This weekend’s music is all about your favorites. Post your favorite tunes, any genre, any sound any artist that you particularly enjoy.
This weekend is about kicking back and escaping the malaise of bad news, politics and the last breaths of winter. So post your faves and enjoy the sounds, and as always, don’t forget to smile while doing so. 🙂

This one is for my friend from Texas not heard from for a spell…
WHHHAAA???? Who’s the other Texas person here???? Nirek, dear VT buddy! I lubs ya mucho. Just busy tidying up down here. Wish I could come up to VT and sit down for that cuppa coffee with you…
BTW: Do you know the name of the Yellow Rose of Texas? And her history? Interesting tale…….likely fiction, but it is Texas and full of great storytellers (Larry McMurtry and others).
-AB (the non-legendary one)
Been a while AB. Good to see you are still around.
I always loved the song and my wife loves yellow roses.
Old enough to remember this?
Nirek – do you know that I STILL have my Davy Crockett outfit from this series and the time I was 3-4 years old? Do you know that for a two year span, my family HAD to call me Davy? (My true name was similar) And on the rare occasions that I would allow my mother to wash my beloved fringed outfit, she and my sister (older) would have to chase and corner me in the backyard, strip the clothes off of me (FINALLY) and wrap me in a towel, hand me a feather and tell me to play Indian until they dried???? True story. And even little as I was, I would pull up a bucket and stand on it on tiptoes to feel if’n my Davy wear was dry. I would then screech for momma to come and get them so’s I could dress proper.
AND Fess Parker WAS Davy Crockett in my mind. John Wayne made me puke.
Fond memories, AB
Indeed they are, I also have fond memories although mine stretch further back than yours.
Nirek – I am over 60 and VERY proud of it! In fact, as I am just beginning to see my very first few gray hairs, I made the decision to go “au natural”. I have earned every sag, wrinkle and gray that can be found on my person, and I’m damn proud of them. Beauty is found on the inside, not the outside.
Sigh. Wish I were in Northfield, having a cup with you! I fell in love with Aglaia and the Northfield Inn. Wish I was there!!
AB, it’s so good to see you here! I love your recollections of being Davy. Now I know where your Texas spunk comes from. ‘Cause you were tough enough to have “kilt you a bear, when you was only three”!
Frennie!!! You can call me Davy. I will answer to it to this day. One of the highlights of my adult life was spending a day with a woman named Cathy Crockett, a long distant relative of da man hisself. If’n you ever come see me, I will take you to Austin to the Capitol to see the humongous portrait of Davy that hangs in the rotunda. Sigh. Buckskin never went out of style in my mind….
Love and miss you. Send an email with all the latest gossip. I’m blowing and going like crazy – put myself into hyper activity mode because I was so sad my last boy did not make it back. But Christmas was full of little Afghan chirren – 6 of ’em to be exact, all coming to be with me because they did not want me to be sad….Did they want me to be exhausted?????
Take care, dearest Frennie. And beware – I’m tiara hungry…..
Frennie, I’m so sorry to hear that your laddie didn’t get to fulfill his dream just yet. But he’s young and there’s still time, no?
May 13 will be the one year anniversary of my “grand opening ceremony” and I’m thinking I might have to cook up some sort of major celebration of the fact that I’m still here to annoy the Planet and my dear supportive Planetary amigos.
Wanna join me? We can party in buckskins like it’s 1829!
In 1969 my company was tasked with bailing some Green Berets out of an ambush they were caught in.
Good evening, Nirek. I’m not only old enough to remember “The Ballad of Davy Crockett,” I remember the popular songs of World War II. I was 14 years too young to enlist when the U.S. entered the war, but 4 of my cousins — all who were eligible — served.
I didn’t know you are a vet and want to thank you for your service to our country. I like all the songs you’ve posted but have had a special feeling for Sgt. Sadler’s “Ballad of the Green Berets” from the moment I heard it when it was released.
And tough as Green Berets are, I’ll bet they were mighty glad your company was there to bail them out of the ambush.
Noman, thanks. Yup, I was drafted in 1967 when I was 21. Spent 1969 in Vietnam as an infantryman.
You’re very welcome, and it’s good to talk with you.
This one is good too…
May be my favorite by her…
Another by Crystal…
Check out the hair…
This is cool…
A fav…
One more for good measure…
Too good!