Watch President Obama live as he speaks today at 10:35 am PDT (1:35 pm EDT) on his proposals for the 2012 budget and long term economic policies.

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I am really proud of President Obama and was very glad to hear him say the things that I knew he would. He is so good at holding down the BS he could be spouting and comming through at the right time.

KQµårk 死神

The jury is in, well kinda. Save for the ideological right wing responses the president again hits the mark with his speech and approach today even the more centrist pundits agreed. Almost to a person they said Ryan’s plan is not a serious deficit cutting plan and the president has the only adult response to the long term debt crisis.

(BTW the arena is one of the worthwhile features on Politico. Most of it is run by right wing hacks.)

I mean should anyone be surprised. C’mon time and time again these right wing lunatics unapologetically favor the rich and want to trample on the poor and now even seniors. Nothing makes this more clear than the budget battle. Now what has yet to be determined is if the so called Democratic base will be behind at least the president’s most progressive part of the plan the tax increases on the rich. Or will we once again see the left get mired down into endless quibbling and let the right win the debate.

Unfortunately the first salvos I hear from Alternet and Krugman are not encouraging. You can always tell when progressives have little to complain about like Krugman did today who said Obama’s plan should be the end point of negotiations. Now I wish I had a nickel for every progressive “free minded” blogger who will outsourse their own opinions to repeat that narrative ad nauseum.


Alternet is good for calling the President House “N” and Uncle Tom. I told them to kiss my a$$ and haven’t been back since.


For some encouragement, I just thought I’d post some of the comments on the President’s speech over at The Maddow Blog –just a sampling of the overwhelming reactions:


He said what I was needing to hear. I felt his leadership once again. All I have to say is Thank You Mr. President! Thank You!

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Reply#1 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:53 AM PDT

I hope there was someone listening in Congress, and maybe there are. This morning I heard my local right wing radio screamer get shut down by our local redder than red Congressman. Screamer was saying the government should be shut down, etc., etc., etc, and Bachman, and Beck, and Boehner, and Ryan and on and on and on and the Congressman said, first, Bachman is only out for herself, and closing the government is stupid, and the real question is what to do that matters and though he can endorse in part Ryan’s plan it cannot pass as it is and we “have to find a way” to work with the President because I think the man has just about given everything he is going to until we (the R’s) give something back.”

It was encouraging, so maybe someone in Congress was listening. It was a good speech, and I think my Congressman, whom I have never voted for and will never vote for was spot on. There has to be a way, as the President and he both said, and that our President has given just about everything he is going to.

I choose to hope.

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#1.1 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:13 PM PDT

It was the adult conversation/address America has been needing for decades, powerfully so.

Sad we have to blow $20 Trillion in P&I since 81… before these conversations take place in a meaningful way, not to mention another $8 trillion in trade deficits manifesting themselves in factories & jobs fleeing overseas, coming back as cheap imports. Now the cheap imports are getting expensive… and good paying jobs GONE.

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#1.2 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:55 PM PDT
Herb Venton

Yep, me too. Now to maintain the tone when the round-the-clock assault begins in the concervative media.

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#1.3 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:39 PM PDT

This is the man I have admired and loved from the first minute I saw him and heard him speak!

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#1.4 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:51 PM PDT
A. Stern

It is amazing that none of the news commentators on CNN said “thank you,” as I agree the President deserves a big one for that speech. He really told it like it is.

To balance a budget, everyone knows it takes more than CUTS to rein in expenditures; we have to look at the INCOME side. For example, there are so many tax dollars out there uncollected that we need to beef up the collection process and garner that income — not the small change from the little guy, but the billions from Fortune 1000 companies that have gotten away with not paying their legitimate tax bills because they can pay KPMG instead to find loopholes.

I liked what President Obama said about “investment” because that is so true: analyze where we can make the highest income, both short-term and long-term, and invest the necessary resources to generate that income. Instead the Republicans would make their cuts in those programs for the poor and middle class that make up only 12% of all expenditures.

I look forward to Bill Maher’s proffered budget, as I’ll bet it is based on something similar: cutting from the biggest slices like military offensives and investing in the biggest sources of generating income.

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#1.5 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:58 PM PDT

Amazing speech. Reminded me of the movies “The American President” & “Dave”.

“and I Am the President” ~ M. Douglas

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Reply#2 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:55 AM PDT

Great speech!

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Reply#3 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:57 AM PDT

Really liked his approach to what needs to be done. His promise to not let the republicians destroy Medicare and Medicaid I thought was right on target. I can deal with “surgical cuts” to popular programs but this taking a “hatchet” to do the job is just wrong.

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Reply#4 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:58 AM PDT
David Lachar

Please note a just aired interview with a Ft. Worth tea party leader (about 2:30 edt) who in his rant actually said that Texas is running a surplus! Was allowed to go on without any confrontation! Please review specifics of Texas. Gov Perry said the day before his reelection that we were running a surplus and didn’t need the US at all. The day after the election were were in a substantial deficit (over 20 billion $ for next two years) and now every school district is laying off teachers and nursing homes are in a panic. Apparently our casual state legislature voted to sunset state gas revenues and mismanaged business tax changes, so that we are in a continuing crisis. Our politicians are focused on social issues and apparently are not concerned about budget. Don’t let politicians from Texas brag that we do it right here. Present the truth!

David Lachar

Sugar Land, Texas

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I needed to hear this… Brilliant, thank you… (lol ams 707 – I AM the President)

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Reply#6 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:00 PM PDT

I loved it, too. I hope he and his people keep hammering these truths & facts home. I only wish it was on at prime time so everyone could learn something about how we got here and what needs to be done to keep the American Dream alive. (But not during American Idol, of course. 😉

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Reply#7 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:00 PM PDT

Now let’s pray that actions follow his words. His ability to speak has never been in doubt, it’s his followup that often doesn’t equal it. I’m cautiously hopeful.

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#8.3 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:39 PM PDT

loved his comment just what I needed to hear

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Reply#9 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:02 PM PDT

Sounds good. I hope he actually fights for what he says. No more capitulation.

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Reply#10 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:03 PM PDT

I definitely agree with what he said, and do like the path he laid out. Unfortunately I’m sure those who have fought against this president from day one will continue to fight this to protect that top 1%.

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Reply#11 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:03 PM PDT

That top 1% that pays for 40% of everything the govt. does. Those horrible people. how dare they.

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#11.1 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:26 PM PDT

It’s time for an adult conversation, context and all, on TRMS about the fiscal nightmare that’s been created.

Powerful speech, given the reality of our fiscal anchor. Is it too much to address the other deficit of the Twin Deficits, that of trade? Too much????? And interest on the debt going to potentially $1 Trillion per year. I guess interest on the debt is very relevant! 😉

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Reply#12 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:04 PM PDT
D. C. Sessions

In theory, free trade results in approximately balanced trade. Too much export, your currency appreciates. Too much import, your currency devalues.

For the last 30 years, the USA’s official policy is to maintain the dollar at above-market levels to keep our imports cheap and our exports expensive. Two generations have grown up thinking that “a strong dollar” is necessary for the welfare of the United States.

Good luck swimming upstream against that .

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#12.1 – Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:18 PM PDT

I needed to hear this from you, Mr. President… thank you. Let’s get it done!

ams707 – I AM President – Love it!

(First of 3 pages)


I have a huge pet peeve that the right is fantastic at manipulating…and that is the concept of ‘small business’.

In the United States a small business is defined as a PRIVATE business…it can be a corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship with under 500 employees. AS the entity is PRIVATELY owned the exact amount of that entities revenues, sales and value does NOT have to be publicly disclosed.

ERGO the whole right wing slant about small business is a lie. A small business can have revenues in the millions or even billions of dollars. A small business can have gross profits in the millions of dollars. A small business does not necessarily mean a local business or home based business either.

Contrary to the mime that the right puts forth and which the media is negligent in pointing out…a small business does not equate to a little mom and pop neighborhood operation.

I am so tired of this particular lie, I just want to scream!


Abby, you forgot to add Hedge Funds to your list of “Small Businesses”, but I guess that could fall under the “billions of dollars” category…


Good catch BDM….I think it does qualify in the billions of dollars category!

KQµårk 死神

So true and those businesses are just a small percentage of real small businesses.

I forget what the figures where perhaps in the 90’s percentage wise but most REAL small businesses don’t fall into the category of making over $250K/year. So the whole meme that raising taxes on the rich will hurt small businesses is a complete fabrication.


Abby, I agree about the use of the manipulating of the “small Business” term. My understanding of the term can be used throughout different federal agencies and they all have different definitions. The link you gave is the SBA’s definition, but does not the IRS have a different one based on the number of owners and whether it is publicly traded or not? One example I read was “The Tribune Company”, it has more than 500 employees, owns multiple publications and other business but it is privately held and files as “small business” at a lower rate. Am I mistaken?
It would be nice to have one definition.


Thought it was a good speech, hit all the right points for the middle and it gives his supporters something to campaign on; hit the tax points clearly so that people can understand them; clearly defined the difference of his plan and the Republican plan; gave the Dems a platform to run on in 2012.

Will have to see if tax code really changes before I call it a win for the people, call me optimistically cautious.


The WH posted this fact sheet before the speech and it details some of what the President said.

FACT SHEET: The President’s Framework for Shared Prosperity and Shared Fiscal Responsibility

I will admit that I have not completely read it, but I plan on doing so. Wonder how many talking heads will?


I expect that few will read it.


Something else came to me as I listened to this fabulous speech: The Roosevelt line about “make me do it” and Obama’s statement that we ALL need to work for change to happen. And I immediately thought of all the recent demonstrations around the country and Wisconsin; about the great work of US Uncut. Now, I happen to believe that the President is 100% behind those anyway, but I also thought, “Thank you protesters for giving Obama the wind at his sails to make such a speech.” The demonstrations are not only about telling power what we want; they are also about helping the President do what we want. I wonder if he would have been as resolute about fighting for what many of us are demanding if not for people in the streets. I mean to say, he might want it too, but our being our there–in the streets–makes it a lot easier for him to do it.

(Seems like my “eloquence” is failing me today. 🙄 )

KQµårk 死神

Great point Cher and you are eloquent as ever.

I’m fine with brining the tax rate for those making $250K/year to pre-Bush tax cuts levels but I still wish the Dems would add another tax bracket at $1MM/year and point them with a 40%+ tax rate.


Thanks, KQ–I wish so too.


KQ, I know this can’t be explained on a bumper sticker or a 10 second clip, but the first 250,000 is taxed at the lower rate, the rest is at the higher rate. Same thing with the millionaire tax. The proposal of more brackets is in the “progressive plan”, but is that even covered in the news? No, lets discuss the fraudulent Ryan plan.
😆 Just as I’m typing this Jan is on MSNBC on this very topic.


“Make me do it” is a good way to put it.
In 2012, you “make” Obama do it by electing the Congress that you need to have to pass the laws that you say you need.


Cher, I think it will embolden our democratic Congress as well. Obama said (I shouldn’t even attempt to paraphrase but…) he is not President of the Democrats but President of all of us. I don’t know that anyone else has said that and it makes “give and take” a little less offensive.

The WI, MI, OH—gives me goose bumps. The Pres of Firefighters Union and the Police unions will be out in these and other states where ever a recall is happening. And this:


If that’s “failed eloquence” I will be blown over by NOT failed eloquence!!! Beautifully said, IMHO. Since I happen to agree with you especially!


Did anyone bother to ask Obama why we’re making cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, programs millions depend on, when neither program has apparently EVER contributed to our debt?

And when he talks about “future shortfalls” in Social Security does he realize:

A.)He’s doing the Republican’s job for them

B.)Those “short falls” only happen if we continue down the same path everyone wants us to go down. Including Democrats.

A debt commission? Yeah. that’ll definitely get things done. Like that awesome 9/11 commission that EVERYONE ignored.

End the Bush tax cuts. Good. But I hope the rest of your tax policy, which you don’t seem to want to talk about, includes raising taxes as well. And not just on the rich.

I like the direction eh is heading with spending cuts, and I hope he does indeed intend to push his agenda further. Still, he needs to address the public about our own debt problems. The American public is on the hook for a LARGE amount of money and we are looking to shift the blame onto politicians for our own excess. That will just put us back at square one.

Good speech though. He sounds confident and that’s good. I’m just more interested in the things he didn’t get into today. But I’m sure he will soon.


Adonai–read about the ACA before you talk about cuts to Medicare. They are cost saving cuts that improve efficiency–NOT cuts to services.

Improvements to Medicare’s Preventive Services under Health Reform

On Our Way To Slowing The Growth Rate?

HEALTH CARE REFORM FACT CHECK: The Truth About Medicare Changes Under ACA

And about a billion other sites like this:

KQµårk 死神

What she said. 😉


Cher, My bad. Consider my criticism of this issue withdrawn. Thank you.


Adonai– you’re one cool dude!


Adonai – you are an unusual American who will read, realize he’s been had by the foofurall by the Right, and re-think his position. The operative word here is THINK, and we doff our hats in respect for that increasingly rare act.

KQµårk 死神

AD Medicare cuts are part of the ACA law already because there are billions in waste that can be cut with little affect on service.


AD, On the Medicare and Medicaid reduced costs:

Health care: The President’s framework builds on the Affordable Care Act by including new reforms aimed at further reducing the growth of health care spending – a major driver of long-term deficits. The President opposes any plan that would simply shift costs to seniors and the vulnerable by undermining Medicare and Medicaid. Building on the foundation of the historic deficit reduction achieved through the Affordable Care Act, the framework would save an additional $340 billion by 2021, $480 billion by 2023, and at least an additional $1 trillion in the subsequent decade. These savings complement the new patient safety initiative that could lower Medicare costs by another $50 billion over the next decade by providing better care. The President’s framework includes initiatives that will:

On SS:

[….]These efforts should be guided by several principles, including strengthening the program and not privatizing it, improving retirement security for the vulnerable while protecting people with disabilities and current beneficiaries, and not slashing benefits for future generations.


Medicare and Medicaid DO contribute to our debt. Those are the facts.


eileen, How? It has always been paid for. What facts?


Adonai – the cuts are to the bloated and wasteful programs such as Part D that were ‘privatized’ and added on. It’s to take the private middleman (or presumably it could be a woman) that is the medium on Medicare Advantage as if the gummint could not figure it out between you and Medicare and your provider. So that added a huge amount to spending without a dime of it going to health care. Out! Out! Damned waste! Fine with me.

Eileen – Medicare does contribute to the debt. Social Security does NOT. SS is solvent and a separate fund, ergo no deficit spending. But the waste Bush piled on is making Medicare very inefficient, spends tons on bloated administration by the private sector, and it’s also the biggest source of fraud. The FBI has an entire task force in every office to deal with it – mostly it comes from “durable medical equipment” scams that involve your identity theft, phony companies set up in empty storefronts, bills that are sent out for 3-6 months, the folding of the biz about 5 minutes ahead of the FBI, and a new company with the game rolling all over again. It costs BILLIONS. NO one is getting the durable medical equipment. There is none. But the cons get the moolah. Guess who runs all this in CA? Russian and Armenian Pentacostal Christians. Grrrr.


I’ve got CNN on but muted. Just watched Ryan give a speech without the sound. I have no idea what he said but his body language looked absolutely wilted.


It was awful – you were right to
mute it.


Got to love, love LOVE that mute button!


Abby, Mine gets a LOT of exercise.


LOL e’cat! Me too! I have replaced so many remotes because the mute button broke- and I will not watch without it! 🙂


Didn’t take long did it? From Joshua Holland in Alternet.

Obama Deficit Speech: Lots of Flowery Talk About a Major Distraction

It was a classic Obama speech – reasonable, and seductive to a degree that one might forget that we’re debating how fast we’re going to put the breaks on this recovery.

OK, Josh, you put up your “progressive” plan, get it through Congress and a centrist country.


This is what really gets me about the left…they aren’t dealing in what is FEASIBLE to attain. That in my mind is just as bad as the tea party!


Abby, That’s my complaint with politicians like Kucinich. He is good at complaining and criticizing and calling for impeachment of other democrats, but what has he achieved in real terms?


Re Kucinich: He freaked over breaking a tooth on an olive pit in his cafeteria meal, but probably won’t sue.


Foodchain — and this guy thinks he’d make a good president????


escribacat — you can’t make it up. But look how many like him. Warrior talk hasn’t helped anyone.


My point exactly. I get very frustrated with any side that doesn’t look at the situation realistically.

While it is all well and good to have strong ideals and beliefs, it is equally important to realize that not everyone is going to agree on those ideals and beliefs. Some people are going to have opposing viewpoints and believe just as much in THEIR way of thinking.

As a result anyone who has a ‘my way or the highway’ mindset is not really serious about really making things happen. Because it is NEVER going to work that way except in a dictatorship. And honestly…is that what the people on either the far right or far left want…a dictatorship?


Abby — Though they will never admit it, I think that’s exactly where the “my way or the highway” crowd would be much happier — as long as the dictator goes their way. All this fighting and uncertainty is difficult and upsetting.


E’cat, exactly my thoughts too.


Abbyrose: for me, these strongly idealistic opinions helped feed past successes and I understand their disappointment. My frustration is the holding hostage of a vote, the threats of abandoning Obama in order to do what? Show him what? Show us what? I just keep looking for words that can make sense to them so they stay in the game. And I can’t find those words.


You make a great point there. I don’t understand THAT logic at all.


Bito, I’m guessing Josh doesn’t have a friggin clue how to actually achieve the passage of major legislation. Complaining is the easiest thing in the world to do and everybody’s an expert at it.


Maybe Josh didn’t hear these words from the President.

“Indeed, to those in my own party, I say that if we truly believe in a progressive vision of our society, we have the obligation to prove that we can afford our commitments. If we believe that government can make a difference in people’s lives, we have the obligation to prove that it works – by making government smarter, leaner and more effective.” President Barack Obama

I say bring it on Josh. Give it your best shot.

KQµårk 死神

Why am I not surprised. On the long term deficit crisis the left is as disingenuous as the right. While the president hit all the high notes on the different visions Democrats and Republicans have for this country. The country wants a real life solution and not a conservative or progressive plan. In my opinion Ryan’s plan is the gift that keeps on giving because it is so steeped in ideology it is seen as extreme to most Americans while again Obama is the only adult in the room.


I expect that this really dates me; but, years ago that polemic by Josh was called: “speaking the truth to power”.

Josh is making a statement; he has no intention of making a law.


agrippa, That may have some truth, but I thought there were parts that mis-characterized the speech and others that were just wrong. The WH released a fact sheet before the speech, I wonder if he read it before he wrote the article. I would like to see the Moody report that he cited about the cuts, must have been a rather quick study since the details of the bill were only released yesterday.


I doubt that he did read it.


Maddow tweets:

Pres Obama: Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America -30- (will post prepped remarks on blog)

Anthony Weiner:

We are a great nation. This is a speech and a fight that honors our ideals. Lets embrace this fight.


Dear Everyone,

My name is Foodchain and I’m a recovering HP non pundit. I came here when someone identified this site as the place where many had fled. I did not introduced myself because my name is still the same and it seemed presumptuous.

Today, with the President’s speech, I realize that there are disagreements here about the President’s process–POV. However, at HP, the clever, hostile, quipping that so frequently raised itself to name calling, encouraged me to step into a fray I now wish I had the discipline to have avoided.

So as an introduction, I would like to apologize for any comments to anyone who might have been at HP in which I should have shown a more agreeable way of disagreeing. I have thoroughly enjoyed the commentary here, the articles and the commitment to excellence.


HP is fatuous


Foodchain, Well, with that intriguing introduction I had to go over and check. Turns out we’re friends over yonder as well! I’ve had a few nasty fights over there that really felt toxic to me. I always regret getting sucked into that junk.


escribacat, I know. It kind of fits with the “Emerald Curtain” idea of using people for personal gain.


Foodchain, I am happy to know you. I may have “known” you there too, but we were all different people there. Here is where the real us shines.


Cher, thanks. Two very different canvases.

KQµårk 死神

Food no apology needed and we all knew what you went through. Hell one of my snarky comments was posted on a right wing watch site (along with Hume Skeptic and Kevenseven) as examples of left wing anti-semitism which anyone who knows me is a complete laugh. So the bottom line is I’ve said too many things I’m not proud of either over there and it took a while to ween me off that knee jerk contrarian logic.


KQuark: I didn’t know Kevenseven but Hume—I felt so honored to be there when his friends set up the Tribute section. A much better time. And congratulations on making it to a right wing watch site with them! Ha!

KQµårk 死神

Hume was one of the true greats and we all miss him here. Frankly it was a bit of a consolation, a badge of honor to be singled out with him even if I was not proud of the particular comment.


You’re good by me!
But of course,…you’re ‘food’! 😀


foxisms—blush….. 😉 We had 3 dogs, 2 cats, a frog and a river turtle, two kids and a home business. I always said all we needed was a bird to have a — “foodchain”. Good days

Pepe Lepew

Oh, man, I got completely caught up for a while in “blowing up trolls.” I got frustrated when how many of them suddenly showed up in 2009 and I took it upon myself to become one of the premier “trollslayers” at HP. I was good at it, too. Then after a while, I finally said to myself, “wait a minute, this is really stupid. I’m making an idiot out of myself. What a waste of time.” Like Adlib, I’m not proud of some of the battles I fought over there.

The trolls can have HP, as far as I’m concerned.


The anti-trolls are no less vicious, most being reduced to one sentence insults. Hurling (in both senses) word bombs 😉

Pepe Lepew

I also found out the hard way that some of those trolls are more than just assholes. Some of them are literally psychotic. I was an idiot.


Foodchain, no worries all is forgiven. A plate of cookies is all I ask as my price for forgiveness. 🙂


funksands: trouble is I can’t even do emoticons yet, but as soon as I can I will. 😉 ( it’s all I’ve got)


foodchain – I’ve been here over a year, and I can’t do emoticons at ALL. Don’t know why. But everyone here will tell you – I’m the Queen of the No. 2 Pencil, and technology, while admired by me, still eludes. So I’m VERY impressed at the one you have – it’s 100% more than I have!


You better share those cookies funk 🙂


I hope the PCCC raised a lot of money.