Perry’s out! Newt’s up! Romney’s down! Newt’s ex-wife attacks! Romney’s taxes attack him! And the South Carolina primary is in two days!
Let’s get ready to rum-m-mble!!!
Newt has pulled to a possible tie or better with Romney and is drooling at the possibility of beating Romney. Meanwhile, now that Romney’s been exposed as having lost in Iowa and is deteriorating in SC, maybe the inevitable nominee has a lot longer fight to become inevitable.
Tonight’s debate begins at 5:00 pm PST/8:00 pm EST on CNN and streaming at
Please join us for an always entertaining and insightful live blog of tonight’s probable mudfight!
May the dirtiest candidate lose…to Obama.

Catholic leaders to Gingrich, Santorum: ‘Stop perpetuating ugly racial stereotypes’
But what do they care about their hypocrisy, people of color and the poor are not their base. Damn the teachings!
The letter>>>
It’s just a political calculation, all that matters is winning the SC vote so the damage they’re doing to themselves and society by pandering to racists is just part of the price.
They don’t care, in fact, they’re knowingly voicing racism. They know exactly what they’re doing and could care less who is upset by it because it’s a necessary step to take in their views.
Character is probably the most important trait in a President, principles and stands on issues flow from that. And anyone who is willing to do the most hostile and disgusting things to become president, have in fact disqualified themselves from being considered by thoughtful people as a President.
Agree on both points.
Let me just go back one step from what you said. Character is misunderstood by so many too it’s not the BS family values character either. Technically Romney has that in spades even though he probably is that way more from learned traits and a guilt based need to fit the perfect Mormon family (It’s not just Mormonism either many religions like Roman Catholicism base their behavior modifications on guilt as well). But true character begins with human empathy. You have to be able to put yourself in other people’s shoes. Then all the other character traits cascade from that. I mean it’s what the golden rule is all about. For example caring that people don’t go broke over healthcare bills stems from that personality quality. You also need to be morally strong and have some lines that you don’t cross as well. These are more innate characteristics like a person’s instinct to protect family. In this case the family is 330,000,000 Americans. The second trait is why almost every president is more authoritarian once they have 330,000,000 million souls to protect.
I think the real significance of this comes from the fact that it’s Catholic bishops because both Gingrich and Santorum Catholic, especially Gingrich who says his Catholic faith ‘saved him’ from he past life of debauchery.
KQ, yes the bishops also signing the letter does carry more weight but the wait for an answer may have to come after the primaries. Just not their base.
Oh absolutely. That’s why it’s better the primaries go on for a while. Because when Mittens dives for the center it will look more obvious if he has to do it in a short time.
Ironically I’m starting to think Mittens will be easier to defeat than Gingrich.
Excellent KQ, I like that thought. The longer the primaries continue, and their pandering to the RW they have to do, the more obvious it will making the turn to the center. Iowa was proportional, so no massive win of delegates for anyone, SC is proportional and Florida will be the first test of winner take all. With more proportional the more pandering? Or the opposite? Hmmm, I need to think about that one.
Excerpts from a Fact Check article on the debate:
Things that were rarely — if ever — seen in most hospitals in 1960:
Open heart surgery
Organ transplants
PICC lines
MRSA infections
Many artificial joints
Laparoscopic surgeries
CAT scans
PET scans
Nurses in pants
EDIT:And no, I do not have first hand info on this! 😆
Kes, but the nurses had those cute little caps!
And docs like Ron Paul had those little tinfoil hats, Sally!
Exactly for one major procedure you are talking about costs in the 6 figures. It is completely idiotic to think individuals can pay for their own care. I’ve payed almost a cool quarter mil myself and about 75% of that was with insurance.
Then again when you have aholes out there like Romney who says over $360K is not much money it does not help the matter.
Right, KQ. One serious bout of illness can wipe out a lifetime of savings and then some. Who has a spare million stashed away in case they need a liver transplant?
O/T But I see in the sidebar that we lost Etta James today. RIP, Ms James.
Excellent. And here’s an article about what life was like before abortions were legal:
I’m sold. Let’s just decide to go back to the past and everything will be perfect just like it was in the past!
Whoops, sorry black people, gays and women but it was better for white men back then.
Coming from someone who viciously, ruthlessly attacked Bill Clinton, based on much less damaging private peccadillos, this is really rich:
When I think of the way Clinton and his family were tormented at length over something that a young woman was very likely paid to set up (who keeps a stained dress hanging in a closet for many months?), as compared to the cruel and calculating way that Newt abandoned two women, I get a whole new insight on what the word “hypocrite” really means.
“Peccadilloes” Ding Ding you said the magic word of the day.
Do I get a cigar? I hate cigars.
Hey kes, it’s really sickening isn’t it? Newt gets all upset about being asked a question concerning his private life, and attacks King for asking such a question, instead of manning up and answering it.
As you say, he sure wasn’t worried about exposing Clinton’s private life.
I find it troublesome in the way he viciously went after King for asking that question. Once again he tried to control the debate and pick and choose which questions he thought appropriate.
Newt doth protest too much I think. His vehement reaction to the question shows, to me, that it really struck a nerve and his ex wife’s story is absolutely true.
I had the same reaction, KT. That’s an old trick: becoming outraged and accusatory toward the person who dares to speak the truth. Put the other person on the defensive and take the spotlight off yourself.
As you say, his behavior makes the ex-wife’s statement ring true.
k’es, I heard a top aide to Newt while he was both Whip and Speaker, that this is very typical of Newt, SOP. I don’t know if this is true, but he said Newt has done the same thing in every debate, outrage over the media/question.
Went on to say that he shouldn’t become Prez because of his shooting off at the lip, without thought.
I’ve read similar accounts, b’ito…that Newtie made many enemies on his own side of the aisle with his high-handed “leadership style” (euphemism for bullying).
I think he has very few serious backers outside of the religious right wackos and the racist demographic.
Night, Murph!
‘Night, Murph!
TPM: Mitt Romney’s Very Bad Night In Charleston
Video of him booed over tax-return dodge.
Like the article. pretty much what we said here.
we’re really maybe smarter. I mean it.
Just between you and me, I think so!
Not to get all grandiose or anything…
Heh! Your grandiosity is never unflattering but my braggadocio can be at times!
😆 😆 AdLib, that’s perfect. Braggadocio is really so masculine!
The Hill says the two tailor-made for Dems attack ads are Mitt’s response about abortion, and the “real streets” statement.
The “real street’ in Beverly Hills maybe.
I’m sticking with Easy Street. Wall Street is a close second.
Guess you need to add K Street in there, too.
And C Street too.
Especially when the men cannot seem to control their own…
I’d not be surprised if somewhere along the line a few more of these self-righteous preachers-of-your-morality suddenly were revealed to be Tom cats in their day. Arrogance leads to “I can do anything I want” kinds of actions.
EDIT: Nevermind–we missed it.
In the meantime, Obama’s at the Apollo LIVE. Watch it here:
Now that is the guy I’m voting for! Oh, yah, they think they will beat this man in debates…..don’t THINK so!!!!
The only way Obama could possibly lose is if this country is terminally stupid. (Uh-oh.)
Love the split screen reality, while four hateful men compete for who is the best fraud and liar, Obama shows off his “star quality”.
Let the piggies play in the mud, Obama, you got that right.
No kidding! AdLib, Obama is beyond cool; he’s unbearably cool! It was a stunningly stark contrast. My GOD!
Now John King is being a “stuttering prick” trying to justify his asking the ex-wife question at the beginning to Newt and all the hacks at CNN are assisting. What losers.
Maybe we should put CNN and The GOP in Thunderdome and let them demolish each other.
John King made Newt a hero to the Right with that question. He’s a big reason Newt may win SC.
5 Reasons To Be Glad You Didn’t Watch The CNN South Carolina GOP Debate
I agree with the analysis, bito.
I just couldn’t bring myself to watch yet another political circus. How many debates have there been already, 15?
But the silver lining, I suppose, is that the sheer number of these spectacles is damaging to the GOP as a whole. If these four cretins are the best they can come up with, I have a pretty high level of confidence in a second term for Obama.
You preach “family values” you owe us an explanation of your actions. Simple as that. If the Obamas ever disagreed over whose turn it was to wash and dry the dishes, the end of the world would be declared. Newt is like ALL the RW extremists – rules are for YOU, not for him. God has forgiven HIM – but not Bill Clinton? Newt SAID so. Family values arguments weigh much more heavily than any actions of any pol who espouses them. The hypocrisy is beyond disgusting. Swaggert wanted a prostitute’s 12-year-old child to watch him and her mother get it on – and people STILL listened to him and thought him Godly. It’s beyond my comprehension how easy it is to blow off personal responsibility and keep on getting people to follow these utterly immoral hypocrites.
Agree 100%! All Swaggert had to do was go on TV and cry like a baby for a few moments, begging forgiveness, and his warped character was suddenly washed clean. This is one big problem I have with Christianity as a whole. Like mafia hit men going to confession after killing people and expecting god’s forgiveness. Sickening.
It was a legitimate question but Gingrich just turned it back on him. King should have hedged the question maybe asking Newt if he thought the timing was suspicious.
It was not like when Stephanopoulos asked Obama about Rev. Wright because Obama already addressed the issue with his race speech.
King should have followed up with more tough questions like “how are you not a hypocrite when you presided over the impeachment of President Clinton while you were cheating on your second wife with your present wife?”
Then he should have asked the others if that was okay to do for a politician?
Lots of questions and zero answers.
That’s far too thoughtful a question for King and CNN. If this wasn’t more about ratings than doing a public service, they wouldn’t have had such an American Idol type format and audience.
Can’t expect pigs to perform ballet.
What disappointed me was how kow-towed King was by Newt’s attack and the audience cheering Newt. The audience loudly approving Newt’s hypocrisy wasn’t surprising, but it did piss me off. The whole it’s “OK if I do it, but wrong when you do it,” mentality that I am so sick of with these right wing cretins.
That’s a kind of cowardice I haven’t seen from any other moderators, as poor as they’ve been. Only King has backed down when the frothing audience has booed them.
King embarrassed himself and deserved being exposed through Newt’s BS rampage.
I say, “Go Newt, you disgusting human being, beat Romney in SC and you’re both doomed.”
I’m feeling more and more confident about the general election. You know what I think will happen in a Mitt/Obama debate? Mitt will do that condescending thing like McCain did (did he say something like “you people?”), and look like the dick he is. And he will stutter and get a deer-in-the-headlights look.
I think McCain’s use of the phrase: “that one” as he waved a hand at Barack Obama might be the condescending thing you’re thinking of, Cher. It only made Obama look better.
Oh, thanks kes–that’s the one!
If Newt wins So Caroline, I wouldn’t stand to near him. You might get your eye put out by the buttons popping off his shirt from his chest all puffed out.
Sally–HAH! That’s a great image!
Honey, I’m not sure those buttons will be from his shirt. His belt looks mighty T-I-G-H-T.
AB, that too but I would never be eye level with that! Or in the backseat with him.
Sally!! That was a WINNER!
Cher, thank you. And, that is not a great image to imagine either!
I think it will be from his big fat midsection.
I campaigned for Barack in South Carolina in 2008. I recognize that crowd. South Carolinians have been embarrassed for three years that their state proved that Obama was an acceptable Southern candidate. Most, in that state assumed Edwards would take the state.
Two highlights, Newt’s attack on King and Mitt’s “Maybe” to following his father’s example on releasing tax returns.
From the polling firm that Mrs. Greenspan says is BS:
Interesting, I would like to see Newt beat Romney in SC and be an annoyance eating up Romney’s war chest for a while.
Romney will likely win the nom but let him burn up some of his war chest.
Oh that’s wonderful!!!
Great point!The longer this goes on the more it costs. Plus, the public gets tidbits about how radical and what liars these turds are.
I’d add to that, Santorum’s attack on Romney on Romneycare and abortion.
Forcing Romney to make the case for Obamacare sounded classic.
As Joe Pesci said in Goodfellas to the guy he shot in the foot, I would say to Romney, “You stuttering prick!”
He seemed to stutter throughout yet LOD said he was dignified. Huh? Which debate was he watching?
Perfect–I’m LOL’ing! (That stuttering prick went on to become Tony Soprano’s nephew, Chris.)
Who shot a bakery clerk in the foot.
Relive Mitt’s tax return reply:
Now they can all go offstage and release the farts they’ve been squeezing in.
Why do you think I call him “Poot”? He doesn’t hold back, I bet.
Cher, I think they have let a few go on stage but out of their mouths.
Who’s staying on CNN and who’s going to MSNBC?
I am going to MSNBC. And, I still don’t like any of these guys and they think they can take on President Obama but they are in for a big surprise!
Yowza. and O’Donnell leads with Poot’s chest thumping.
I was streaming live from CNN and they “went dark.” Maybe I should check MSNBC?
Gingrich: This is the “most dangerous president of our lifetime”
You’re right but he never would.