AdLib : Murph – Yep, pretty disgusting. But though we’ve been cautious about Obama winning in Nov, imagine what a big victory could mean across the board. If Romney sputters badly and Obama looks sure to win, Repub turnout will be depressed and Dems will be energized. Congress could become more Dem populated. x
MurphTheSurf3 : AL…HaH! Now to win back the House and strengthen the Senate and then we go after the state governments….d id you see what Brownback did in Kansas with the help of Koch money? x
AdLib : Murph – Or is it Obama holding the football for ROmney and Ryan to try and kick? x
AdLib : Thanks to all for quite an enjoyable Vox Pop tonight! Looking forward to seeing Ryan confirmed tomorrow as Romney’s VP. I know we’ll have a lot to chat about next Friday so see you then! x
MurphTheSurf3 : Wishing you all a good night and Snoopy Dance dreams featuring DC’s newest match made in heaven: Mitt and Paul in the Presidential Tango! I wonder which one has the rose clenched in his teeth? x
AdLib : Night KQ! Have a great weekend, pal! x
KQµårk æ»ç¥ž : I’m out too have a good weekend all. x
AdLib : Murph, have a great weekend and I share your props to the Brits on a great Olympics (despite Romney’s predictions)! x
AdLib : Murph – Agreed, a more mother-influence d man like Romney would definitely be the type who looks for a stronger woman as a wife to be his surrogate “mom”. I would bet she holds greater sway in the household than he does. x
KQµårk æ»ç¥ž : I actually heard it second hand from tweets so don’t I don’t have details. x
choicelady : Murph dear – a very good night to you, fellow Brit at heart, and sweet dreams. I will have AdLib send info to you. Be well! x
AdLib : KQ – What did NBC say? That the calls are a poor reflection on Romney as having a spine as President? x
choicelady : Murph – I’m not so sure about the Bishops. Oddly,as conservative as they are, they are institutionally grounded and not inclined to yield to the mere NARasites. Their sense of universal authority and institutional superiority makes their “going over to the other side” highly unlikely. But they ARE stupid enough to take IN NAR people such as Paul Schenck etc. who are changing the peoplein the pews – and that is a serious risk to Bishop authority down the road. But the conference of biships has roundly condemned Ryan, so I’m thinking this is not even about the church – it’s about the GOP base of extremist faux Christians. x
AdLib : Murph – Yep, Romney will prove himself to be The White Ass Prophecy come to life and maybe some fervent Mormons will sneak a cup of coffee to wake up from their bad dream. x
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL….before saying good night, and saluting the serendipity of sharing the VP pick-over with you, the Planets being aligned…I want to salute the Brits for doing a great job on the Olympics. I am a Brit at heart and am very proud of my adopted country for its genial good nature and steady organization that appears to have carried it off despite the shortage of cash. So…Hip, Hip…Hoorah! x
KQµårk æ»ç¥ž : God Ryan is being announced in front of the USS Wisconsin. Remember when Obama gave a speech in front of a few fake columns? x
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…agreed. x
choicelady : Murph – I don’t think Ann wears the balls, but she is the tough, fiesty, dutiful wife who defends hearth and home with claws out. I do think Romney sets the standards – but he married well and raised his kids great so they all do his bidding and protect him at every turn. Someday I suspect we will hear about Romney what we learned about Reagan – the REAL story. x
AdLib : Murph – As you know, I think Romney is a pompous idiot so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s thinking that he can win the Presidency through lies and cheating and talking the public out of their need to see his returns. He no doubt is also considering what happens if he loses and he doesn’t want his returns out there when he goes back to lying and cheating in the hedge fund world. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…your reading is mine as well….of course there are bishops who fit that description as well…not a majority by any means but I wonder if the attraction to the money the GOP controls might bring others over to his side. x
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…methinks Ann may wear the balls in that family. x
KQµårk æ»ç¥ž : That’s what NBC said AdLib. x
choicelady : Murph – oddly, despite the fact that Ryan is nominally Catholic, he has pissed off even the BISHOPS with his draconian plans. The Bishops are disgusted with him – across the boards, universally. What fascinates me is that the play I think is actually for Dominionists who now have a “catholic wing” in those who’ve infiltrated the Catholic church but who are REALLY part of the New Apostolic Reformation that is trying to destroy the church. Ryan is right on board with them as was Santorum. So no – it’s not Catholics they are courting; it is the extremist fundamentalist Dominionists: the talibangelists, the Teavangelicals. It is a deeply scary phenomenon, but it may well backfire because of how much Ryan has pissed off his own denomination. x
AdLib : KQ – Really? Mitt’s sons called Portman and Pawlenty? As you say, outsourced those calls? Any question what a castrato president Romney would be? x
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….If romney does not release his returns the many charges now circulating about the IRS amnesty, his real wealth being far greater, many more off shore accounts, zero or near zero tax bills, donations to organizations during his moderate days that the right would hate, and so much more will stick…..but better to let it stick without hiim providing the evidence that nails it down as well…yeah. x
AdLib : FC – Nope, this VP pick couldn’t be better news for us and Obama. I mean, the issue of the economy, upon which Romney intended to attack Obama, is now attached to the Ryan budget as an issue. Romney can’t attack Obama on jobs without Obama attacking Romney on killing SS and Medicare! A huge blunder by Romney but he’s in a corner, he lost the Summer which no challenger to an incumbent President with 8.3% unemployment should do! And think how offensive the GOP convention will be now! Indies will be running away from Repubs in droves! x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL Just drawing the logical conclusion. x
choicelady : Murph – LOL!!! Does this mean Romney single handedly has absolutely destroyed a major religion all by himself???? The White Horse is now the White Ass??? Love it! x
AdLib : Murph – Obama, Reid and the Dems already know as we do that Romney will never release his 2009 returns because he paid zero or near-zero income taxes. He will never show them and this respponse is logical and smart. Whatever his intention, I think Romney will try to play “good elitist cop” to Ryan’s “bad cop” but Romney will stumble in that role because he is a terrible actor who can’t relate to being “good”. x
choicelady : Murph dear, yes I do, and I love you right back. That was just toooo funny! Made me laugh, and that’s been a rare thing lately. Thank you! x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…how do you read the Ryan choice from your “religious” perspective…is this a grab for Catholic support? x
foodchain : OK, I’m laying my fingers down. Off the keyboard, up the stairs. Thank you all. x
choicelady : KQ – Romney has absolutely NO core values other than making as much money as he can. I guess he seems to care about his family – though it looks as if he’s play acting most of the time – but who knows. That he made others call the losing candidates for him – typical. That’s the kind of president he’d be – someone ELSE would have to do the work, take the blame, do the shit, and Romney’d be around for photo ops, period. x
MurphTheSurf3 : SO..Is the White Horse Prophecy now the White Ass Prophecy? x
AdLib : KQ – Thanks for the props on the Hail Mormon pass! That’s sure what it looks like, as credible as magical underwear. x
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ- Mitt did not make those calls himself….snive ling little toad…..and those are my kinder thoughts! x
foodchain : Ha!!! The image of Ryan on Mitt’s car is making my dream machine tonight. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….you know I luv ya….and luv is always gifting with joy. x
KQµårk æ»ç¥ž : And again Romney showed the sniveling wimp he really is. He actually outsourced his calls to Portman and T-Paw to his son Tag. x
choicelady : Murph – uhhhhh, thanks. I think. x
AdLib : FC – I completely agree! Mitt has just put his candidacy in a Paul Ryan kennel on top of his car and it is going to fly off while he’s on his way to DC. x
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….only the best for you, my dear! x
foodchain : Ad, could we have hoped for more! x
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….your rationale covers my thesis pretty well as well. The Hail Mormon pass will have the effect of driving the House and Senate races too…giving up without seeming to give up…I expect to see a very scripted Romney….with promises that his tax returns will not become public info? x
AdLib : FC – Yep, they will be going locally as well but with Ryan as VP pick, watch the senior citizen vote tip surprisingly for Obama…and those coat tails could be huge in winning Senate and House seats! x