
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2307 POSTS

Weekend Music Thread – A Tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.

This weekend's theme is a tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. and the better world we live in today due to the principles and dedication of this great man.

Vox Populi – 1-13-2012

KQµårk 死神 : Take Care AdLib KQµårk 死神 : Yeah that fizzled out quick AdLib : Looks like time to call this edition of Vox Populi to a close. Have a...

Bernie Madoff: Defending Mitt Romney and Free Enterprise

Bernie.Madoff speaks out against the travesty of attacking Romney and Free Enterprise in the following piece...originally written on several rolls of toilet paper in prison.

2012 New Hampshire Primary Thread

Join us tonight in this thread for thoughts and commentary about tonight's impending results in New Hampshire and what they mean for these candidates as the primary moves forward.

A Quick Win For Romney May Damage Him Most

The swift nomination of Mitt Romney could light the fuse that blows up the GOP into a civil war and leave Romney ill prepared to compete and debate with Barack Obama. Could be worse...

LIVE BLOG – GOP Debate in NH – Sunday – 6:00 am PST

This sequel to last night's debate begins at 6:00am PST/9:00am EST on NBC. You're invited to join us here to live blog it. Here's hoping some of the candidates miss their morning cup of coffee and go off the rails.

LIVE BLOG: GOP Debate Tonight in NH – 6:00 pm PST

Though it may be Debate #361 in a series of 5,000, it should be entertaining since Romney is now in the potential position of eliminating all of his competition just as the race has gotten under way. Join us for the live blog!

Weekend Music Thread – Fly Me To The Moon

This weekend's music thread is about flying and the freedom and adventure it represents, songs that soar, winds that blow and that final frontier, space.

Vox Populi – 1-6-2012

AdLib : Great, see you then! KQµårk 死神 : I'll be around tomorrow night for the debate. AdLib : KQ - But the Senate has the right of consultation and approval...

How Mitt Romney Could Be Lockblocked

Romney will likely win NH by a healthy margin but if he can be denied in SC and FL, the meme would quickly turn from Romney as inevitable to Romney as collapsing.