
This is the current information at this time:

The Associated Press identified the surviving Boston bomb suspect as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, of Cambridge, Mass., and said that the suspects were brothers. The second bombing suspect is Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, according to NBC News, who was found with an IED on his body. The brothers are of Chechen origin, according to NBC, a volatile southern Russian republic. Photographer Johannes Hirn took this photo essay of the older brother, a boxer. The captions suggest Tsarnaev came to America as a child with his family as refugees after fleeing Chechnya for Kazakhstan. Dhokhar Tsarnaev appeared to have posted links to Islamic and pro-Chechnyan independence sites on his social media page.

The mayhem began at approximately 10:20 p.m. Thursday when police said the bombing suspects robbed a 7-Eleven store in Cambridge. Minutes later, police said, the men shot and killed an MIT campus officer responding to the robbery call. The terror suspects then carjacked a Mercedes-Benz with the driver inside and fled, eventually letting driver go. They were then spotted in Watertown where they exchanged dozens of rounds of gunfire with patrol officers.Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shot by police and brought to Beth Israel Medical Center. He arrived at the hospital under cardiac arrest with multiple gunshot wounds and blast-like injuries to his chest. The second suspect fled on foot, leading to the tense manhunt that is still underway at this hour.


Law enforcement appears to have Dzhokar trapped in a standoff at this time.

After finding the additional IED, police are concerned about other bombs so the city of Boston is in lockdown.

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I heard several law enforcement people say that Tamarlan died as a result of his brother’s running over him with the car. Apparently the younger brother gunned the vehicle at the police who jumped away from Tamarlan who was then run over by the younger brother. Deliberate? Incompetent? What a very bizarre thing. Wonder if the younger brother took this opportunity to get rid of the older brother’s influence over him? No one has said more about it in recent days, but that is a nagging question – why???


Great teamwork by all agencies involved, and peace of mind for the people of Boston.

Across the world eyes and hearts have been turned in your direction, and it played out without any further casualties which was a great relief. Well done to all for taking him alive so that they can find out the details and see if there are any connections in the U.S. and abroad.

I have square eyes, this is the most tv I have watched in almost 10 years.

Take care.


The latest word I have is that the two brothers, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, had gotten pulled into a radical Islamic circle devoted to the Islamic Destiny. It has links to Khomeni. This is going to create a lot of Islamic backlash. Khomeni had this vision that a great army would arise from the central plains of Europe to bring the faith to the world.

If this is so….. the cry of the NRA for more guns plus Islamophobia….very bad.


I was so hoping that there would be no connection with Islam, Murph.

Besides the very obvious pain that came to all the people harmed by the bombing and the shoot-out with police, now every Muslim in the country is also going to be affected, if only by the fact that they’ll all be viewed by some with renewed hostility and suspicion.

These siblings have hurt their own Muslim sisters and brothers in ways that their warped minds could never even have imagined.


The older son, Tamerlan, made an extended trip (6 months) to Russia last year. Where in Russia? In Chechnya? Was he trained there? Did he “sign up” there? The father seems radicalized. Tamerlan’s facebook account fills up with radical Islamic talk when he gets back. Putin has declared that he believes that Chechnyan rebels and Al Qaeda are connected.


Last night was an interesting experience to say the least. By updating my twitter feed and listening to the Boston Police scanners on my iphone, I was able to get involved on a very very local level with the breaking news out of Watertown. It was gripping drama to say the least to be able to hear the police talk to each other while searching the neighborhood, look at locals pictures and their eyewitness accounts.

Very dramatic and interesting.

It took the networks almost an hour to catch up, with CNN finally getting a pajama-clad and bleary-eyed Jake Tapper to the scene to say something boring and stupid. Twitter users the nation over started gloating that “this was the night cable news died” and how much better, quicker and more accurate this type of “news” was.

Well, it was certainly more interesting. Accurate? Ho boy. There was SO MUCH information coming from so many places that the twitter stream #watertown quickly devolved into an incomprehensible mess. Boston Police were actually responding to twitter rumors for god’s sakes.
First one of the suspects was a missing Brown University student, then there were four suspects, then they were in an SUV, then they found him, then there was a bomb at a hospital…..by the time I woke up this morning, nearly everything had changed. Russians? Oh wait, Chechens? Oh wait, not that either? *Sigh*

Last night clearly showed the very sharp double-edged sword that is the effect of social media on day to day life.



Hi AdLib: I too live in the Boston area and have just learned there is a 3rd suspect who is an accomplice – and he is on an Amtrak train heading to NY, which has been stopped and is being searched.
Others have been taken into custody by police for questioning.
This has been surreal.