
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2315 POSTS

Obama Won’t Let Me Keep My Crappy Health Care

If I wanted better coverage and benefits, do you think I would have been paying for an individual health insurance plan in the first place?

Vox Populi – 10-25-2013

  AdLib : Onto your Cosmic Treadmill! Night! MurphTheSurf3 : This could go on so time to make like the Flash and dart away. AdLib : MM had so many powers, he...

GOP House to Hold Hearings on Why They Still Control the House

Darrell Issa protested GOP control of the House, "This is unAmerican and anti-democratic, I should not be in charge of this oversight committee and I will use all the power I have as chairman to prove that I shouldn't be in charge!"

The Chicken Little Syndrome – Why Some On the Left Root For Their Own Failure

Aside from inspiring most reasonable people to want to slap them silly with a live, wriggling salmon, these Depressocrats need to be called out for their negative contributions to society.

Vox Populi – 10-18-2013

  AdLib : Thanks pal and back at ya! Have a great weekend! MurphTheSurf3 : Ad least HP gets the benefit of your counsel on occasion. Well good...

Tea Party Republicans Fit The Mayo Clinic’s Description of Sociopaths

There's no reasoning with a sociopath. They are devoid of the ability to empathize or reason. They are purely focused on self-satisfaction and the sad thing about Tea Partiers is that their satisfaction comes from the acting out the pain and fear they carry inside against those they have deemed as deserving targets. Or more accurately, deserving victims.

Breaking the Back of the Baggers

Governing based on hatred and spite is not sustainable in a democracy...especially when that hatred is aimed at the majority of voters.

“A-Sot’s Fables” By John Boehner: “The Cowardly Fireman”

No one ever discovered The Cowardly Fireman's secret because whenever something scared him, he would cry and the other firemen would just think that seeing houses burn down just made him too sad to help them put out the fires.

Vox Populi – 10-11-2013

  PatsyT : My kids see right thru this garbage. the other day they had Joe Madison on the Rev Al show and they were talking about how Obamacare...

The GOP Blows Up Real Good! Chat Live About it Tonight on Vox Populi!

The Republican Party is crashing and burning, giving up their attempt at extortion and they have opened the door to losing the House in's been quite a week, so much to talk about tonight on Vox Populi!