The Republican Convention climaxes tonight with Donald Trump’s acceptance speech…well, maybe “collapses” is more appropriate than “climaxes”.
As the Mainstream Media has telegraphed, they are anxious to pat him on the back and proclaim him a success as long as he half-way competently reads a speech from a teleprompter that’s written by professional speechwriters.
Now that’s setting the bar high and showing how discerning and serious our media actually is…and the profit from trying to help stage a close race has absolutely nothing to do with that if course.
That aside, Trump will speak tonight, coached by professional Republican speech doctor, Phil Davison:
Will Trump touch all the racist bases (as seen in The KKK World Series), assure Russia they can invade wherever they want as long as Putin compliments his hair, support a constitutional amendment that requires all American women to wear low cut blouses and miniskirts or declare that we are in the midst of Armageddon with the Zombie Apocalypse coming and only he can save us and make us all billionaires? Only time will tell!
Please feel free to post your comments and thoughts about any aspect of the convention or your POV on Trump’s collection of insults, lies and rounds of Three Card Monte…er…his acceptance speech.
while I found it impossible to listen to this fool for more than a minute or two at a time, the short time I did listen all I heard was NOTHING. No policy, no reasonable attempts to help America, just rants about himself and how he will accomplish all in the first 100 hours or so. This man has no idea how our government works, he supposes he will magically appear and all manner of ills will just vanish in fear before his grandiose mutterings. Our country deserves so much better than an idiot like Trump, hope the republicans are proud of their choice cause the rest of us are not!!
This is what White privilege and White entitlement look like in the United States. No one who is not White and male could do any of what this man has done, said any of what this man has said, and be taken seriously to run the US government.
Anyone think Obama would have survived failed businesses, lawsuits alleging racial discrimination, three marriages, a wife who posed nude who he started dated while married to another wife, vitriolic (to be kind) rhetoric…?
My hope is that his defeat is staggering to the point that it forces the Racist Right to either learn to get along with others or at least to slink back under their rocks.
Me too James. I don’t want Hillary to just win, I want her to win in the biggest landslide in American political history. The republicans need to be shamed as much as possible.
They need to start realizing that as long as they keep trying to drag this country back to the 1950s, they’re going to keep losing elections.
We need really strong turnout in the mid-term elections as well.
Michael, I was appalled to see that David Duke brazenly announced today that he was running for the Senate. Even a few years ago, I don’t think this would have been considered a move that would have had the most remote chance of succeeding. Now — thanks to Trump’s tacitly giving the green light to hateful rhetoric — people like Duke feel emboldened. This is not good.
Like you, I hope the electorate sends a message to The Donald in November. “Build a wall around yourself, Mr. Trump.”
Brodie, I feel the same! Trump is wrong for America and the world. His hate and other “Christian values” are just the opposite of what America is about.
It wasn’t that long ago folks, in the scope of human history.
Fact-checking Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the 2016 RNC
The international press gives their opinion, starting with The Guardian.
‘I was looking at the next president of the United States’: writers’ verdicts on Trump’s speech
PPO, because I’m as humble as Trump, I’ll mention an article I wrote way back in 2011 about the GOP qualifying under the clinical definition of what a sociopath is and I think it of course applies to Trump as well:
After tonight and the truly senseless speech from the “emperor with no clothes”, RIP GOP.
Funeral March (Chopin
And here’s exclusive video of the GOP being hit with that reality:
FWIW, the initial reviews of Trump’s speech from non-Republican sources is that it was a very dark and angry speech, very long and tiring (many of the delegates sat down partway through it) and not expected to be well received by any but the Repub faithful.
I don’t expect Trump will get much of a bump after the convention and Hillary is positioned to get a big bump by being positive in comparison to this hatefest.
Well any media praising it are sick bastards too anyway unless as expected it’s from the KKK and the other haters websites.
I watched the circus clowns spewing their hate, fear, lies, and anything else to fire up what they called delegates. I can imagine those poorly informed followers at home were wetting themselves in joy.
The republicans have been following their WASPy Nixonian ideals and cannot understand America. They think they are the only citizens entitled to enjoy the American dream.
They’re in a state of panic as the demographics are changing, not in their favor.
It would be kind to say I understand their plight, but I haven’t felt kind for quite a while.
You hit the nail on the head. Many of them feel threatened by the growing number of non-whites in America. This scares then senseless, and Trump is taking full advantage of this. Many people say Trump is stupid, but that is far from the case. Trump is a con man, and a pretty damned good one, but he’s not good enough to con his way into the white house.
Hey, be kind anyway. It’s disarming.
fjb, very accurate. They say there’s nothing as dangerous as a wounded animal and that’s what the GOP and white racist voters have deteriorated into.
They are a wounded and bleeding beast that is dying and their angry howl is named Donald J. Trump. There is no escape for them, white supremacy is dying no matter how angry it makes them and they are too blinded by their hatred and desperation to accept that.
Too bad, the end is coming for them anyway and it will be accelerated by Trump’s decisive defeat.
Oh, it will be a glaring example of polar opposites. I have faith that there are actually more decent, mature sane people in this country, than what has been represented by the Trump supporters.
This is why I’m confident that come January, 2017, we’ll be saying, “Madam President!”
KT, the contrast will be enormous. The Dems will promote a positive vision and way forward, discuss all the good things and progress that has happened under Obama and acknowledge the problems in our society and economy that need to be fixed by giving specific solutions.
It will be an election of hatred vs. sanity and fortunately, there aren’t enough hateful white people to outweigh the rest of sane voters in America.
An hour of hate-filled, spiteful sound bites The USA is going full rogue on the rest of the world and retiring behind its Yuuge Wall. The rest of you bastards can bugger off. Rather like a Gilbert & Sullivan manic comic opera – full of words and music but signifying NOTHING!
If there were a Golden Opportunity to highlight Drumpf’s sociopathy, this was it. Now, the Democrats need to come back calmly, coherently and devastatingly to destroy this asshole’s credibility and grasp on day to day realities.
PPO, I do think that in contrast to this nightmare of a fascist convention, the Dem Convention will look like an oasis for the sane.
No doubt in my mind, even without the contrast.
I’m glad he made his speech so long, it’s lost any positive value that he could have gotten out of it.
I think many undecided voters will be scared by how radical he is and how he has no specifics to accomplish the huge and many massive changes he claims he can “quickly” make.
Come on Ad, He’ll have all the best people, and he already has all the best words! Geez!
You left out, “Believe me!”
“History is watching us!” Is that Mr. History or Ms. History? He makes no sense!!!
Did he plagiarise “Mein Kampf?”
My thoughts to, Kalima! Next he’ll annex Baja California( well, it’s called California, isn’t it?) and march into Mehico.
I’m not watching but I imagined a swastika tattoo on his forehead that glowed brighter with each hate filled sentence. Europe has already had one Hitler. Never again.
His speech will inspire many new enemies around the world. He needs to be neutralised in November. Maybe neutered too.
It was a bit of a tip off when he started goosestepping around the stage.
😆 Sorry I missed that. Was there the “Sieg Heil!” salute at the end??
Yes and his salute with an outstretched arm was returned by all those in the audience.
And he will change Homeland Security to Fatherland Security.
😆 That’s Vaterland. However, trump is the slang for fart in the U.K. so it could be, “Fartaland Security.”
You can’t spell “Trump” without “rump”.
Well he certainly has a lot of “rump”. In his darkened entrance of the first day, I thought I had spotted the shadow of the White Cliffs of Dover.
He claims he just had the same intent as the author but didn’t plagiarize.
OH, and did he say that he wrote it too? Wait a day and when the bad reviews come out, he will find a staff member to blame it on. Creep.
Just joking about his excuse for copying Mein Kampf.
But I’m sure he’ll take full credit for the speech since his base excitedly made nooses as they listened.
Read somewhere that he has “Mein Kampf” on his night table.
Sounds lovely, just like the toothless crones knitting in front of the guillotine.
I have read that he keeps, or kept a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand. I don’t know how true that is, but it sure would not surprise me.
This quote isn’t from Hitler’s best seller, but Hermann Goering. Republicans have using this tactic since 9/11, if not longer.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
– Hermann Goering
Now Trump claims he will “make America wealthy again” by having a trade war against China.
So, just by winning the election, no Americans die again, get older or suffer poverty.
And he wants to drop out of NATO.
And he’s promising all kinds of social programs and benefits while proposing massive tax cuts. Oh, and did I mention it will all “happen fast”?
I thought conservatives don’t want change. Trump wants to blow up nearly all policies and systems in America.
Hateful people don’t make good decisions.
Good luck with the China thing, mate! Where do most of the goods Americans consume come from? And, by the way, who exported all those jobs to China in the first place in the pursuit of profit and screwing American workers?
Trump has his ties made in China! And all kinds of products he’s involved in. He’s his own enemy, not surprising.
And he thinks people are paid too much who make minimum wage. His plan is to slash the income of Americans to compete with the 3rd World.
Here’s A Message I Got from the Daily Kos… captured my feelings/thoughts very well. I am sickened and angry. It is far worse than I thought it was going to be.
I AM DONE WITH THIS CRAP…..The Republican National Convention is only half over, but I’m done. I’m done with the blatant, unapologetic racism, sexism and homophobia. I’m done with pretending that this is a normal party convention, when there is nothing at all normal about a reality star running an openly authoritarian campaign for the presidency.
We need to beat these people—and not just Trump. We need to beat each and every one of these Republicans propping up this vile, extremist campaign.
I have turned off the convention. I will read about it but I am done watching it. I am done with the speakers. I am done with the audiences. I am done with the color commentary. I am done with the analysis (or rather the efforts to pretend that what is being sends requires analysis).
written yesterday….tuned in tonight to watch Trump, the Prince of Lies, pander to his audience and fabricate history …. the entire speech was leaked to a Clinton SuperPac (the first to get it)- they could not even protect that document….another example, in a week of examples of incompetence run amuck.
Murph, I actually think it’s good for people to watch Trump’s speech to envision how horrible this nation would become and what a bullshitting con man he is.
He says he can stop all terrorism, all violent crime, all illegal immigration, prejudice, poverty, etc., “Quickly!” No plans, no solutions, just magical words that on Inauguration Day, everything bad will stop.
How stupid are these Repubs to buy into this obvious liar and con man?
You’re not missing anything by not watching the speech, Murph. Basically his stump speech boiled down — with extra hate-sauce added.
It’s like a hate-stuffed crust Trumpizza.