It it the MSM's responsibility to the public to fill up time before a media event with a repetitive regurgitation of hyperbole and supposition instead of wasting the public's time on reporting on something that is actually happening that day.
Perhaps it's the spectacle of Mitt Romney giving the nation Kamikaze lessons or the rising polls favoring Obama but there's a great feeling in the air. So this week's theme is about emotions, good or bad, happy or sad, share the songs that are about emotions or inspire emotions in you.
AdLib : Seeya!
SallyT : Love ya! See you later!
AdLib : Truer words were never spoken!
SallyT :
SallyT : Let's hope so! Have a good night and chuckle in your...
Look at the ongoing polling numbers in the swing states, most of which have consistently favored Obama and ask yourself, do these numbers really reflect a race that, as we keep being told, could go either way?
As a tribute to the Mitt Romney campaign for the Presidency, this weekend's music theme is about coming and going, arriving and leaving, beginnings and insulting 47% of the population of a nation...or as it can also be described...endings.
AdLib : Just the reverse here, things didn't grow well in our garden, too short a Spring? DOn't know but very disappointed. Night to you too!
SallyT : Goodnight, Adlib.
You're invited to a gallery opening for PlanetPOV's parody artwork. Inside are a selection of graphics created by and for folks here at PlanetPOV, poking fun at Mitt Romney and others on the Right Wing. Enjoy!
The hottest recorded year for the US continues and the high temperatures around the world, especially politically speaking, continue so it's a good time for everyone to just chillax a bit.