
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2316 POSTS

Weekend Music Thread – Where in the World?

Have your passport and cameras ready, we're taking a trip! This weekend's theme is about the world, all the different cities and countries, the unique places and people that are our fellow passengers as we ride this Planet round and round (including states and cities in the U.S. of course).

Vox Populi – 5-16-2014

  choicelady : Ok everyone - the party is closing down, the evening is drawing nigh. Hope everyone has a very fine weekend, and that you will be able to...

Ted Cruz Claims That Arithmetic is a Hoax

ADLIB: If I said 2 plus 2 equals 4, isn't that the only correct answer? CRUZ: I can list the names of a number of Republican economists who would disagree with you.

Vox Populi – 5-9-2014

AdLib : I agree, Beatlex. I think Repubs hold the House but not a lot of gains and Dems keep The Senate. Beatlex : AdLib,the maddening thing is...

Republicans Commit to Using New Language: Benghazian

Priebus ecplained, "We enlisted the best Republican minds to create a new language that would better respect and represent those in our party. When that failed, we asked the Koch Brothers to pay $10 million to Frank Luntz who quickly turned out the framework for this new language we've come to call, 'Benghazian'. "

Vox Populi – 5-2-2014

AdLib : Night Murph! MurphTheSurf3 : Time for me to call it a night. Early mornings now. AdLib : Sleep well, pal! SmotPoker : OK. Thanks AdLib. We'll...

The Best Friday Night Chat On The Planet – Join Us Tonight at 7:00pm PDT for Vox Populi!

So much happened this week, from Donald Sterling being slam dunked to Jeb Bush trying to elbow Chris Christie out of the GOP Presidential nomination. The Ukraine strikes back against The Putin Empire and Republicans snorted up another imaginary line of Benghazi Meth. Join us tonight to discuss it all on Vox Populi!

Donald Sterling and Cliven Bundy Start Racist “League of Their Own”

Some possible team names that have been floated by Donald Sterling and Cliven Bundy for their new racist basketball league include, "The Charleston Chattel", "The Houston Butlers" and "The Tennessee Involuntaries".

Vox Populi – 4-25-2014

AdLib : My daughter's in that general ballpark, I know what you mean. Sleep well, pal! Feel better, looking forward to your update when you're up to it! SmotPoker...

Favorite Comedies of Well Known Republicans

Cliven Bundy: "My favorite comedy? Don't know if this counts but I went to a movie last years thinkin' it was a comedy but I was the only one laughin'. Think it was called 'Twelve Years a Slave'."