Who do you think of when you think of a singer?...
AdLib : Night!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night all.
AdLib : Then that's a wrap for tonight's edition of Vox Populi. Thanks so much everyone for another fantastic...
They say "Laughter is the best medicine" and right now a few smiles looks to be just what the doctor ordered. Join in and share your favorite comedic videos...
There are times when it's important to be there for a friend or express to those close to you, that you care about them. With thoughts of Kalima, WTS...
As landmark wedding anniversaries arise, the husbands' thoughts may turn nostalgically to the amount of hair they had in their wedding photos, the lovingly polished shotgun in the bride's...
The wealthy have been engaged in open class warfare against the American People for 30 years. The war is at a turning point and what could be lost may never be regained. It's time for us to step up to confront and defeat this very real threat to the American way of life and our democracy.