The image of God that Gohmert portrays is that He's either Tinkerbell, who needs our constant applause to have the power to save us from all natural and man-made disasters or he is a petty, selfish teenager who lets people die as a way of getting even for not getting enough attention.
Romney's new campaign of "Going after Obama's biography" is code that's not that hard to break. Let's see...he's not American, he lived in Indonesia, his Father was Kenyan and Muslim, Reverend Wright led his church, he smoked pot as a teen and had an afro...where exactly is all of this leading? It's so bewildering!
AdLib : Sally, thanks for closing the VP bar with me again tonight! Sleep well and have a great weekend!
AdLib : Great to have you here, FC! It's about...
Some people might say that the Romney upside-down and backwards mindset on virtually everything is through-the-looking-glass thinking...and they'd be right!
This weekend, while much of the country bakes and those who believe in science tell Climate Change deniers, "It's not the heat, it's the stupidity," our music thread is about sending cool thoughts to our fellow Americans who are sweltering.
AdLib : BTW, thanks for reminding that it was Daniels in IN who sold off his state's highways to foreigners. Night!
funksands : 9 going on 22? Seen that! Have...
236 years ago today, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress...after defeating an amendment to name the new country, "Cool Dude Nation".
To hell with all the cautionary voices about spiking the football! I love the smell of spiked footballs in the morning, it smells like victory! Post your songs about celebration, happiness and feeling good!
AdLib : Bito, just skimmed that site, it's a wacko nobody. Sure, let's take our marching orders from this guy, his BS seems nasty!
MurphTheSurf3 : Bito....your last link....what a...