Today Morning Blog is four years old and I’ve enjoyed bringing the news, opinion pieces and human interest stories from all over the world to you almost every day, so with a heavy heart I have to inform you that I may not be able to bring it to you every day as before.
More than half of the stories I bring here and link to are asking for a subscription fee to be payed monthly, and although that is what I have had to do to keep bringing these daily updates to you, I don’t think that I am able to subscribe to all of them, so unfortunately I don’t know how much longer I can do this on a daily basis. I ask for your understanding on this issue and thank you for reading and commenting all these years. I will try my best to bring you the latest news when I can.
Good morning everyone.
I hope that when and if you have the time, MB will be the place where you will come to catch up with the latest international news from around the globe.
Every day I will bring you the latest international news stories, breaking news stories, opinion pieces and human interest stories, hoping that you will find something of interest in each morning’s update.
MB is open to all 24/7, and I’ll have my updates posted by 3 am PST and 6 am EST each morning. You can read or comment at any time during your day or night.
Please drop by anytime, you are always welcome here. Looking forward to meeting you in your mornings, afternoons and evenings. Enjoy.

In case of any confusion, i’m here with the new MB and updates on our Front Page until my moving help arrives to drop me into my MB widget. 😉
Good Morning Everyone!
On Thursday the 20th of November MB will be 5 years old, and to celebrate there will be a quiz question with the first three correct answers winning a MB mug in a colour of their choice. I use mine every day and would feel lost without it. so please pop in on the 20th and have a go at the question. You won’t regret it.
Have a good day wherever you may be. Take care, be safe, stay warm and comfy.
Sayonara from my cool corner of Tokyo. Mata ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Niigata nuclear disaster drill finds governor, state at odds over iodine pill distribution
Kansai Electric mulls operating two reactors beyond 40-year limit
I linked to a story about the huge profits they had raked in after upping their prices to consumers whose tax yen had bailed them out. These people are disgusting.
TEPCO to refrain from taking legal action over repayment of nuclear compensation
What U.S.-China climate deal means to the world
This crossing was one of the first things I experienced when I arrived in Tokyo. Apart from being the only light haired person crossing in a sea of black, the sheer number of people made me dizzy and was actually incredibly scary. Considering that many Japanese even without cell phones never look where they are going anyway, although only about 10 minutes from our home, I won’t be going there any time soon.
Japan’s smartphone ‘zombies’ wreak havoc on the streets
Circle of LOVE
Whose fault is that?
Life-saving Cancer Drug Fund medicines could be too costly to prescribe
Yet people want to vote for Ukip to spite the Tories without knowing the first darned thing about their reckless policies.
Nigel Farage caught on video suggesting the NHS should be run privately
Nearly half of academy trusts paid millions to ‘dubious’ contacts
NAO finds 43% of trusts paid public money towards private businesses of directors, trustees and relatives, worth estimated £71m
They feel shame? Really?
Shame in the City: £2.6bn fine leaves London’s reputation in tatters
Fracking won’t cut bills and ministers ‘oversold’ shale gas benefits, experts say
Ministers must “stop banking on this idea that shale is going to be plentiful and cheap”, Government-funded UK Energy Research Centre says
The right man for the jpb?
Juncker defends Luxembourg’s tax arrangements as legal
Head of the European Commission says he regrets if companies avoided paying taxes while he was prime minister of Luxembourg
Racial tensions in Rome: ‘Long live Il Duce’ chants as locals attack immigrant centre with rocks and petrol bombs
Catalan president facing prosecution after independence vote
Spain expected to charge regional leader Artur Mas with disobeying court order and misuse of government funds
Putin’s defense of Hitler pact should worry all
Ukraine ‘readies for combat’ as Russian troops enter the country
Fears of a full-blown conflict return as Nato confirms Moscow has poured columns of troops and military hardware across the border
What Climate Scientists Have To Say About Obama’s Deal With China
Biden leads Veterans Day events
US Vice-President Joe Biden has laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as part of Veterans Day remembrance events across the US.
Race to revive NSA surveillance curbs before Congress handover
Harry Reid, leader of the outgoing Democratic Senate majority, attempts to bring USA Freedom Act to a vote
Don’t govern on fantasies by E.J. Dionne
The Worst Voter Turnout in 72 Years
Apathy, anger and frustration at the negative tone of the campaigns resulted in the lowest percentage of voter participation since 1942.
New York’s Miserable Voter Turnout Isn’t an Accident
Incompetent Albany politicians like the system just the way it is.
America’s Race Problem Is “Pathetic, Self-Defeating Black Underclass”
Ben Stein: America’s Race Problem Is “Pathetic, Self-Defeating Black Underclass”
‘You filthy, abnormal animal’: graphic contents of anonymous letter sent by FBI to Martin Luther King
Civil rights leader was urged to kill himself over ‘sexual orgies’ with ‘evil playmates’
Ferguson authorities urge calm as anxiety mounts over pending grand jury decision
Region bracing for potential unrest if officer Darren Wilson is not indicted by a grand jury looking into the 9 August fatal shooting of Michael Brown
St Louis rapper turned activist Tef Poe releases shooting protest song ‘War Cry’
America’s on edge about the Ferguson grand jury decision
Fox News Melts Down Over The U.S.-China Climate Deal
Here we go.
False Robocalls That Wreaked Havoc On Chicago Elections Linked To GOP Activists
Race, to the Finish
Let’s review how we got to this point where African-Americans vote so overwhelmingly Democratic and are suspicious of Republican motives.
Right Wing Trolls Continue To Fail At Journalism – Obama Nominee NOT Involved in Whitewater
Right Wing Trolls Continue To Fail At Journalism
Texas Oil Regulator Says It Will Not Honor Town’s Vote To Ban Fracking
Protesters burn state congress over Mexico ‘massacre’
More than 500 masked students and members of the radical CETEG teachers union broke into the empty Guerrero state legislature and set fire to chamber
Good Lord!!
Brazilian police kill 11,000 people in five years
Study finds police kill an average of six people a day
US air strikes help halt Isil advance towards Kobane
American support aids Kurdish forces defending Syrian town of Kobane as over 750 Islamic State fighters are reported to have been killed in bombings
Syria war: Special coverage
Live coverage of the war in Syria – part of a two-day BBC special focusing on the conflict and its impact on the Middle East and beyond
Isis in Syria: In the shadow of death, a few thousand Christians remain to defy the militants
Syria war refugees’ key role in telling the story
‘Terror’ attack on Egypt naval boat leaves eight servicemen missing
Naval vessel has been set alight in an exchange of fire with assailants
Israel approves new Jerusalem settler homes
Israeli authorities give preliminary approval to build 200 illegal homes in east Jerusalem amid heightened tensions.
Israeli policeman arrested over death of Palestinian
Officer is suspected of using live fire to shoot teenager who away from stone-throwing demonstrators when he was killed
Mecca under threat: Outrage at plan to destroy the ‘birthplace’ of the Prophet Mohamed and replace it with a new palace and luxury malls
Ebola outbreak: MSF to start West Africa clinical trials
Shell ignored internal warnings over Nigeria oil spills, documents suggest
Documents filed at London high court suggest Shell didn’t act on advice to fix aged pipeline and underplayed magnitude of two spills in Nigeria in 2008
Russia to build Iran atomic reactors
Russia agrees to build up to eight nuclear reactors in Iran, as a deadline approaches for agreement in talks on curbing Iran’s nuclear programme.
Killing ‘Caliph Ibrahim’ Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi would not be the end of Isil
The ‘decapitation’ of terror groups damages them, but it is too much to hope that Isil will fade away if Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is really dead
India police detain sterilisation surgeon after 13 women die
As reports emerge rusty instruments were used during mass sterilisation of women in Chhattisgarh state, doctor is held for questioning
How ridiculous. Why don’t they just shout that they are happy to remain ignorant?
Pakistan schools denounce Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai with ‘I am not Malala’ day
Australia’s Coalition grip weakened by Pup infighting
And of course the Repubs are already speaking out against saving our planet.
Secret deal to tackle emissions ushers in a new era in the fight against global warming
Myanmar arrests point to ‘dangerous future’
Almost 200 farmers from five villages have been arrested since 2012 for protests over land confiscated by the military.
A tough cell: US to defend solitary confinement use before UN
Reports suggest over 80,000 prisoners in isolation at any time, but government insists punishment is not systematic
Wall Street landlords
Fault Lines investigates how Wall Street firms are returning to communities hardest-hit by the foreclosure crisis.
Indian sterilisation clinic full of cobwebs and dust
Banning begging in super-wealthy Norway
Critics of a street begging ban in a Norwegian town say it targets ethnic Roma, but defenders say it will lower crime.
The school that says Osama Bin Laden was a hero
#BBCTrending: Arnold Abbot, 90, vows to feed homeless despite arrest threat
The teenage soldiers of World War One
Spare me the selfie school of feminism: women always give up too much information
Every generation of women create ways to hate themselves and amplify their anxieties in public – and it’s time to stop
John Oliver’s best bits on Last Week Tonight
As the chat show says farewell to its first season, we choose its best moments, from doggy supreme court to a typical Thursday for Vladimir Putin
Mormon founder ‘had up to 40 wives’
The Mormon church says for the first time that its founder Joseph Smith took up to 40 wives, including a 14-year-old and others who were already married.
Bletchley Park codebreakers ‘dried their knickers on Hitler’s Enigma machine’
Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Balfour, 88, says that during night shifts at Bletchley the Enigma machine was the only warm thing to dry her smalls on
Armistice Day: Service personnel and veterans gather to remember the fallen
Pictures of the day: 12 November 2014
Day in pictures: 12 November 2014
Our selection of some of the best news photographs taken around the world during the past 24 hours.
Photo highlights of the day
The Guardian’s picture editors bring you a selection of the best photographs from around the world including Rosetta preparing to land and dismantling the poppies in London
Good day Kalima, two stories that are related. First, President Obama has made history when he got China to agree to cut their carbon output. This is a bigger deal than anyone knows because to get China to admit that climate change is real was thought to be harder than getting the GOP to admit it.
Second the Texas politician who refuses to follow what the voters want on “fracking”.
There are too many stories for me to comment on, but I enjoy all of them. Pictures are always worth thousands of words.
I look forward to MB’s 5 year birthday. It shows how much work you do.
Take care and get rest.
Thank you Nirek, and hope you will take part in the quiz on the 20th.
Peace to you and yours.
Kalima, I look forward to the 20th! I want a MB mug.
Well I look forward to that, Nirek, and I’m already thinking about a mug for someone who might not get the question right, but has been here each time I post my updates, just to show my sincere appreciation. Now I wonder who that could be??
Wow!! There’s a lot of news here, thanks again for all you do Kalima. Happy anniversary in advance, I’ll be here Thursday if I’m able. Take care, see you soon. 🙂
Hello monicaangela, and thank you for popping in. Look forward to seeing you for the MB mug quiz. Until then, take care and be well.
Good evening/morning, Kalima! I’m so looking forward to the 5th anniversary celebration for Morning Blog. It sounds like fun and it’s also a great chance to celebrate the way MB has kept us informed, inspired conversations and made us laugh for all these years.
Thanks so much for including the article on Juncker (I had misspelled his name) and the situation in Luxembourg. I had used the “fox guarding the hen house” analogy and I think it still fits. And anyone who says things like: “I’m not pro-business. I just believe in “tax harmonization,” makes me wary right off the bat. What does that even mean, anyway? 😉
A pretty sobering article on Putin and the comparison of his attitude toward eastern Europe to Stalin’s in the late 30’s. At least we have Angela Merkel in Germany rather than that other guy that Stalin dealt with.
So good to read that most climate scientists are feeling very positive about the deal that the Prez negotiated with China on pollution reduction. As long as they’re on board, I couldn’t care less what McTurtle has to say.
E. J. Dionne’s piece on shunning the prospect of governing on the basis of fantasies was a good one. Isn’t it bizarre that the internal debate in the GOP now is between the faction that feels it needs to “prove that it can govern” and the Tea Party wing that still wants to cling to the goal of consistently trying to make Obama (and government in general) look bad? When you consider what McConnell and Boehner consider “governing,” either alternative is equally bad.
Has Ben Stein had a stroke? It’s hard to figure out what he was even attempting to say in that mash of racist psychobabble. Does he think that there are no communities of poorly educated, white, violent, toothless meth addicts in the US? If so, I would say he’s lived an extremely sheltered existence.
I have to say I was really shocked to read about the Texas oil regulator who is declaring that she won’t honor the city of Denton’s vote to ban fracking. Aren’t the folks on the right supposed to be all about keeping government local and the sacredness of private property rights? Oh wait… I guess that only applies to cattle grazing…
Of course I guess I shouldn’t expect any consistency from the folks on the right when they can’t even tell one Loretta Lynch from another. I saw that the Breitbart site had the big “expose” article on this scandal and then, the following day, they printed a “correction.” (at the very end of the article on the bottom of the page): “This is not the same Loretta Lynch.” It reminded me of Gilda Radner saying: “Never mind.”
11,000 killings by Brazilian police in just 5 years? Shocking is the word for it. And 70% of them were black. Sigh…
Interesting article on the “selfie school of feminism.” As the author says, women have so often been their own harshest critics and have tended make many of their own vulnerabilities pubic. The question is — would it be better for women to do less of that? Or for men to do more? 😆
Last but not least — a fascinating look at the teen soldiers of WWI. I had no idea how many of them there were — from England alone! There was an amazing profile of one 16 year old lieutenant who had charge of 30 men. Incredible. Childhood did not last long in that era…sadly.
Hello kes.
Well my hope is that someone will walk away with a nice MB mug, I can’t imagine drinking my tea or coffee from anything else.
All the best.
I think that it’s quite embarrassing to have Juncker leading the show in Brussels, and as I asked, is he the best for that job? Well I certainly have my doubts about that now.
Russia is failing economically, and I wonder how long before they put the blame on Mr. Botox where it firmly belongs. The man is obviously losing his marbles and could prove to be more than just a regional menace. Europe is watching him like a hawk.
The ink wasn’t even dry on the deal with China before the GOP rumblings started. They are now so predictably monotonous in their opposition of the President that to hear nothing from them would seem very strange. So what they are actually saying is that they want to destroy the planet.
We all know how conservatives govern. They don’t govern, they destroy the structure of the working government until the supports are crumbling, and are very good at dismantling the economy so that only the rich stand to gain. That is their legacy the world over.
Ben Stein’s ramblings were obnoxious and groundless as well as rampant and racist. That anyone could say this out loud is beyond me.
I agree that far too many women feel the need to explain things about ourselves as if we didn’t go the extra mile, we wouldn’t be taken seriously. In this day and age I find this assumption absurd, and wish they would use that time to understand themselves more, even grow to like themselves, so they don’t constantly have to make excuses for who they are, what they do or why they do it.
It was sad to see the faces of those 14 year olds going off to war. For those who returned in one piece, their childhood was over in more ways than one.
Take care and have a peaceful day. See you soon, and as always, thanks for coming to read here.
Good Morning Everyone, well maybe not all that good. Hoping that most of you are over the puzzling and often outrageous results from Tuesday’s elections, and just to say that I’m still trying hard to pick up my jaw from the floor. Talk about the Twilight Zone. 😯
Have a good day wherever you may be. Take care, be safe, stay warm and comfy.
Sayonara from my rainy corner of Tokyo. Mata ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Spent fuel rods removed from No. 4 reactor building at Fukushima
Remember it was raised to 8% just this April.
To Hike Consumption The Tax Or Not
Typhoon Nuri nears Ogasawara, Izu chains; government vigilant against alleged Chinese poaching ships
Mayors of Hiroshima, Nagasaki protest against U.S plutonium tests
Wedding march
So is the awful man himself.
MPs: Failure of IDS’s Work Programme is a scandal
It sure is.
This Parliament is done. Time for a general election
Does anyone care who won PMQs today, asks Iain Martin
Million Masks March 2014: Thousands gather for anti-capitalist protest in London
Luxembourg tax files: how tiny state rubber-stamped tax avoidance on an industrial scale
Leaked documents show that one of the EU’s smallest states helped multinationals save millions in tax, to the detriment of its neighbours and allies
Finland warns Europe is ‘at the gates of a new cold war’ in wake of Russian military activity
Catalonia symbolic vote ‘to proceed’
The head of Spain’s Catalonia region, Artur Mas, vows to go ahead with an informal vote on independence on Sunday in defiance of a court ban.
Portugal escorts Russian ship away
A Portuguese navy ship escorts a Russian oceanic research vessel away from Portugal’s coastal economic zone amid new East-West tensions.
Anti-Putin activist found dead in Moscow home
Friend says actor Alexei Devotchenko was murdered but investigators say there was no sign of violence
Ukraine crisis deepens after rebel vote in east
Petro Poroshenko, the Ukrainian president, calls emergency meeting of the country’s security council after denouncing separatist election as a “farce”
Children dead in new Ukraine violence
Two teenagers were killed and four hurt while playing football at a school in eastern Ukraine, amid fears that a fragile ceasefire is falling apart.
After Election, Obama Vows to Work With, and Without, Congress
President Obama shook off an electoral drubbing and said he was eager to find common ground, but he also vowed to bypass Congress to change the immigration system.
How the Republicans took the Senate from the Democrats
As the GOP emerge victorious from the midterms, here’s a breakdown of how the key states voted
Negativity Wins the Senate
Republicans returned to the majority by campaigning on basically one thing: what they called the failure of President Obama.
Outside Groups With Deep Pockets Lift G.O.P.
The election was a pivotal moment for the “super PACs” and political nonprofit groups that helped the party defeat Democrats across the country.
Meet The Newest Wave Of Tea Party Congressmen
What We Can Learn From The Voting Totals Of Every Senator In The Next Congress
Inside The Democrats Godawful Midterm Election Wipeout by Michael Tomasky
Huh? Not to poison the well? Isn’t that what Repubs have been doing for 6 years straight?
McConnell warns Obama not to ‘poison the well’ after midterms rout
Republican leader challenges president to compromise with Congress after Democrats’ bruising defeat while Obama concedes electorate sent clear message
After the midterm massacre, Democratic blame game begins
Republicans successfully tamed their Tea Party fringe and ran against Obama, but some Democrats are ruing caution, negativity and misjudged campaign themes
Progressive ballot initiatives provide counter-current to Republican tide
Voters have approved measures on the minimum wage, marijuana, sentencing reform, gun control and fracking, and also decided on abortion policy
Mexicans protest for 43 missing after mayor caught
Demonstrators take to the streets to demand safe return of 43 missing students as a former mayor and his wife are arrested over their disappearance
No Canada visas for Ebola countries
Canada suspends visa applications from countries in the grip of the Ebola outbreak, in a move similar to a much-criticised Australian plan.
Lebanon’s Shia defiant in face of ISIL threat
Lebanese Shia mark Ashura amid increasing security threats and sectarian tensions.
Erdogan palace cost soars for Turks
A controversial new 1,000-room palace built for Turkey’s President Erdogan will cost about £385m ($615m) – nearly twice the previous estimate.
Egypt rights record under fire at UN
Egypt is strongly criticised by Western countries and right groups during a regular review of member states at the UN Human Rights Council.
Jerusalem sees new deadly car attack
A Palestinian driver rams a car into pedestrians in East Jerusalem, killing one person, hours after clashes at the city’s holiest site.
Israel accused of war crimes during campaign in Gaza
Amnesty International says Israel displayed ‘callous indifference’ in attacks on family homes during military campaign in Gaza–amnesty-international
Sudan bans observers from scene of alleged mass rape
UN and African Union representatives not allowed into western Dafur region where attacks on 200 women and girls reported
Ebola outbreak: UN ‘lacks resources’ to fight deadly virus
Pakistan ‘blasphemy’ deaths arrests
Pakistani police arrest at least 43 suspects in connection with Tuesday’s killing of a Christian couple accused of desecrating the Koran.
US army ‘loses’ military equipment worth $420 million in Afghanistan
Missing hardware includes sensitive weapons systems, encryption devices and vehicles, according to internal Pentagon investigation that highlights challenges of $7 billion Afghan withdrawal
Aung San Suu Kyi: Myanmar reform process ‘stalled’
Australia rejects asylum offer claim in riot death case
Islamic State: Diary of life in Mosul
In an exclusive series of diary instalments, residents describe what life is like in the Iraqi city of Mosul since Islamic State militants took over in June.
East Germany’s trade in human beings
The book in every Iranian home
Scary stuff.
The man who killed his daughter’s rapist
The BBC’s Geeta Pandey pieces together the story of an Indian father hailed as a hero for torturing and killing the man who allegedly raped his 13-year-old daughter.
How Amelia’s Plane Was Found
Stunning Nasa image reveals surface of Saturn’s Titan moon
Pictures of the day: 5 November 2014
Day in pictures: 5 November 2014
Our selection of some of the best news photographs taken around the world during the past 24 hours.
Photo highlights of the day
The Guardian’s picture editors bring you a selection of the best photographs from around the world, including the results in the US midterms, farmers protesting in France and triplet pandas in China
Kalima, I believe that all the Democrats who distanced themselves from the President should have embraced him. They should have spoken about the good things he has done.
Have a good day. Peace.
Hello Nirek. I haven’t seen that much embracing or rejoicing from many Dems about his hard fought for accomplishments since he was sworn in in 2009, and have said so often here over the years. They have thoroughly disappointed me throughout his first term and the two years of his second. They should be ashamed of themselves because there has been so little support for all he has done or tried his best to do. Some of them should join the other Party because it’s hard to tell them apart.
They were elected to work for the people, and I’ve seen little of that. This election and the results were disgraceful. When you put re-election before the good of the country, you need to resign. Shame on them, how can the voters ever trust them to do the right thing again? They can’t.
I join you in disgust, Kalima.
Good evening/morning, Kalima! And greetings to you in Tokyo from here in the Twilight Zone.
The Twilight Zone could definitely use a Million Mask March right about now, but if people can’t even be bothered to get off the couch and vote, it’s hard to imagine that they could summon the energy to demonstrate the way the Mask Marchers did in London. Kudos to them for making their voices heard. Needless to say — there was no media coverage of this event here. At least none that I was aware of. No surprises there, no?
Speaking of corporate domination of… well, of just about everything…there was a story on PBS’s Nightly Business Report about the rise of Luxembourg as a tax shelter. (As if we needed another one — besides Ireland and the Caymans.) Apparently the latest development is that (I think his name is) Junkers, who’s currently running the show there also has close ties to the organizations who are supposed to be investigating all of this. Another fox guarding the hen house situation.
Anyone who believes that Alexei Devotchenko, out-spoken opponent of Vlad Putin, died a natural death please raise your hand… Exactly. Same here.
“Negativity Wins The Senate” — a good article in the NYT. Mitch is very straightforward about saying that the GOP’s agenda includes no increase in the minimum wage, no real regulation on carbon emissions, and the repeal of Obamacare. What were the voters of Kentucky thinking when they re-elected a man with plans like that? Rhetorical question. They weren’t thinking at all, and we all know it.
At least one publication explored the fact that this election was really all about dark money and the Koch influence on American politics. A topic that the TV “pudnuts” scrupulously avoided. The thing that amazes me is that buying all those billions of dollars worth of air time to push lies, sound bites and innuendos seems to have actually worked! People actually made serious voting decisions based on 30 second slickly produced ads and virtually nothing else — no research, no thought, no debates. Just television and radio ads. There’s no other way to put it: that is just plain stupid.
And stupid is what we got. As the article on the Tea Party said, we got people like Rep. Emmer — who has promised to veto anti-bullying legislation. And then there’s Rep, Comstock — the triple threat — who was a lobbyist for Koch Industries, Blackwater AND the private prison industry! And we have Rep. Grothman who feels that women don’t need to have equal pay for equal work because “money is more important to men.” Last but not least, there’s Rep. Hice, who’s so open minded that he believes women should be able to serve in Congress. As long as they have the permission of their husbands.
Ahh… Tomasky. So wonderful. He spoke truth when he said that he wasn’t going to bother with…
He’s right. They actually do believe that. And they believe that the Democratic Party is also the “girly party” (or at least the blue collar white males here in the midwest believe that). The Party of people who love welfare and hate work. Besides which — their fundie pastors are telling them that you can’t possibly call yourself a Christian and be a Democrat at the same time. Tomasky gets it.
On the topic of brain-washing — fascinating story about Gay Talese and his impressive journalism on the Manson clan. Especially the profile of the old farmer (Spahn) on whose land Manson and Company squatted. When it comes down to it, Spahn was very fortunate that he wasn’t also a victim. Their killing spree was so random, it could easily have gone in a different direction. The story was an amazing piece of writing though, by a very talented man.
Stay warm and cozy there in Tokyo. And thanks for helping us try to make sense of the 2014 elections here in the Twilight Zone!
Let’s try this again. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed. 🙂
Good Morning Everyone!
Hope that all who will be celebrating Halloween tomorrow and those with small children and grandchildren, will have a wonderful time. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Have a good day wherever you may be. Take care, be safe, stay warm and comfy.
Sayonara from my cool evening corner of Tokyo. Mata ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Ministerial scandals highlight inadequate controls on political funding
It should have been done decades ago.
Group tells Yasukuni Shrine to ditch convicted war criminals
Over 1,000 public schools don’t have anti-tsunami measures for school buildings
Little tramps
Let’s hope they remember this when they vote in 2015.
Britons fear rich-poor divide is harming society, poll finds
Almost half of people polled feel the UK has become less fair since the 2010 election
Drug policy: punitive laws are failing, says Home Office study
Home Office study finds no evidence that harsh sentencing curbs illegal use and documents success of Portugal’s decriminalisation
As to the first question about immigrants, it hardly surprising when the Tories make such a bloody fuss about it and embellish the numbers.
Muslims, immigration and teenage pregnancy: British people are ignorant about almost everything
This politics of denial over immigration is feeding a growing inhumanity
The cowardice and dishonesty of politicians means we now talk about people as if they were a virus
Roma complain of Czech school segregation
The EU warns the Czech Republic about school segregation, as many Roma children are still sent to special schools for slow learners, Rob Cameron reports from Prague.
Budapest autumn: hollowing out democracy on the edge of Europe
Rightwing prime minister Viktor Orbán is using his huge electoral majority to rewrite the rules, and not just for Hungary
Nato jets track ‘unusual’ Russian bomber sorties
Four groups of aircraft intercepted in past 24 hours – and similar incidents are running at three times the rate of 2013
Holder Adds Fuel to Debate Over Ferguson’s Police Department
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said Wednesday that there was a need for “wholesale change” in the town’s beleaguered police department.
David Axelrod just zeroed in on the most powerful attack against Chris Christie
Footage shows homeless black man Milton Hall being shot at 46 times by police in the US
The great Kansas tea party disaster
The secrets behind the midterms
Congressman either thinks Missouri is a Continent, or he’s offensive
BREAKING: Court Refuses To Intervene In Case of 40,000 Missing Voters In Georgia
Fact Checker
Republicans reach back six years to cite an out-of-date tax vote
America’s Ebola Epidemic Currently Consists Of One Person With Ebola
Syrian helicopter bombs aid camp, say residents
US condemns attack as “barbaric” as unverified footage emerges showing apparent aftermath of two barrel bombs in Idlib province
Besieged town of Kobani gets reinforcements in fight against Isis
More than 200 Iraqi peshmerga and Free Syrian Army soldiers carrying heavy weapons head for the town to join battle
Isis in Syria: A general reveals the lack of communication with the US – and his country’s awkward relationship with their allies-by-default–and-his-countrys-awkward-relationship-with-their-alliesbydefault-9826846.html
Egypt destroys homes for Gaza buffer
Egypt begins demolishing homes along its border with Gaza as part of a planned 500m buffer zone intended to prevent weapons smuggling.
Sounds about right to me, although considering it came from someone at the WH, there must have been more choice words to use to describe that awful man.
Benjamin Netanyahu is ‘a chickens**t prime minister’ and ‘coward’, says US official
Israeli MP proposes banning Islamic prayer call
New legislation by coalition partner could silence the muezzin’s call to prayer from mosques on the grounds of “noise pollution”
UN rebuke over Jerusalem settlements
Israel faces strong criticism at the UN Security Council over plans to build hundreds of homes in occupied East Jerusalem.
Tunisia election results: Nida Tunis wins most seats, sidelining Islamists
Secularists rule out unity government with Ennahda party after winning 85 seats and the right to form government
UAE is a leading player in Arab opposition to Isis in the Middle East
Emiratis, who have played a role in US-led attacks on Islamic State, are increasingly assertive in fightback against jihadism
Ebola cases ‘slowing in Liberia’
The WHO says Liberia, the country hardest hit in the Ebola outbreak, has seen a decline in infections, but warns the crisis is far from over.
‘A bit of a shock…’ Cambridge economist with Glasgow roots becomes Zambia’s acting President
Islamic State ‘kills 30 Sunni tribesmen’ in Iraq
Traumatised by ISIL, Yazidis seek help
The strong sense of community among Yazidis brings them through the trauma of war.
The hunt for India’s ‘black money’
The government submits 627 names to the Supreme Court in its search for undeclared foreign bank accounts.
Sri Lanka mudslide buries 100 people alive
Hopes were fading for 100 people believed to have been buried alive on a Sri Lankan tea plantation
Desperation grows among Pakistan’s displaced
Thousands fleeing army offensive against Taliban in North Waziristan find themselves without much hope in camps.
Abbot Point spoil dumping plan will not get impact study
Australians think Muslim population is nine times greater than it really is
International Ipsos Mori poll shows Australians are also wildly wrong in their estimations on teen pregnancy, immigrants and unemployment
North Korean officials ‘publicly executed for watching South Korean soap operas’
The Swiss children used as cheap farm labour
Thousands of people in Switzerland who were forced into child labour are demanding compensation for their stolen childhoods.
Malala Yousafzai donates prize money to rebuild schools in Gaza damaged by Israeli shelling
The Nobel Peace Prize laureate and teenage activist for girls’ education announces donation to United Nations of $50,000 after winning World Children’s Prize
Pencils and Bullets
Having the chance to attend school, two Turkmen girls in Afghanistan reveal their hopes and fears for the future.
Kobani – Kurdistan Female Fighters – YPG – ROJAVA
Jim Crow returns
Millions of minority votersthreatened by electoral purge
Quality of U.S. Hospices varies, patients left in dark
World’s richest man would take 220 years to spend his wealth
Number of billionaires on Earth has more than doubled since the financial crisis, according to a new report from Oxfam
Unexpected ways to wake up your brain
Tea or coffee is often the favoured brew for those who are tired and in need of a caffeine boost. But is this really the best way to make ourselves more alert?
Life Story with David Attenborough
Sir David Attenborough’s new series Life Story tells the remarkable and often perilous story of the journey through life.
Every animal on earth is in pursuit of nature’s greatest prize – the continuation of its own bloodline through its offspring. The odds may be stacked against any individual succeeding, but each is born with a relentless instinct to overcome the odds. An animal must triumph again and again, over every challenge, if its life is to culminate in success.
Life Story captures stories and unique behaviour from around the globe, from Australia and South East Asia to Africa and the USA, along with stunning landscapes and natural spectacles.
Under the sea: The weird and wonderful creatures from the bottom of the ocean
Pictures of the day: 29 October 2014
Day in pictures: 29 October
Photo highlights of the day
The Guardian’s picture editors bring you a selection of the best photographs from around the world including a rocket explosion, Halloween preparations and rescued dogs in Peru
“Election officials in 27 states, most of them Republicans, have launched a program that threatens a massive purge of voters from the rolls. Millions, especially black, Hispanic and Asian-American voters, are at risk. Already, tens of thousands have been removed in at least one battleground state, and the numbers are expected to climb, according to a six-month-long, nationwide investigation by Al Jazeera America.”
The electorate in the U.S. should be in the streets over this, it is a blatant disrespect for democracy and is causing our elections to become null and void. “Taxation without representation” is the cry heard throughout the country before. This time it should be “Not allowed to vote, you don’t owe any taxes.”
Hardly surprising but always an eye opener when the source of the investigation and reporting is a foreign news agency while your own msm ignore something as newsworthy as this over and over again. What they are doing is an abomination of everything your country is supposed to stand for. Disgraceful and unconstitutional.
Kalima, you can uncross your eyes now.
So many stories and photos I liked reading and viewing them all. Thanks for bringing so much information to us.
Test? 😯 Huh??
Can’t post my updates but this gets through?
Having problems, will try again in my morning. 🙁
Kalima, I understand computer glitches. I’ve overcome a few and am still plagued by them.
No worries we’ll be back.
Hello Nirek, I’m back and thank you for your patience. It’s 5 am here so I’m going back to sleep.
Good luck Kalima, hope your computer problems clear up soon.
Thanks monicaangela, but it wasn’t my computer.
Take care.
Kalima, please let me know what the details are on the issues you’re having, gotta get those cleared up ASAP!
Thanks AdLib, you seem to have unblocked the obstruction. Cheers!
Now back to sleep. 🙂
Happy to hear all is well again Kalima. I hope you get the much deserved sleep you are about to try to get. 🙂
Good Morning Everyone, and welcome to another Sunday.
Have a good day wherever you may be. Take care, be safe, stay warm and comfy.
Sayonara from my evening corner of Tokyo. Mata ne.
Sunday’s Bits & Bobs
I hope that means they pay us back and give out those compensation checks.
Tepco projects ¥130 billion pretax profit for year¥130-billion-pretax-profit-for-year/#.VEyR1UuVsfE
Miyagi town protesters block gov’t survey of proposed radioactively contaminated waste site
Japan’s power failure: Bid to forge national grid stumbles
Remains of Japanese war dead arrive in Tokyo from Pacific island battleground
Why Israel loses no sleep over Islamic State
Halloween fun
Millions face years on the breadline: Britain has more long-term low-paid workers than ever
The Observer view on corporation tax
Eliminating avoidance by multinationals is vital for the good of society
Friends: The One Where Dave Cheers Up
In our political sitcom, Dave finds reasons to be cheerful at the end of a beastly week
Angela Merkel opposes Cameron EU renegotiation plan
German chancellor ‘will not tamper’ with principle of free movement of workers, which PM seems to want to alter
Don’t tell Vladimir the price of crude oil is falling
BP is issuing caveats about results as oil keeps getting cheaper. If it stays cheap, the consequences could be far-reaching
Ukraine war hero fights election from Russian psychiatric ward
Ukraine’s first female combat helicopter pilot is running for parliament despite being held in a secure psychiatric unit in Russia
Barack Obama ‘not at all concerned’ about hugging cured Ebola patient – video
American Way: Republicans beware, midterms are not always a sign of things to come
Whatever happens on November 4 could have huge ramifications, even if they aren’t obvious at first blush
The Blackwater trial: A shameful case exposes a murky world
The Police Are Still Out of Control
I should know.
Why is BC talking trash.
Toxic Partisanship? Bill Clinton Says He Had It Worse, Yet Got Things Done
The former president argues that the personal attacks were even harsher when he was in the White House, raising the question of whether a bitter atmosphere should be an excuse for political gridlock.
Time to send for the guys in the white coats! 😯
Senate Candidate Claims Harry Reid Is Conspiring To Let Obama Run The Country Unilaterally
Chile marches against education bill
Tens of thousands of parents in Chile march against the government’s planned education bill which would phase out subsidised schools.
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani
Doctor in besieged Syrian town reports arrival of patients with blisters, burning eyes and breathing difficulties after explosion
Isis threatens to kill British jihadis wanting to come home
‘At least 30’ Britons seek to flee Islamic State as it is revealed that a fourth young Muslim from Portsmouth has died in Syria
Isis exploits tribal fault lines to control its territory
As the jihadi group sends new recruits to face air strikes, its leaders plant ever deeper roots in areas it occupies
Life in Aleppo’s ruins: ‘We’ve had enough of dying, sitting at home, having no fun. We want to dance’
After three years of war, power blackouts, shelling within its ruins and with nearly two million people displaced, the resilience of those left in the Syrian city shines through
Lebanese army battles gunmen in historic Tripoli market
Tunisia holds first election under new constitution
Egypt imposes state of emergency in Sinai after bomb kills 30 soldiers
Authorities crack down after suspected jihadist car bomb killed scores of Egyptian soldiers at a checkpoint in Sinai
US urges probe after teenager shot dead in West Bank
WHO: Ebola outbreak cases pass 10,000
UN agency says virus killed 4,922 people and is now also threatening Ivory Coast’s border area with Guinea and Liberia.
Iran and the West: on the brink of a choice to trust again
Amnesty condemns ‘bloody stain on human rights record’ as Iran hangs 26-year-old woman
Reyhaneh Jabbari is 967th person to be executed since Hassan Rouhani became Iran’s president in August last year
Kurdish and Iraqi government forces make gains against Isis insurgents
Coalition air strikes enable Kurds to recapture Zumar, while Iraqi army and Shia militias take strategic ground near Baghdad
Pakistan’s bewildering array of militants
Over the years Pakistan’s insurgents have spawned a bewildering array of splinter groups and factions. The BBC’s M Ilyas Khan takes a look.
South Korea residents try to stop balloon launch to North
Afghan children helped to hear for first time
The hearing impaired have lived in a world of their own, but a new initiative gives them chance to rejoin society.
How A South Dakota County Is Suppressing The Native American Vote
Do Black People Have Equal Gun Rights?
Why African-Americans and the National Rifle Association should be allies.
Beaten, trapped, abused and underpaid – migrant domestic workers in the UAE
Human Rights Watch urges UAE to protect workers by ending kafala visa system after report exposes shocking exploitation
‘I am not a virus’
The movement against being stigmatized for having Ebola has now spread to chat apps.
Ebola crisis: My son’s survival saved me
A Liberian worker for the medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) tells how he lost most of his family to Ebola, but his son’s survival kept him going.
“We are not amused!”
Queen Victoria’s majestic knickers are knocked down for £6,000
10 things we didn’t know last week
Walk on the Wild Side’s bass line cost £17, and other nuggets
Animal photos of the week: 24 October 2014
The week in pictures: 24 October 2014
Week in pictures: 18-24 October 2014
A selection of the best news photographs from around the world, taken over the past week.
The 20 photographs of the week
The continuing crisis on the Turkish-Syrian border, the sentencing of Oscar Pistorius, the attack on Canada’s parliament – the best photography in news, culture and sport from around the world this week
Good day to you Kalima, so much going on around the world. I liked the pic of the kids dressed up for Halloween in Japan. I always wondered if other countries did it. Now I know.
Thanks for all your hard work bringing these important stories to us.
Have a peaceful week.
Good night/morning, Kalima! A wonderful collection of articles this Sunday. But before I say anything about them, I have to mention my favorites from the last mid-week collection: a.) the video of the little kids having dinner at Daniel’s elegant NYC restaurant. (They were really pretty well-behaved and open-minded!) b.) The awesome article in the Japan Times about why young people are drawn to groups like ISIS and c.) the Tomasky article about dark money in American politics. All well worth a look.
I have to say that I was reminded of the American mega-banks after the 2008 crash here in the US, when I saw the story about the 130 billion yen profits of TepCo in Japan this past year. The US banks are making record profits too. Meanwhile the ordinary citizen suffers — either through a disrupted personal life, a huge loss of financial reserves and/or health consequences. We all know the saying: “No good deed goes unpunished.” Here are examples of bad deeds that never go unrewarded, it seems.
A depressing article about the current number of low-paying, dead-end jobs in Britain. This is about as close to legalized slavery as the Tories have been able (legally) to get. So far. You have to wonder if they recognize that this level of hopelessness and frustration is bound to lead to social unrest sooner or later. If they don’t, they may find themselves on a steep learning curve in the near future.
If folks have time to read only one article from today’s MB, I would strongly recommend the one by Frank Serpico. He’s so eloquent on the level of corruption and brutality in today’s police forces — which he says is easily as bad as (if not worse than) the situation he encountered in the 1970s. At 78, he hasn’t lost a bit of his ethical edge and his courage. Viva Serpico!
I really don’t understand Bill Clinton. At all. What — right at this juncture — is the point of getting into a presidential misery contest with the sitting President? Is there a prize to be won here? I think it’s safe to say that both he and the President have been/are on the receiving end of some hideous behavior and treatment by the GOP and its minions. Maybe we should be talking about that — rather than which of them has (or had) it worse.
On lighter (or, actually weightier, when you consider the size of the item in question) topics — we have Queen Victoria’s underwear. Which sold at auction for a pretty impressive price. I think she might have beat out Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus in the pricey underwear department. Can you imagine — in that extremely reserved Victorian era — what her reaction would have been had she been informed that her dainties would be on the auction block some decades down the road? I think your headline summed it up: “We are not amused.” 🙁
Hello kes, sorry about the delay, I faded rather quickly last night.
Your favourites are my favourites too.
Loved the honesty of the kids about the food, and their facial expressions when they tried something like the caviar. Priceless. The Tomasky article, the one by Frank Serpico and the Japan Times one about the reason young people join IS, we’re a treat to read and post.
Let’s see how this conservative government deals with TEPCO’s profits. Abe’s popularity is already down to 46%.
I found BC’s moaning immature considering that he is a white man. The claim long ago that he was “the first black president” was absurd, and he opened the door, so no Bill, you have no idea what it is like to be a black man in the WH and suffer the almost 6 years of obstruction and blatant racism, so do us all a favour and STFU.
The Tories are winning at what they have always been good at; making more people poor. It’s their one great achievement in every government they have led. If the voters can’t see that, they must be either stupid or dead. Voting for Ukip to spite the Tories is like voting for a similar party that has even more crazies, Far Right nuts, and plenty of foot-in-mouth racists. Good luck with that you fools.
About Cameron.
“Jogger in PM security alert had ‘no idea’ what happened”
Queen Victoria’s knickers? Who on earth would pay that much for them anyway? As a private person, she would have been rightfully appalled.
Quite nippy here this morning, and I have no complaints. What I do find annoying is the recent start of construction at the top of our side street. They are digging the foundations right now and the house shakes constantly. Yesterday after it shook a lot and I checked, we had had an earthquake. Not knowing the difference between construction wobbles and an actual quake can be quite disconcerting. My poor heart. 🙁
Thanks for popping by to read, and even more for taking the time to comment.
Take care and see you soon.
Good Morning Everyone.
Sorry about the Sunday updates, there weren’t enough hours in my afternoon to put all the stories in order ready to post.
Have a good day wherever you may be. Take care, be safe, stay warm and comfy.
Sayonara from my cool evening corner of Tokyo. Mata ne.
Our Moment of Zen.
This Video Of Second Graders Being Treated To A $220 Seven-Course Tasting Menu Is Utterly Delightful
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Ex-PM Koizumi raps Abe’s aim to revive nuclear power
Work begins toward dismantling building cover at Fukushima plant
Prosecutors set to rule on Fukushima indictments against TEPCO execs
Fukushima film shows reality sinking in for ‘nuclear refugees’
Joining Islamic State is about sex and aggression, not religion
Follow the leader
He is such a deplorable, ignorant arsehole!
Thousands with degenerative conditions classified as ‘fit to work in future’ – despite no possibility of improvement–despite-no-possibility-of-improvement-9811910.html
Nasty Little Nigel!
Nigel Farage needs a Polish rightwinger in his Euro group because money talks
Robert Iwaszkiewicz helps Ukip’s European parliamentary group qualify for funding, so any indiscretions are forgotten
Wind farms outstrip nuclear power
The UK’s wind farms generated more power than its nuclear power stations on Tuesday, the National Grid says.
Ebola: WHO emergency team holds talks on travel curbs
Nine injured as migrants rush Spanish border fence in north Africa
Spain says this year 2,000 migrants have made it across the border separating enclave of Melilla from Morocco
Oil slump leaves Russia even weaker than decaying Soviet Union
Russia had the chance at the end of the Cold War to build a modern, diversified economy, with the enthusiastic help of the West. That chance has been squandered
Isn’t it time to build a better fence? WTF??
Man apprehended after jumping White House fence in latest security breach
Video shows secret service agents surrounding the man on the north lawn at presidential building in Washington
UN officials ‘shocked’ by Detroit’s mass water shutoffs
Monkey Cage
The tea party’s anti-Washington consensus
How Insurers Are Trying To Get Around Obamacare And Avoid Covering Sick Patients
Meet the one Democrat who is not running from Obama
Blackwater security guards convicted over Iraqi deaths
Jury in Washington finds one private security guard guilty of first-degree murder and three others guilty of voluntary manslaughter over 2007 shootings.
Cheap Solar Power Just Became An Employee Benefit For More Than 100,000 People
Scientists Just Discovered How To Determine If Water Contamination Comes From Fracking
‘Mayor ordered police attack on missing students’ in Mexico, according to attorney general
Proesecutor alleges that Jose Luis Abarca sent police into action to prevent students disrupting an event at which his wife was presenting a report
Ottawa shooting: Terror strikes Canada’s capital as attacks leave one soldier and one suspect dead in gunfight
Syria conflict: ‘200 air force strikes’ in 36 hours
Isis releases first video showing the stoning of woman accused of committing adultery as her father shouts ‘don’t call me Dad’
US military admits cache of weapons dropped into Syria landed in Islamic State hands
Officials say they had no reason to doubt authenticity of video posted online showing masked gunman displaying crates full of grenades and rockets
Kobane explained: What’s so special about it?
Syrian town grabs all the headlines in fight against ISIL – but does it really matter?
In Egypt, an authoritarian regime holds sway again
Egypt is commandeering every resource to establish control over the country – with more to come
Jerusalem car ‘attack’ kills baby at rail station
Israel is changing, and suddenly Binyamin Netanyahu looks vulnerable
In August he appeared untouchable, but cracks are showing in the prime minister’s rightwing coalition. Can he reinvent himself?
Anger as Israeli settlers buy Arab property
Palestinian Authority president toughens laws against Palestinians selling land or homes to Israeli settlers.
UN chief plans Gaza conflict inquiry
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says he is setting up an inquiry into attacks on UN facilities during Israel’s recent offensive in the Gaza Strip.
In Pictures: Pressing Olives in Ramallah
Ebola death toll rises to almost 4,900
Red Cross says epidemic can be contained in West Africa within four months if all necessary steps are taken.
Ebola serum for Africa ‘in weeks’
Treatments to tackle the Ebola outbreak in West Africa should become available in the coming weeks and months, says the World Health Organization.
Iranians protest over acid attacks against women
Thousands stage demonstration in Isfahan after women are targeted for wearing clothes deemed inappropriate by hardliners
Iraqis react to Blackwater verdict: ‘I’m surprised they were convicted at all’
Sense of justice served mingles with anger and surprise in Iraqis’ reactions to conviction of guards in Nissour Square incident
Iraqi Kurds to send forces to Syria’s Kobane
Kurdish authorities agree to send Peshmerga fighters to northern Syrian town to fight ISIL after Turkey allows passage.
War with Isis: US and Iraq draw up a plan for ground force attack on Islamist militants
Afghan opium cultivation hits record high, fueling Taliban insurgency
Will coal exports kill the Great Barrier Reef?
Increasing coal exports will boost Australia’s economy but as the BBC’s Jon Donnison reports, this could cause irreversible damage to the Greet Barrier Reef.
China ‘executed 2,400 people in 2013’ – three times the rest of the world combined–three-times-the-rest-of-the-world-combined-9810981.html
Hong Kong protesters march on Government House as public support rises
A new poll shows that 62 per cent of Hong Kong’s youth back the pro-democracy campaign
Six officials ‘disappear’ in latest Pyongyang purges
Reports that Kim Jong-un is linked to disappearance of senior members of the North Korean government and military
Ethiopia, 30 years after the famine
Three decades after images that shocked the world, country has become darling of the global development community – and the scourge of the human rights lobby
Who are the Kurds?
Inside Geneva’s nuclear bunker turned homeless shelter – in pictures
Reinforced doors, metal bunks and hot food – with nuclear winter an unlikely prospect, Geneva’s fallout shelters have thrown open their doors to welcome the homeless
Ebola crisis: My son’s survival saved me
A Liberian worker for the medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) tells how he lost most of his family to Ebola, but his son’s survival kept him going.
Pakistan’s ‘miracle’ doctor inspired by NHS
The BBC’s Shahzeb Jillani meets a Pakistani doctor, who – inspired by Britain’s National Health Service – has been a driving force behind Karachi’s hospital treating millions of patients for free.
Reeva Steenkamp was a victim of male violence. That is the real story
When coverage of Steenkamp’s death, at the hands of a famous athlete, ducks the male violence question, what hope for the less newsworthy women killed each year by men?
How Facebook is wrecking political news
Nelson Bunker Hunt dead: Former world’s richest man dies in ‘modest circumstances’ in US after losing his fortune
Found: two long-lost comedies featuring Monty Pythons
‘Long-lost’ comedy episodes showing the beginning of Monty Python’s most famous catchphrases discovered in David Frost’s collection
Sheep munch through £4,000 of cannabis plants dumped in their field
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014
Pictures of the day: 22 October 2014
Day in pictures: 22 October
Photo highlights of the day
The Guardian’s picture editors bring you a selection of the best photographs from around the world, including migrants scaling a border fence on Spain’s border with Morocco, children going back to school in Baghdad and a bird’s eye view of Paris
Wow!!!! That breather on Sunday really gave you the opportunity to dig in with both hands and maybe even a foot or two to search out the important news of the day. You have covered just about every topic I wanted to read about and some that I should know about but haven’t had an opportunity to get enough information to be able to carry on a decent conversation about, thank you for helping me be better prepared when it comes to discussing the news.
I love your articles on Japan, much of this information is not discussed in the MSM in the U.S., well maybe I should say is not discussed in as much detail as I find here. Thanks for all you do. I have a really busy day today, but I will be back later to finish enjoying this wonderful array of news and human interest stories. Enjoy your Evening/Morning/Day!!!! See you soon. 🙂
Thanks, monicaangela, I can think of no greater praise than hearing that I’ve posted something of interest. Yes, I had a few stories saved from last week, so it’s good to know that they are worth reading. Hope you get a chance later to enjoy them.
Take care and see you soon.
Hi Kalima, my heart goes out to the people who are displaced by the nuclear meltdowns. They lost everything and will never be able to return for any length of time and recover any of their property.
Coal damaging the Great Barrier Reef ?? Another reason to use solar and other renewable energy instead of fossil fuels.
As always, thanks for the information. Take care, be well, and have a peaceful life.
Hello Nirek. It is a sad statement that after 3 years and 7 months, there are still thousands of families living in temporary housing, reconstruction is too slow or delayed, and people’s lives are still up in the air. I personally find the government shameful for pushing to restart reactors while people are still suffering from the last nuclear disaster.
I’m working hard on the “getting well” part, and thank you for your kind words.
Take care, and peace to you and yours.
Good Morning Everyone.
We are now typhoonless and experiencing a sharp drop in temperatures, especially in the evenings. Consequently, still wearing my summer clothes, I’ve got the sniffles since this morning. When this clears up, I can finally enjoy autumn after 5 months of heat.
Have a good day wherever you may be. Take care, be safe, stay warm and comfy.
Sayonara from my afternoon corner of Tokyo. Mata ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Niigata governor says it’s too soon for reactor restarts
Trial of Japan reporter for ‘defamation’ in S. Korea to begin Nov. 13
New facility in Saitama gives nuclear evacuees from Fukushima town a sense of community
SDF jets scrambled 533 times in last 6 months to counter rising Russian incursions
Robot caregiver
Bloody idiot!!
Disabled pay row minister apologises
Welfare minister Lord Freud apologises for “foolish and offensive” remarks about how much workers with disabilities should be paid amid calls for him to resign.
Who in hell is running these trusts?
Mistakes cost NHS up to £2.5bn a year, says health secretary Jeremy Hunt
Minister to tell NHS hospital trust bosses that unprecedented financial challenge is no reason not to improve safety
Russell Brand’s revolution or a meaningless two-party system? Politics should be about more than this
The Scottish referendum and rise of Ukip has shown that engagement is high and small parties can thrive, but still the political class wants things to stay the same
John Lydon on Russell Brand’s call for revolution: ‘The most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard’ – video
At yacht parties in Cannes, councils have been selling our homes from under us
Dutch bikers join fight against Islamic State in Iraq
Election gains for Hungary far right
The far-right Jobbik party in Hungary makes gains in local elections dominated by Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s ruling nationalist Fidesz.
US health officials allowed nurse who treated Ebola patient on plane with slight fever
In their latest Ebola blunder US health officials told nurse Amber Vinson she could get on a flight despite having a fever
Arkansas Supreme Court Strikes Down Voter ID Law, Saying It Exceeds State Constitution
The ruling came less than three weeks before an election in a state where there are several close contests this year, including for governor and the United States Senate.
Courting Corruption: The Auctioning of the Judicial System
The Absolute Weirdest Thing Ever To Happen At A Political Debate
Where on earth do they find these people?
Senate Candidate: Women Only Vote Democrat Because They Are Dependent On Government Benefits
Lone Star Crazy: How Right-Wing Extremists Took Over Texas
US-led airstrikes kill ‘hundreds’ of Islamic State fighters in Kobane
Coalition airstikes on Islamic State fighters in Kobane helping push militants back from key border town
Secret ‘white shroud’ guerrilla group killing Islamic State militants
The group says it is acting in response to the militants’ brutality and say they have killed more than 100 fighters in the last few months
Cairo rocked by bomb blast after Islamic militants sentenced to death
Twelve people injured in explosion in centre of city following sentencing of seven militants over killing of soldiers last year
Is Israel losing the support of its traditional allies? – video analysis
Saudi Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr ‘sentenced to death’
Ebola crisis: WHO says major outbreak in West ‘unlikely’
Ebola crisis: British Army medics due to arrive in Sierra Leone
Nearly 100 nurses, doctors and consultants are set to join 40 soldiers already in the west African country
Ebola in Sierra Leone: ‘we feel like a pariah nation’
Sluggish courtrooms, swamped clinics and parents forgoing food are becoming the norm as Ebola opens cracks in Sierra Leonean society
The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons
Exclusive video shows ISIL battle in Iraq
Footage shot in Salahuddin province shows how group has been able to take control of swaths of Iraq and Syria.
Avalanches in Nepal kill 25, including 9 foreigners
Blizzards in Mustang and Manang districts make 2014 one of the deadliest years on record for mountaineering in Nepal
Afghans living under shadow of Iranian guns
Iranian guards erect wall and continue to fire, forcing dozens of villagers in Nimroz province to flee border areas.
China blocks BBC website as Hong Kong tensions rise
Broadcaster defends move as ‘deliberate censorship’
Hong Kong protests: Crowds lay siege to police HQ and demand justice as anger grows over beating of pro-democracy demonstrator
North Korea and the Kim Jong-un rumour mill in 60 secs
Malaysia arrests 13 over ‘Islamic State links’
Looking Away
In fight against Islamophobia, websites seek to dispel warped portrayals
‘I feel I have no future’: Thousands orphaned by Ebola face stigma
Why Are Police Using Military-Grade Weapons in High Schools?
Mid-term Blues: Day Three – Rock ‘n’ roll and broken government
In pictures: Life in Chechnya
An exhibition of photographs by Davide Monteleone, winner of the fourth Carmignac Gestion Photojournalism Award, has opened in London.
The Italian’s project, Spasibo, documents life in the southern Russian republic of Chechnya, focusing on the social, political and economic situation.
Richest 1% of people own nearly half of global wealth, says report
Credit Suisse study shows inequality accelerating, with NGOs saying it shows economic recovery ‘skewed towards wealthy’
Libya’s government holed up in a 1970s hotel
Garry Winogrand retrospective in Paris
Pictures of the day: 15 October 2014
Day in pictures: 15 October
A selection of images from around the world taken over the past 24 hours.
Photo highlights of the day
The Guardian’s picture editors bring you a selection of the best photographs from around the world, including protests in Jerusalem’s Old City, voting in Mumbai and Mozambique, pottery ahead of Diwali and Batman on a skyscraper in Melbourne
Good night/morning, Kalima! I’m hoping that cold has left you by now and that you can actually enjoy those long-awaited cooler temps after a sticky Tokyo summer.
I got a kick out of the “robot caregiver” photo from Japan. It does look like a clever lifting and turning device. But I have a feeling it’s a long way from being a caregiver. It’ll need to learn how to make decisions on giving meds and listening to problems and getting that chicken soup into the proper end of the patient first, don’t you think?
And then there’s health care in Great Britain. I will never get over the way that the Tories think it’s cost-efficient to spend 2.5 billion pounds on repairing medical mistakes, rather than to invest in a bar-code scanning system for administering meds that would cost far less. And be much safer! They are the walking embodiment of the phrase “penny wise and pound foolish.”
I appreciate Russell Brand’s concern for the poor, but his vague calls for revolution and his advice that people not vote don’t seem to be grounded in reality. That great philosopher, Johnny Rotten, actually seems to be more gifted with common sense. 😉
Not so amusing is the Cannes conference on how to dispossess London citizens of their housing — even homes that they’ve lived in for decades. Seems that the wealthy have their eyes on some prime British real estate and they’re bound to get it — at discount rates — with the total cooperation of the Cameron government. Even if it means evicting people from their own homes and giving them a pittance as compensation. How is that not plain garden-variety robbery? I know I’ve asked it before but — why in the world do people vote for clods like this?
And speaking of the eternal “why?” What in the world was the CDC thinking when they told that Texas nurse that it was okay to fly on a commercial liner when she’d cared for an Ebola patient and was running a low-grade fever? This whole situation has been fraught with poor decisions — starting when the first patient was turned away from the emergency room on day one after having said he was from Liberia.
On a lighter note: I have to say that I am a fan of Chris Christie’s fan. Honestly, I’m beginning to wonder if this might now cost Scott the election. (I hope so.) What a completely idiotic thing to get his knickers in a knot over. He made himself look like a complete fool.
As did Jeff Bell when he stated that “women vote Democrat because they’re dependent on government welfare programs.” No, Jeff. No. The reason women don’t like you is that you’ve decided that even women who’ve been raped or are the victims of incest must not have access to abortion services. They must carry each and every pregnancy to term. That’s why women “vote Democrat,” Jeff.
In the Middle East — just when you think this ISIS fight is headed in a pretty bad direction, up comes a group like “White Shroud” to take up the battle. More power to them. Or at least, less to ISIS.
Good for Ban Ki-Moon for touring the heavily damaged areas of Palestine and reporting on the indescribable havoc that was wrought there. And good for Sweden and Britain for recognizing the State of Palestine. Israel is becoming increasingly isolated across the globe.
Stunning numbers in that Credit Suisse report on wealth, no? Imagine — 85 humans in the world own as much as the bottom 3,500,000,000 people! Incredible. I also read today that here in the US, the average wealth of a household is roughly $81,200. But the 400 individuals listed in Forbes as the wealthiest in the country have an average worth that is 70,000 times that amount! Over 5 billion each! Something is radically wrong here.
Hello kes.
Unless that robot can speak and think, I wouldn’t leave it alone in a room with a sick person.
I don’t believe for a second that £2b has been lost on mistakes, maybe it “mistakenly” ended up in the pockets of the shareholders, that I can believe knowing how privatisation really works.
Who would have thought it? A former member of the Sex Pistols having more sense than most politicians and of course silly Brand with his nonsense of telling young people not to vote. A very stupid and dangerous man.
Just like you, I am gobsmacked that the nurse in Texas was allowed to travel anywhere with a low grade fever putting so many others at risk. What did they think they were dealing with, the flu?
Well when the mayor of London is an idiot, it’s hardly surprising that the rich will steal the roof from over your head. They should go right ahead and make him the next leader of the Tory Party so he can join the other buffoons there from Eaton.
A fan could be the cause of a failed re-election. How absolutely weird and fitting is that?
As for Bell, it’s bad enough to think it, but to actually say it out loud, he must be a mean old critter, or his brain is starting to leak from his mouth.
Good to see someone fighting back, and although still quite a small group by comparison, cheers for “White Shroud”.
Looks as if the old and mouldy accusation of being anti-Semitic if you criticise Israel, is not working anymore, and it should never have worked in the first place.
The article on the world’s richest 1% made my stomach churn. Not because they are that rich which is quite disgusting, but because it doesn’t stop them from making more money off the backs of the other 99%.
Have a peaceful day, take care and see you soon.
Thank you kes, Nirek and ppo for your good wishes. We are ok and hope this was the last typhoon of the season.
Thank you for your kind concern, and see you Thursday. Take care.
Kalima, I think the CDC dropped the ball on the Duncan case. It may be understandable that the hospital missed him, but when they knew it was Ebola the CDC should have been there helping and training.
Ebla is a terrible thing anywhere but my heart breaks for the people in Africa who don’t have the means we do to take care of the problem.
Good Morning Everyone.
Having a bit of a problem with my internet connection and might lose it completely as it’s already touch and go. Hope to see you as soon as I can.
Have a good Sunday and take care.
Japan prepares for Typhoon Vongfong
Japan is bracing as powerful Typhoon Vongfong sweeps north, with officials saying it will be the strongest storm to hit the country this year.
Kalima, I heard about this new typhoon heading your way. Please stay safe.
That makes two of us.
Stay safe, Kalima! This looks like a doozy!
Great news!
Malala wins Nobel Peace prize
Pakistani child education activist Malala Yousafzai and Indian child rights activist Kailash Satyarthi win the Nobel Peace prize.
This young lady is a wonderful example for everyone!
Good Morning Everyone.
Well, after getting rid of typhoon #18, we are now waiting for typhoon #19 coming over the weekend. We average about 11 typhoons each year so this year we just shook our heads as we mouthed global warming. Thankfully we don’t have much to blow away, but hubby had to refuse his scheduled work away from Tokyo last Monday as about 700 domestic flights had been cancelled. Another fun weekend.
Have a good day wherever you may be. Take care, be safe, stay cool and dry or warm and comfy.
Sayonara from my evening corner of Tokyo. Mata ne.
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Fukushima No. 1 plant workers kept in the dark over hazard pay
How a pregnant Fukushima plant official remained at her station as the disaster unfolded
1 more body found on Mt. Ontake, bringing death toll to 55
Vongfong, supertyphoon rivaling Haiyan, roaring toward Japan
Journalist doubts student’s seriousness about joining Islamic State
Mobile truck stores filling void in shrinking suburbs
Lunar eclipse
Crazy!! Built so close to a body of water with rising sea levels from global warming, is just asking for disaster.
Hinkley Point nuclear plant to cost £24.5bn
Britain’s first new nuclear plant in a generation has been granted state aid approval
Isil terror suspect tweeted: ‘I smell war’
Medical student used social media to promote radical preacher and joke about atrocities before his arrest on his return from visit to Syria
It is now our solemn duty as Western Muslims to stand with our adopted homeland against the murderers of Alan Henning
Imams have denounced the killers, so has the Muslim Council of Britain, and young Muslims have started a #notinmyname campaign; but it isn’t enough
Budget deadlock between EU members overshadows jobs summit
How Spain failed its Ebola patient
As it emerges Spanish nurse with Ebola ‘was fobbed off with paracetamol’, health care workers complain of a long list of failings in the case
The new dynamics of protecting a president: Most threats against Obama issued online
The Deficit Is Down, and Nobody Knows or Cares by Paul Krugman
So much for pundit fantasies.
In a Defense of Obama by Paul Krugman
Seems as if Panetta is a repeat offender.
Amplified by Social Media, Insider Memoirs Make More Racket
The White House tell-all is hardly a new phenomenon. But what may be new is how much more amplified these books have become with the advent of the Internet, social media and cable television.
Anxiety grows in US after death of Texas Ebola patient
Hours after Thomas Eric Duncan became first Ebola fatality in the US, official who had visited contaminated apartment shows ‘some’ symptoms
This is what happens when you have no ideas to run on. Ridiculous!!
Republicans Threaten Another Shutdown Over Obamacare
Senate Candidate Tells Women That Repealing Obamacare Will Help Them Get Birth Control
Judge To Ferguson Police: You Can’t Arrest Protesters For Standing Still
Three comments that won’t help matters in Ferguson
St. Louis police fatally shoot suspect near site of Ferguson protests
Off-duty policeman shot and killed a young male suspect after being fired at, police say, just miles from where Michael Brown was controversially killed
Bill Maher Isn’t the Only One Who Misunderstands Religion
In Islam and other faiths, religion is more often a matter of culture and identity than beliefs and practices.
Mexico protests gather pace after student teachers go missing
Thousands demonstrate in cities over disappearance of 43 student teachers who went missing after police arrested them
Syrians fleeing Kobani detained by Turkey on suspicion of being militia
Ten children among those thought to be part of YPG and held at Turkish border as battle against Isis unfolds
Syria declares new chemical weapons facilities
Isis in Kobani: John Kerry says preventing the fall of the town is ‘not a strategic objective’
The Turks won’t do the West’s dirty work
Turkey’s large army isn’t going to crush Isil’s forces besieging Kobani if that promotes Kurdish independence
Mr. Erdogan’s Dangerous Game
The president of Turkey is weakening the fight against the Islamic State by engaging in cynical political calculations.
Turkish-Kurdish relations threatened by ISIL
The stakes are high for Turkey if ISIL takes over Kobane, say Turkish analysts.
Gaza farmers struggle in war aftermath
Israel’s war on Gaza has taken its toll on all economic sectors, with the agriculture industry hit especially hard.
In Pictures: The remnants of Gaza
Israel’s bombardment of Gaza has ended, but many Palestinians must now tackle the challenge of rebuilding from rubble.
Suicide bombing hits Yemen capital
Ebola crisis: Hundreds of British troops sent to tackle deadly outbreak
More than 750 British troops, along with three helicopters and a medical support ship will head to Sierra Leone to tackle the to help tackle the deadly Ebola outbreak
Uhuru Kenyatta at ICC: Kenyans greet returning president
Iran’s ‘nuclear bomb-maker’ shifts operations
Iran seeks to protect secret nuclear programme by shifting headquarters to new site
It will take more than a quiet word in Iran’s ear to put human rights on the table
Ghoncheh Ghavami’s imprisonment shows how Tehran’s hardliners deal with dissent. If the west cares, it must be consistent in complaining
First Australian air strike in Iraq bombs Isis target, says ADF
‘All aircraft exited the target area safely and returned to base,’ Australian defence force says
Five men are executed in Afghanistan for gang rape
Hong Kong protests: China detentions in shadow of rallies
North Korea ‘admits to having labour camps’ ahead of human rights discussions
Myanmar army using child soldiers despite ban
Despite being ruled illegal in 2012, both military and ethnic rebels still recruiting minors to fight.
Terminally Ill 29-Year-Old Woman: Why I’m Choosing to Die on My Own Terms
Thomas Eric Duncan fled Liberian war years before fatal Ebola infection
Duncan had reunited with his son in Texas after having spent years a refugee from native country, where he contracted virus
The boy from Kosovo who grew up to be a suicide bomber
Is it right to pay ransoms?
A happy homecoming for India’s widows
A group of Indian widows have returned to their home city of Calcutta to raise awareness about the plight of thousands of women who are thrown out by their families after their husbands die. The BBC’s Rahul Tandon in Calcutta meets them to hear their stories.
Inside Sierra Leone’s Ebola clinics
BBC global health reporter Tulip Mazumdar shares her experiences from Ebola-stricken Sierra Leone, where UK aid workers will soon be joining the race to stem this deadly disease outbreak.
WTF is Cultural Appropriation
Cave paintings in Indonesia suggest art came out of Africa
Ghostly hand markings and animals in Sulawesi caves are much older than thought, pushing back probable date for origin of art
Kurdish peshmerga fighters: women on the frontline – in pictures
Kurdish peshmerga fighters have been in training for many years. Here, Maryam Ashrafi photographs women learning to use guns and training in various parts of Kurdistan. The Kurds of Syria and Iraq have become a major focal point in the war against Isis. The cooperation between Kurds in these countries underscores their loyalty, not to the nations in which they live, but to the shared dream of one day establishing an independent and unified Kurdistan, or Land of the Kurds.
‘Blood moon’ and total lunar eclipse – the best photos
On Wednesday night skywatchers were treated to the unusual sight of a ‘blood moon’. Here are some of our readers’ best shots alongside the best photography from the agencies
Pictures of the day: 8 October 2014
Day in pictures: 8 October
Photo highlights of the day
The Guardian’s picture editors bring you a selection of the best photographs from around the world including a blood moon, sunrise over the North sea and a Moroccan sunset
Once again I thank you for all the news stories from around the world, Kalima.
I’ll comment later on a couple of them, but for now stay safe from #19!
My pleasure, Nirek, and I hope there was something that caught your eye.
Take care and peace to you and yours.
Kalima, thanks for all the articles. I wanted to comment on a few…
As to the death of the TX Ebola victim, it is a clear failure of our immigration system. If he had been granted asylum any of the times he applied, he would still be alive today. IMHO
Bill Maher has never studied religion, but has quite an opinion for someone without the intellectual capacity to articulate it. I watched that episode and was definitely on the side of Ben Affleck regarding the broad brush being painted.
As to the discovery in Indonesia, simple explanation, we are all out of Ethiopia. So, in theory, everything (not just art) was an African concept…
Stay safe and dry!!
Hello slm, how nice to find you here.
I have only recently heard about Mr. Duncan’s unsuccessful previous attempts to settle in the U.S. and agree that he would have been alive if he had been allowed to stay.
Then House Republicans killed immigration reform earlier this year and little gets done.
I don’t like Maher, and we don’t get his program over here. Thought that Reza Aslan’s piece was spot on.
Yes, I know that civilisation started in East Africa and found two interesting videos, you might have seen already.
Had to chuckle at the last one when I imagined the hard core racists being told that they have black DNA, but of course these people exist without believing actual facts, so we miss the chance of seeing them facing the truth about mankind and our roots or their little heads exploding. Pity.
Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again.
The typhoon won’t hit until Monday, but thanks for your good wishes. We are staying inside until it’s over, and hope our outside gang stay put in their houses too.
Take care.
AFRICAN ORIGINS: Tracing Mankind’s Ancestors – The African Roots Of The Human Family Tree!
We Are All Black – Geneticist Bryan Sykes
Good Morning Everyone.
The news from the rescue operation on Mount Ontake is that so far 47 bodies have been recovered with many more missing. The rule is that all who climb Mt Ontake and other mountains in Japan, should register in case of an emergency, but many didn’t, making the number still unaccounted for difficult to estimate. From today they are expecting rain and that could mean dangerous mudslides. Latest story below.
Have a good day wherever you may be. Take care, be safe, stay cool and dry.
Sayonara from my darkening corner of Tokyo. Mata ne,
A few stories and opinions from around the globe.
Mount Ontake death toll rises to 47, making it Japan’s worst volcanic disaster in almost 90 years
He should be ashamed of himself. No one predicted the tsunami that wreaked TEPCO’s Daiichi plant in Fukushima, yet look at what happened.
Nuclear safety chief counters experts over volcanic hazards
Abductees’ families warn official visit to Pyongyang may not yield answers
Norway named best place to grow old; Japan 9th
Unicare unveils ‘anti-loneliness’ hugging chair
Helping hand
Accidentally? Really??
David Cameron accidentally says he resents the poor–xyEAyXjPBl
Ukip’s assault on the NHS would ensure its extinction
The public needs to know that Ukip would sell off the lucrative parts of the NHS quicker than the present government given half a chance
Many in rural regions where they are most needed.
Up to 600 GP surgeries could close over course of next year as doctors retire
Number of young medics choosing general practice falls short of those leaving as patient numbers increase, says GPs’ leader
Single mothers are the real casualties in Cameron’s class war
By making the poorest pay for tax cuts, the Tories are clearly happy to see lone parents – and their kids – eat toast for dinner
Another bald-faced, lying war criminal.
Radovan Karadžić tells war crimes trial there was no ethnic cleansing in Bosnia
Ex-Bosnian Serb leader makes stunning remark at end of ICC trial in The Hague, saying he was a ‘true friend to Muslims’
Rebel push to take Donetsk airport
Deadly attack on Donetsk school
A shell blast kills four people at a school in the rebel-held Ukrainian city of Donetsk on the first day of classes, delayed because of the conflict.
Secret service director Julie Pierson resigns after series of security lapses
First female secret service chief bows to pressure to quit after House hearing revealed evidence chronicling security failures
Obama’s Secret Service has become sloppy with its delusions of Hollywood grandeur
After a number of shocking security lapses, it’s time the leader of the free world’s safety was taken seriously
Pierson failed to provide fresh start for Secret Service that administration wanted
Florida man found guilty of first-degree murder in ‘loud music’ retrial
Michael Dunn convicted for killing of 17-year-old Jordan Davis in incident stemming from argument over loud music
This Country Just Abolished College Tuition Fees
Well done to the bus company for refusing this disgraceful ad.
Pro-Israel group sues NY bus company for refusing ‘Hamas killing Jews’ ad
Adverts on buses were refused as they could ‘incited violence’
Ebola in US: Children came in contact with patient suffering from the deadly virus
Republicans’ Latest Pitch To Women: Voting Is Just Like Picking A Wedding Dress
Even nuttier.
Top Republican Presidential Candidate Says Anarchy May Force Cancellation Of 2016 Election
Children killed in Homs double blast
Attack outside primary school in central Syrian city kills at least 45 people, including 41 children.
Turkey MPs vote to join war on IS
Turkey’s parliament backs a motion that could allow its military to enter Iraq and Syria to fight Islamic State militants.
Turkish MPs to vote on military action against Isis
Legislators poised to vote on deployment of troops in Iraq and Syria as pressure piles on Turkey to join anti-Isis coalition
Bedouins fear Israeli resettlement plans
Development and rights groups believe the aim is to free up land for Israel to expand settlement in the West Bank.
Great image. In London they put up signs to tell women which side of the street to walk on, until they were removed by local councils that is.
Israeli airline faces calls to stop ‘bullying’ of female passengers by ultra-Orthodox Jews
Gaza portraits: the one thing I saved from the rubble
Tanks and airstrikes blasted holes in people’s homes, offering us a glimpse into their lives, and these evocative images of Gaza residents show them with cherished items salvaged from the devastation
• ActionAid is working in Gaza providing essential supplies like food and medicine for people whose homes have been damaged or destroyed.
Bahrain human rights activist arrested over tweets
Ebola outbreak: ‘Five infected every hour’ in Sierra Leone
‘Africa’s arms dump’: following the trail of bullets in the Sudans
Sudan and South Sudan are among the most heavily armed countries in the world. The Niles investigates how this came about and the consequences of spiraling bloodshed
Iran filmmakers back nuclear deal
Six prominent Iranian filmmakers launch a campaign urging world powers to agree a permanent solution to the dispute over Iran’s nuclear programme.
Australian air force carries out first support missions against Isis in Iraq
Wedgetail early warning and control aircraft and refueller aircraft used in assisting role, says Defence
Iraq PM opposes Arab strikes in Iraq
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi tells the BBC he “totally” opposes Arab nations joining air strikes against Islamic State in his country.
‘Racist’ Indian mob attacks African students
A mob attack on three terrified Africans in Delhi has raised new allegations of racism in India
Pakistan struggling to cope with surge in polio cases
Once on track for polio eradication, Pakistan now faces a setback as a result of inaccessibility, violence and misinformation
Kabul Bank fraud: Ghani reopens Afghan corruption case
Less than a week ago China said that they were confident that the Hong Kong authorities would be able to control the protests.
Hong Kong: China warns of ‘unimaginable consequences’ if pro-democracy campaign demonstrations continue
Hong Kong protests force China to suspend tours
China suspends tour groups to Hong Kong amid protests and warns that the city is on the verge of falling into ‘chaos’
Wang Dan: HK protests ‘inspire new generation’
Kim Jong-un ‘so fat he has fractured his ankles’
North Korean leader in hospital as his feet fail to take the strain of his ever-increasing weight, newspaper claims
Captured by the Islamic State, these two teenagers went through hell. Then they ran
Sara and Leila both survived the mass capture of Yazidi women and children in Iraq last month. These are their stories.
George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson and the kickstarted defense: you call this justice?
Is crowd-sourced funding the new public defender? Just ask the killers of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown – or the secret conservatives who pay their legal fees
Inside the Koch Brothers’ Toxic Empire
I told Harvard I was an undocumented immigrant. They gave me a full scholarship.
The Iraqis who laugh at Islamic State
A TV comedy in the war torn country is proving popular online.
Cerro Rico: Devil worship on the man-eating mountain
I loved this.
The What’s Underneath Project: Jacky O’Shaughnessy
Flights re-routed to avoid walrus stampede on Alaska beach
An estimated 35,000 of the animals were spotted as summer sea ice fell to its sixth lowest in the satellite record
Walrus mass on Alaska beach – in pictures
How keep-fit gyms gripped Victorians
The secrets of Victorian gym regimes are revealed in a 19th Century book, found in the archives of a library in London.
Why Japan’s sunny beaches are deserted
For much of September, Tokyo basked in temperatures of 25C or more. In most countries there would be a rush for the beach, but not in Japan.
Canada switches on world’s first carbon capture power plant
Boundary Dam held up as first commercial-scale CCS plant and proof that coal-burning is compatible with cutting emissions
Make Life Worth Living: Nick Hedges’ photographs for Shelter
Pictures of the day: 1 October 2014
Day in pictures: 1 October
Photo highlights of the day
The Guardian’s picture editors bring you a selection of the best photographs from around the world, including the Hajj pilgrimage, the fight against Ebola, the protests in Hong Kong on China’s National Day, and the Dussehra festival in India
Kalima, the people of Japan have suffered so many calamities. Too many! How can you and the folks living there sleep at night? My heart breaks for Japan.
Ebola is spreading to other countries. How scary is that? I think anyone leaving Africa should have to be quarantined for 21 days before they are allowed to leave.
So many other stories to read and comment on, later.
Please be safe and stay well, we care about you.
Hello Nirek. I’m so glad that you fixed your computer problem and that I can see you here again. I’ve missed you.
It is very scary living here, especially with strong earthquakes that are so frequent. You tend to sleep with one eye open waiting for the aftershocks. In the end, you kind of get used to it because you can’t change it.
Hope you find a few interesting stories in today’s updates.
Thanks for stopping by. I care too. Peace to you and yours.
Kalima, I uninstalled Google Chrome and installed Firefox. I liked Chrome but it was infected with some bug. Firefox is pretty good. I even have The Planet as my home page, so I’m back. Probably some folks were glad for a hiatus by me.
I can sympathise with buggy computers as I’m having a few with my iPod Touch that are driving me batty until the new one is on sale here.
I don’t believe that any members here were glad you were not able to post, and just for the record, the Admin team missed you. Good to have you back with your computer running smoothly. Nothing more annoying than a moody computer.
Take care.
No more hiatuses (is that a word), Nirek!!
You were very much missed.
You are a voice of sanity around here, and we need every one of those we can get. 😉
Looking for your astute observations and wonderful pics once more, now that you’re back.
Thanks Kes, I enjoy reading your comments, too.
Good evening/morning, Kalima! I have to second Nirek’s comment; Japan really has had more than its share of natural (and unnatural) disasters lately. Thoughts and prayers for all the people who’ve been affected by this volcanic eruption, as well as the other episodes of flood, earthquake and tidal wave.
It was a relief to see that Julie Pierson was resigning as the head of the Secret Service. I was worried even a year or so ago when there were reports of SS agents being drunk and/or patronizing prostitutes when they were accompanying the President on trips abroad. It’s one thing to do that on their own time, but when they’re on duty it’s another story. Then these more recent episodes were the last straw. It’s almost miraculous that the President and/or his family haven’t been hurt. Or worse.
Love the idea of free college tuition in Germany. It’s amazing what a country can do (develop solar power, have a sound economy, educate its citizens) when it’s not heavily influenced by dishonest plutocrats like the Kochs or Dick Cheney.
I was really irked by the reports of orthodox Jews telling women they had to change seats on airline flights. For starters — why is it the women who have to get up and move? (Same with the buses in Israel — why is it the women who are made to sit in the back?) Just think of what the reaction would be if someone refused to sit next to a Black or Asian person! It shouldn’t be any different for women. If these “gentlemen” are too fastidious to sit next to women, maybe there should be separate all male flights at triple the cost for them. (Preferably flown by women.) 😉
So Kim Jong-un now has a massive case of “cankles”? I can’t think of a better guy to have them. It would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. While his people are starving, he’s eaten himself into immobility. If he had a conscience, he’d be ashamed of himself. But I guess there’s zero chance of that happening.
Truly a harrowing story of the two Yazidi teens who managed to escape captivity by ISIS. Don’t you wonder how a young person ever gets past something like that? How can life ever get back to “normal” for them? Even if there were to be peace tomorrow, it would be a real struggle. And that’s a very unlikely prospect, unfortunately.
Tomasky was wonderful as always on the “Slow Motion Suicide” of the religious right. How is it these GOP supporters have never figured out that the cynical people at the top, like the Koch brothers, have been playing them for fools for years? Talk about gullible… As Tomasky says — you could almost feel sorry for them. Almost…
Speaking of the Koch brothers, that Rolling Stone article is awesome. I hear that the Kochs are howling in protest over it. Apparently all that sunlight is hurting their tiny, evil eyes.
That was such an interesting video — the one featuring Jacky O’Shaughnessy. She looks beautiful. Good for her — for refusing to buy into marketing ploys that try to make women feel insecure about their looks, or letting nasty comments (e.g. from the boyfriend who told her he didn’t want to be seen with her in public) demolish her self-esteem. She’s a strong lady!
Hello kes. Great to see you here.
Yes we do seem to have one thing after the other here and as usual the Japanese will stand up straight and move on. I hope that the lesson from this latest tragedy will be that people will be restricted from climbing as far as the summit on any dormant but active volcano, especially one as large as Mt. Fuji. Today I read that so far, 46 of the 47 who died, had massive injuries to their heads and backs from the flying boulders ejected from the craters at speeds of up to 300 mph. No one could survive that. Very sad.
From a report in WaPo I linked to, Pierson decreased security instead of increasing it at very necessary times. Makes you wonder where her head was situated, doesn’t it?
I’m sure that the German students are over the moon, then again it makes perfect sense that the next generation should receive a good education without having to worry about how to pay for it. Some of them will become leaders in their fields or eventually lead the country.
I agree that the orthodox men should hire and pay for their own plane if they insist on insulting the women passengers who have payed for their own tickets. They can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own homes, but once they mix with others, the religious extremism should stop there.
This is a story I linked to on the 21st of September here that happened in London. Thankfully the local council wasn’t having any of it. What a nerve!
“London council removes ‘unacceptable’ Stamford Hill posters telling women which side of the road to walk down”
Loved Tomasky’s article but can’t bring myself to feel any sympathy for people who try to make the lives of others hell by voting for arseholes to help them to do it.
The Rolling Stone exposé of the Kochs was great. They can protest all they want to but the rock they live under has been moved and now we can see what lurks underneath it.
I’m glad you had a chance to watch the video. Like you, I found her beautiful and realise what an effort it must have been to sit there, talk about how difficult it had been for her as a tall woman to find clothes that fit, the insult from the cowardly ex-boyfriend, to finally understanding that she was perfect just as she was and have the confidence to take off her clothes on camera to prove it. I found it so refreshing and totally honest. Hope she has many more years to enjoy her freedom from the oppression of near “perfection” (whatever that is) some women have to strive for every day.
Have a peaceful day. Take care and see you soon.
Kalima, I just read the Koch toxic story. I even bookmarked it because it is so important to fight these greedy bastards!
Thanks for the article.
Peace to you and hope you are well.
Hello Nirek. Glad you found the article about the Kochs. Bit by bit they are being exposed for who they really are, and all their indignant denying won’t help one iota.
Sorry about today’s updates, we are in the middle of another typhoon and my connection has been a bit spotty since last night.
Take care and peace to you and yours.
Typhoon Phanfone halts search for Ontake missing
Deadly Typhoon Phanfone nears Tokyo
A powerful typhoon which has killed at least one person is causing disruption across south-western Japan as it heads towards Tokyo.
Stay safe, Kalima.
Good Morning, Nirek. We are safe, a few hours more of rain and it will be over. The next one is on the way though, but thank you for your concern.
See you soon and take care.
We have been experiencing many earthquakes over the last few months and although experts say that they can’t predict eruptions, surely it is a warning sign. I remarked to my husband only last week that the frequency of quakes was a bit alarming.
This is the latest from my newspaper, and thank you all for your kind concern. I’ll be back later to reply to your comments. We are safe as this happened in a neighbouring prefecture/state.
Four Mount Ontake climbers confirmed dead after eruption
Japanese troops search mountain after volcano traps dozens
Up to 32 hikers could be missing and dozens injured after Mount Ontake erupted without warning
Kalima, Japan has had so many terrible things happen the last few years. My heart aches for the people who have suffered so much.
I hope all is well with you, be safe.
My prayers for the people of Japan continue. We have witnessed so many tragedies in that nation in recent years, it seems as though the tragedies are becoming more and more rapid in succession.
It’s a tragedy that we don’t really have a better method of predicting exactly when or even within days whether a volcano will erupt or not. Volcanologists can only offer probabilities that an event will occur; they can never be sure how severe a predicted eruption will be or, for that matter, whether it will even break the surface.
My condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives in this terrible tragedy.
I hope you are safe…so many tragedies around this globe and it’s getting worse.I hope the troops have found them intact.Thanks so much for keeping us updated.Oh..and for the translation.I wish you the same.