
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2310 POSTS

Weekend Music Thread – Springtime

It's Spring, a time for growth and renewal...unless you're a Republican. then it's a time for criticizing the growth of plants as slower than it would have been if a Republican was President.

Vox Populi – 4-6-2012

AdLib : Sleep well! SallyT : Nite nite! SallyT : It's the pagan in me! AdLib : Thanks Sally, you too! AdLib : Sally - Aw, homework on Easter Weekend! You're strict! SallyT :...

He Doesn’t Wish He Could Be a Real Boy – Romnocchio!

Romney has often demonstrated that he has more in common with firewood than fired workers, all that remains to confirm suspicions is for a woodpecker to perch on his block shaped head and begin pecking away.

GOP to Pass Voting Rights Act for Corporations

Referencing the suffrage movement in the 1920's and civil rights supporters in the 1960's, top Republican leaders are nearing a vote in the House of Representatives to pass a law that would give corporations the right of other citizens, to vote in elections.

Weekend Music Thread – Try a Little Tenderness

This week's theme is about staying on the path of compassion and caring and not letting the hostility of others act as a detour from one's humanity.

Vox Populi – 3-30-2012

SallyT : Night, AdLib. AdLib : Well, you've piqued my interest now so I'm going to watch it now, courtesy of my faithful Tivo. Have a great evening Sally, see...

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s “Caskets R Us!”

In his slippery slope argument against the ACA, Justice Alito simply asks us to consider all the people who've been bankrupted and have lost their homes having to pay for their own sudden burial and the ongoing costs of remaining dead.

Weekend Music Thread – True Blues

Time to cheer up your weekend with a set of the blues. Old or new, share your favorite blues songs and artists, sunglasses are optional.

Vox Populi – 3-23-2012

AdLib : Cheers Murph! MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib saw your final note and agree AdLib : Murph - Sad but true though as that Citibank memo revealed, the one thing the 1%...

If GOP Candidates Were Toys

We are now told that Mitt Romney is an Etch-a-Sketch. Wonder what other toys and games he and the rest of the GOP Candidates are?