I took formal civics instruction in 7th Grade and as a Junior in High School in preparation for a graduation requirement: the Citizens' Civic Exam. Nearly everyone in the country did in the early 60's. These tests became common...
This issue isn't just about whether anyone can prosecute criminal behavior by a President while in office, it's about Trump using the Office of the President to help himself politically in what may constitute dereliction of duty and treason.
What I see is another division being created in our already-marginalized community.
Liberals don’t promote that conservatives are racists. They promote that the Republican Party is racist, and conservatives who are not racist should leave that party.
In a year, approximately 4.5 trillion dollars of goods is imported (legally), and a tithe of that is close to a half-trillion. This has been going on for two-and-a-quarter centuries
To put it very simply, there wasn't any need for a Gestapo style raid, they were on their way to work. They were trying to support their families, put food on the dinner table.
This tragedy proves that Trump was wrong about one thing - the first thing: you can't "do that" and get away with it.
Consider Trump's campaign of terror on immigrants and people of color, from the Muslim Ban to Trump's demagoguing of Latinos as dangerous threats to white Americans to tearing babies away from their parents and locking them in torturous conditions. Isn't he trying to illegally terrorize people in pursuit of political aims? That is the exact definition of terrorism.
A war is being waged against us; a real war effectuated by the slaughtering of unarmed civilians by heavily armed ultra-extremist sociopaths supported by the Republican Party and the lobbyists bought and owned by the gun industry.
Are the Moderate Democrats unaware that by being focused on praising and pandering to the "white working class"/"good people on both sides" crowd, they are insulting, taking for granted and alienating the very Democratic voters who are younger and African American that they need to actually win?


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."