It’s not easy to tell a ten year old he can’t keep crashing the family car into neighbors’ homes but sometimes you have to be firm. Sorry Republicans, we had to put the keys to the filibuster on a high shelf out of your reach because you’re just not responsible enough to have them.
Of course they’re pouting now and throwing tantrums, what else would irresponsible children do when you take dangerous things away from them?
So, in an attempt to soothe their little nerves so they can take a nap with their binky firmly in place, here are a few lullabies that go out just to those little dickens!
Cry If You Want – The Who
It Ain’t Fair – Aretha Franklin & Duane Allman
I’m Sorry – Brenda Lee
It’s All Over Now – Rolling Stones
Ain’t It a Shame – Nirvana
Enough is enough!
Michael Jackson-Bad
Wonderful, AdLib!
And then there’s this classic:
Especially the line “You drove me — nearly drove me — out of my head, while you never shed a tear.” (They sure didn’t.)
Now they can cry us a river.