May the best you’ve ever seen
Be the worst you’ll ever see;
May a moose ne’er leave yer girnal
Wi’ a teardrop in his e’e.
May ye aye keep hale and hearty
Till ye’re auld enough tae dee,
May ye aye be just as happy
As I wish ye aye tae be.
Some Dougie MacLean (my fave version of Auld Lang Syne):
Mogambo! My first love!…er, well, my first cyber love. First blog love? Even though we used to bat each other around a bit, and hardly ever agree on anything, you were always one of my favorite posters.
I thought I might post a brief Happy New Year to all of my friends here @ POV. All of you have lifted me up in so many ways this last…horrible year. I am a lucky man. I am a better man…simply for having all of you counted among my true friends….Thank you all so very much.
Best wishes and profound peace in the coming year and all after!
Good mornin’, TRP! I am glad to hear from you this morning!
You left one thing out…you are a very TALENTED MAN! For those here who might not have read your poetry, I highly recommend it! Beautiful work! I hope that you have more in the pipeline!
I hope I can be counted among your friends…you certainly are counted among mine! Here’s hoping you have a wonderful New Year! 🙂
Funny you should mention it, my friend…I just posted my last and…well…somewhat…adult poem for 2009 on the Arts & Entertainment page. I think it’s a decent enough ending to the 1st half of my bizarro life. I struggle to find hope…I often find it here.
It is always here, just as it was for me last week as I faced a terrible loss! I wrote that the support was actually palpable…and I swear that it was!
My sister mentioned that “something happened” in regard to her recovery. She, too, sensed something, even in her haze of fever, that gave her strength. Some people will say that we have over-active imaginations…but there are stranger things in heaven and earth! I do believe in the power of collective thoughts!
And what are we here for if not to help each other??? 🙂
Happy New Year, all you beautiful PlanetPeople! I wish a healthy, happy, and prosperous one for each and every one of you!
Some good news for me…my kid sister is out of ICU. I spoke with her at length last night. As I wrote yesterday, she has had something of an epiphany when she realized how close to death she had been. She told me of food tasting better, the TV being much more interesting, and she admitted that she stared at the telephone for a long time, marveling at the technology! She has requested that someone bring her laptop to the hospital…I hope I can get her to write something. I am still the most grateful person in the world for the “gift” of her life! That is all I need to have a happy new year!
Thank you again for all the wonderful words of support!
Thank you dearest Abby and a very Happy New Year to you as well and to the entire Planet family!! Good Health, prosperity and PEACE to each and every one here! 🙂
Hi Abby, and all Planeteers. Kalima and I are the first ones to close out the old year and usher in the new, so I wish you all a Happy 2010 filled with blessings and moments you will treasure.
These folks are my real community. I like them, think they’re interesting, see how hard they work to survive and sometimes get ahead. They have gotten jobs, housing, and renewed family contacts. That was our goal. A Safe Haven in the Storm of Life.
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours...
In the spirit of ma’ kith & kin, and Hogmanay:
May the best you’ve ever seen
Be the worst you’ll ever see;
May a moose ne’er leave yer girnal
Wi’ a teardrop in his e’e.
May ye aye keep hale and hearty
Till ye’re auld enough tae dee,
May ye aye be just as happy
As I wish ye aye tae be.
Some Dougie MacLean (my fave version of Auld Lang Syne):
And something that gets me hot ev’ry time (any “Monarch of the Glen” fans?) – a lass playin’ up the accent:
(I know Burns’ Supper is still weeks away, but I was goin’ on a theme)
Hi, Abby!
Great to see you around here!
Big hugs to my little squirrel from the big, bad Mogamboguru! 🙂
Mogambo! My first love!…er, well, my first cyber love. First blog love? Even though we used to bat each other around a bit, and hardly ever agree on anything, you were always one of my favorite posters.
I wish you a wonderful New Year.
abby the squirrel
Back at you, my wise joung lady from very british/american heritage!
In fact: People who do some gardening and love birds AND cats cannot be THAT bad, or can they?
I wish you a jolly good year 2010, and that the vast majority of your important wishes may come true!
(Well, to wish for ALL your wishes to come true would be grasping a little too far, or wouldn’t it?)
I thought I might post a brief Happy New Year to all of my friends here @ POV. All of you have lifted me up in so many ways this last…horrible year. I am a lucky man. I am a better man…simply for having all of you counted among my true friends….Thank you all so very much.
Best wishes and profound peace in the coming year and all after!
Good mornin’, TRP! I am glad to hear from you this morning!
You left one thing out…you are a very TALENTED MAN! For those here who might not have read your poetry, I highly recommend it! Beautiful work! I hope that you have more in the pipeline!
I hope I can be counted among your friends…you certainly are counted among mine! Here’s hoping you have a wonderful New Year! 🙂
Funny you should mention it, my friend…I just posted my last and…well…somewhat…adult poem for 2009 on the Arts & Entertainment page. I think it’s a decent enough ending to the 1st half of my bizarro life. I struggle to find hope…I often find it here.
It is always here, just as it was for me last week as I faced a terrible loss! I wrote that the support was actually palpable…and I swear that it was!
My sister mentioned that “something happened” in regard to her recovery. She, too, sensed something, even in her haze of fever, that gave her strength. Some people will say that we have over-active imaginations…but there are stranger things in heaven and earth! I do believe in the power of collective thoughts!
And what are we here for if not to help each other??? 🙂
Happy New Year, all you beautiful PlanetPeople! I wish a healthy, happy, and prosperous one for each and every one of you!
Some good news for me…my kid sister is out of ICU. I spoke with her at length last night. As I wrote yesterday, she has had something of an epiphany when she realized how close to death she had been. She told me of food tasting better, the TV being much more interesting, and she admitted that she stared at the telephone for a long time, marveling at the technology! She has requested that someone bring her laptop to the hospital…I hope I can get her to write something. I am still the most grateful person in the world for the “gift” of her life! That is all I need to have a happy new year!
Thank you again for all the wonderful words of support!
Love and peace to you all!
Wonderful news, Emerald, and a splendorous way to end a year and begin a new one.
Happy New Year to you and your sister and all those you love.
Thanks, javaz! And right back atcha’!!
Great news, Emerald. A wonderful turn of events, considering what you thought a week ago!
So glad to hear it! Tell your sister, congratulations.
And happy new year to you both!
Requesting her laptop is an excellent sign; excellent.
I agree completely with escribacat, “A wonderful turn of events, considering what you thought a week ago!”
Way cool!
Happy New Year to All and don’t forget the “Blue Moon” tonight…
Good morning and a very Happy New Year!
Wishing everyone the best for the New Year.
A special hug for ((((Kalima)))) and hope you are okay and hoping you have a better New Year.
You are in my heart and prayers.
It’s so great to listen to Stevie sing while I write this reply! Stevie is one of my most favorite artists! What a genius!! Thanks, javaz!
And I send my best to Kalima too! I hope this new year will be a better one for her, as well as for all of you too!
Thank you dearest Abby and a very Happy New Year to you as well and to the entire Planet family!! Good Health, prosperity and PEACE to each and every one here! 🙂
How thoughtful and kind; some of my “best” friends neither call nor send a card. Cheers!
Hi Abby, and all Planeteers. Kalima and I are the first ones to close out the old year and usher in the new, so I wish you all a Happy 2010 filled with blessings and moments you will treasure.
Thank you very much, whats, and the same to you.
Thank you! Jeeze, you only a few hours to go; I’ll probably be asleep at the stroke of midnight EST. 🙂 Cheers!
Hey boomer! You live in Columbus, right? I live in Tokyo now, but I’m from Grandview Heights, and went to OSU.
You’re joking! I graduated from GHS!
Cowtown — compared to Tokyo — or any other BIG city? Absolutely!
I went to Catholic schools, but my sis graduated from GHS! Yowza! 🙂