
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2315 POSTS

EXCLUSIVE: Sneak Peak at Mitt Romney’s Speech Tonight at the RNC

Thanks to the crack team at PlanetPOV temporarily laying off the crack and doing some investigative work for a change, we are able to bring to you this exclusive advance draft of the speech Mitt Romney will give tonight.

Republican Support for Natural Disasters

Hurricane Isaac reminds Americans to consider whether America should be a country that comes to the rescue when people are in trouble or if America should be an Ayn Rand utopia where the rule is survival of the wealthiest and those who suffer are on their own.

Weekend Music Thread – Back to School

Summer vacation's over, it's back to school time so this weekend's music theme is about school. Whether it's a song about school, being young or songs you remember from your school days, music class is starting right now.

Vox Populi – 8-24-2012

AdLib : Thanks Sally! I'll get the bowls of peanuts! SallyT : Night Murph. I'll get the lights, AdLib. AdLib : Night Murph! MurphTheSurf3 : Good night. AdLib : Murph - Very Interesting....

The Mitt Romney School of Comedy

Inspired by Spinal Tap, The Office, Borat and Curb Your Enthusiasm, Mitt Romney is actually a brilliant satirist using the spotlight of the Presidential election to play the realistic-seeming role of a clueless wealthy goofball who's always saying the wrong thing and humiliating himself.

Women and the GOP Men That Hate Them

The Republicans' simultaneous War On Women and campaigning for their vote is a bit like going on a date, being insulted and demeaned throughout it then being asked, "So, you want to get married?"

Weekend Music Thread – At the Zoo

Whether you were a fan of The Monkees, The Animals or The Boomtown Rats, songs by groups named after animals or about animals are welcome to join this weekend's musical menagerie.

Vox Populi – 8-17-2012

choicelady : Well friends, slightly early this evening, we bid you all a good night. Rest well and enjoy the weekend! choicelady : Hmm - last post did not post....

How Republicans Are Trying to Sell Dying Younger to Voters

Today's GOP is the equivalent of a 1960's Madison Avenue ad agency aggressively promoting the benefits of cigarette smoking, fully knowing that if they're successful, millions will suffer and die but only caring about making the wealthy people they work for, wealthier.

Saving Privatizing Ryan…As A Last Desperate Resort

The choice of Paul Ryan is a clear and unambiguous statement that the Romney campaign knows they are losing in a big way and needed to make a Hail Mormon pass to have even a miniscule chance of winning.