Welcome folks to another Weekend Music Thread! Since we’ve recently been discussing the animals in the world around us, I thought a music thread about animals would fit nicely.
It is surprising to realize the vast amount of songs human beings have written about the world’s critters, both great and small, cute and cuddly, and awesomely powerful. Pick your favorite “animal songs,” by your favorite artists and have some fun this weekend. Enjoy 😉
Since you start off with horses, here is one as well from my favorite. Although it may be the worst song he has ever done. Even this remix is horrible.
Not sure if this was posted, but it should have been since it covers many animals
I just like the snake! (yeah, that’s it, the “snake”) 😉
The Lion Song https://youtu.be/U7_qCgwtsPU
Probably my all time favorite. I think that show was for the grown-ups too. Some pretty funny cold war stuff going on.
Get Smart was hilarious KT!
Oh yeah, one of Mel Brooks’s best. I loved the “Cone of Silence.” And the shoe phone.
Excellent choice!! Hope you don’t mind my descent into childhood… ;=}
Actually, no. I used to love some of those. Top Cat and George of the Jungle were my favorites. Songs are songs! 😉
The creators were definitely on acid…
I actually think they were!
Free Bird-live in 75 Lynyrd Skynyrd https://youtu.be/hMHjjvLjtAM