Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments Weekend Music Thread – Kamala Edition – Freedom Eurythmics (with Aretha Franklin): Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves » Posted By jjgravitas On August 3, 2024 @ 5:19 pm All You Trump Dimwits, Leave Libraries Alone! If you are concerned about libraries closing their doors (a valid concern), a lot of libraries have gone digital. There are free apps available that will connect to your digital library and let you check out digital copies of books to read on your smart phone, tablet or computer. To learn if this is available in your area and how to do it, go to the website for your local library for instructions, or go to your brick and mortar library and speak with a librarian. » Posted By jjgravitas On May 8, 2024 @ 9:53 pm I Believe in God But I Hate Religion I was raised in the Catholic church, in the 1960s. Catechism class, the whole bit. The advantage back then was they didn’t insist that we believe in the wild stories & miracles word-for-word, but instead to see the wild tales as ‘allegories’ teaching a moral tale. That way our religion didn’t conflict with reality & science & world history. As I got older, I decided I couldn’t participate in a religion i didn’t believe in. Eventually I decided tt the Judeo/Christian/Muslim religions were all false, at least as taken literally. The wild stories were meant to appeal to the ignorant sheepherders of 2,000 year ago. No reason for us to subscribe to them. Only the story of Jesus Christ was worth taking seriously. I came to the conclusion that there is probably a Creator, but he bears no similarity to the anthropomorphic God in Judeo/Christian/Muslim religions, as mankind is incapable of understanding him. I subscribe to the Bubble Universe theory, and God exists outside of our Universe, creating bubble universes at will. » Posted By jjgravitas On August 25, 2023 @ 1:39 am Herschel, You Need To Stop Embarrassing Yourself One thing that troubles me in all this is how absolutely creepy the Republicans have become, and I’m wondering, don’t they even see it? They depend on Fox and other right wing news outlets for a surface layer of respectability. But under that thin skin they look more like the Nazis bowing down to the Tesseract. Yeah, I know, I’m mixing my metaphors. Point is, the GOP of today tend to resemble comic book villains rather than respectable human beings. » Posted By jjgravitas On October 16, 2022 @ 4:54 pm Weekend Music Thread – See Emily Play I may have worked it out for myself. I made sure to include no text after the link, and it worked. » Posted By jjgravitas On April 7, 2024 @ 5:48 pm Pink Floyd – Lucifer Sam » Posted By jjgravitas On April 6, 2024 @ 10:57 pm Can anyone tell me how to put a video link in a post that displays the video? My links only seem to produce the internet address. Thanks in advance. Happy posting. Shout out to Adlib. ((:^D » Posted By jjgravitas On April 6, 2024 @ 10:28 pm Pink Floyd – Bike » Posted By jjgravitas On April 6, 2024 @ 10:18 pm Weekend Music Thread – Number One Three Dog Night: One » Posted By jjgravitas On August 3, 2024 @ 5:06 pm If 6 Was 9 – Jimi Hendrix » Posted By jjgravitas On August 3, 2024 @ 4:57 pm Call » Posted By jjgravitas On July 16, 2022 @ 7:19 pm Nena – 99 Luftballons » Posted By jjgravitas On July 16, 2022 @ 7:06 pm The Beatles – Revolution No. 9 » Posted By jjgravitas On July 16, 2022 @ 6:52 pm Pink Floyd – Free Four » Posted By jjgravitas On July 16, 2022 @ 6:47 pm The Rutles – Number One » Posted By jjgravitas On July 16, 2022 @ 6:36 pm Weekend Music Thread – Get Up Stand Up Bonzo Dog Band We Are Normal » Posted By jjgravitas On July 3, 2022 @ 1:41 pm Bonzo Dog Band: We Are Normal (And We Want Our Freedom) » Posted By jjgravitas On July 3, 2022 @ 11:47 am The victims and their families have my full sympathy, but I am more pissed than anything else. All this mass murder is entirely the fault of the Republicans, both in Congress and at the state and local levels. They wrote the laws that allow any idiot to walk into a store and buy as many guns as they can pay for and the GOP PROFIT off of all this murder in $Billions$ in political payoffs from the NRA. The only change in the situation is that it continues to get worse. 💦End the states ability to write their own election/voting laws, ceding that control to the Feds, to make it uniform. I could go on. But the only way any of this can happen for all for ALL the non-voters to register, vote and vote a straight Democrat ticket. Do it for the children. 👯♂️👨👩👦👨👩👧👨👩👧👦👨👩👦👦👯♂️ » Posted By jjgravitas On June 4, 2022 @ 11:17 pm Weekend Music Thread – Fire and Rain Spinal Tap Rainy Day Sun » Posted By jjgravitas On August 22, 2021 @ 2:25 am Weekend Music Thread – So You Want To Be A Rock and Roll Star Pink Floyd – Echoes » Posted By jjgravitas On June 21, 2021 @ 10:03 pm Weekend Music Thread – Mother Nature’s Son She’s A Rainbow – The Rolling Stones » Posted By jjgravitas On March 20, 2021 @ 3:01 pm Weekend Music Thread – U.S. Blues FIFTY WAYS TO LEAVE THE WHITE HOUSE – a Parody | Don Caron » Posted By jjgravitas On January 9, 2021 @ 3:23 pm Number one sings I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General » Posted By jjgravitas On January 9, 2021 @ 3:00 pm I know that was off topic, but I can’t take the blues seriously. » Posted By jjgravitas On January 9, 2021 @ 2:43 pm Can Blue Men Sing The Whites – Bonzo Dog Band
» Posted By jjgravitas On January 9, 2021 @ 2:41 pm Can the Freudian Bull Doc, Trump is a Mobster I spent my childhood in the white suburbs of New Orleans. When I was 9 we moved into a house across the street from a kid’s playground and ballpark. I first thought that was very cool, but I soon changed my mind. One day, before I had really met anyone, I was in the playground area, riding on the merry-go-round, while a crowd of kids were playing some sort of game in the ballpark section. The only other kid there was a little tyke, about 3 or 4. For no reason at all (we weren’t having a conversation), he was hurling obscenities at me, nastier stuff than I had ever heard out loud before. I was more shocked than angry, and maybe I touched him or maybe I didn’t. But the next thing I knew, the little kid had fallen off the merry-go-round a distance of only a few inches. And he was bawling his head off, making a huge racket, as only an obnoxious PITA little kid will do. I didn’t rush to his aid even though I was right there because a) I didn’t know him and b) he disgusted me the foulmouthed little brat. At that moment, all of the kids in the playground stopped what they were doing, turned and looked in the direction of the noise, which was right next to me. like a swarm, they all began walking in the same direction, towards me and the little kid. That is the first time in my life that I ever felt terror. I began walking toward my house which was directly across from the street. by the time reached my driveway, all the kids were there, a swarm of between 20 to 30 thug-like children roughly my age and slightly older. My father saved the day when he burst out the front door hollering at them to break it up and go home. I didn’t get in trouble because I hadn’t done anything wrong, and it was far to bizarre of a scene, nothing to comp[are it to outside of a horror flick. Anyway, I spent the next 5 years putting up with intimidation and bullying from the local greaser kids. Back then we called them hoods. It didn’t end until one day in ninth grade when I got into a big bloody fight with one of the meaner ones, and I gave back as good as I got. The intimidation ended abruptly, which I think was partly due to rumor going around that I was in a local teen rock band (I was). But I also made a decision that day, that I would never allow myself to be bullied or intimidated by anyone, no matter who, no matter why. » Posted By jjgravitas On August 4, 2020 @ 2:37 pm Trump Orders Hospitals to Use ICU Beds For Confederate Statues One of the unintended consequences of the Trump regime is that he has destroyed parody. Anything you make up about him is not as outlandish as what he is capable of or has actually done. I had to get through the second paragraph before I could see that this wasn’t an actual report. (But it’s PlanetPOV, I should know better, right?) This is the most depressing July 4th I can remember — unemployed, stuck at home, car doesn’t work so I can’t visit anyone. And that despot Trump is going around holding rallies and making everyone sicker. Oh well, I still have my DVD collection. JJ out. » Posted By jjgravitas On July 4, 2020 @ 1:43 pm Weekend Music Thread – Work To Do Monty Python Jumberjack » Posted By jjgravitas On May 3, 2020 @ 10:36 am Weekend Music Thread – Shine a Light Blue Oyster Cult – Godzilla (Lock down Quarantine)
» Posted By jjgravitas On April 26, 2020 @ 7:28 pm Can We Fight Coronaviruses and Trump Too? Doubtful. I was struck by an article recently about a concept called “herd immunity.” The idea is, once enough members of a herd (as in human populations) have caught a disease, and its surviving members have antibodies/immunity, a disease will die out once there are not enough members to catch and spread the disease. This is why we have been able to wipe out diseases through vaccination. One tiny glimmer of light in our currently very dark circumstances. While I’m here I wonder if someone could help me. I have been unable to make a video clip from U-Tube appear as anything more than a link. can’t find the directions anywhere on the site. Thanks in advance. #:^} httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQXqZ8JJktw » Posted By jjgravitas On April 27, 2020 @ 5:35 pmComments Posted By jjgravitas
That said, this book banning thing is beyond ridiculous. I grew up in the South in the sixties and I am no stranger to censorship. Back then, the South banned books, burned Beatles albums, lots of stupid stuff. But I know a lot of people don’t have the option to just pick up and leave. When the State decides what you can or can’t read think or say, it turns millions of innocent intelligent people into “subversives.”
That’s my two cents.
What disturbs me is the notion that, without subscribing to some bizzarre religios dogma, people will simply do each other in. You can see it today. We are today as people were in the Old Testament, worshipping false idols (DJT) and killing and robbing from each other.
This is called being Woke.
apologies to Syd
Pink Floyd The Narrow Way (Part 2)
The GOP continue to do nothing, to not even propose to any solution for the gun problem, or to even acknowledge that it is a problem. Why would they? It would mean no more NRA $Billions$ for the GOP to hide in their offshore accounts.
For the past 40+ years I have voted a straight Democrat ticket in every election. There is nothing more I can do. Even if I did have any cash to give, throwing money at the problem won’t change a thing. The things we can do have been seen by too many as far too radical. But here they are; This will piss off the red states mightily, but (in no particular order)…
💦Redesign all voting districts across the country (un-gerrymander) to give all voters a fair shot.
💦End Citizens United, This would end the current practice of allowing unlimited funding of elections and hides the source of that funding. This is how the GOP became an owned subsidiary of the NRA, the KGB and several oligarchs.
💦Remove states’ ability to write gun laws, and replace them with gun laws written at the federal level. That would give us one single set of gun laws spread equally across all 50 states, much easier to manage than how it is done today, letting all states write their own gun laws individually.
💦Redefine our understanding of the Second Amendment. It is not a green light for anyone to own a gun of any kind, or that civilians can own a gun at all.
💦End open-carry gun laws.
💦End the NRA. It is a terrorist organization.
💦Criminalize gun shows. They all sell guns ignoring existing gun laws.
💦Arrest Trump immediately, along with all of his traitorous supporters. We have much more than enough reason to. Hell, Reality Winner was tossed in prison for five years fior simply publishing a government document, and she is still stuck in the system; her supporters have been crying for years for her release & for Biden to give her a full pardon. If Trump and the GOP were poor black people they would already be spending life in prison, those that we didn’t shoot dead as we were arresting them.
💦The Feds should seize and shut down Fox News. It is a terrorist organization, the supply chain that Osama Bin Laden used to publish his taped diatribes. The only difference between the two is the level of technology.
💦Jam the signal of AM hate radio stations, in the name of stopping terrorism.
Eliminate the Electoral College because in close elections they almost always swing their vote to the Republican. The EC outlived its usefulness over 50 years ago, now it is mostly just a GOP tool to cheat their way into office.
The point is, I was raised around bullies, I’m very familiar with the type. And I had Trump’s number early on. Obnoxious billionaire brat living in a gold-plated penthouse, aznd a regular guest on the Howard Stern show, bragging about how wonderful his life is.
Then Barack Obama is elected president and Trump has a problem with it. It’s not enough that Trump is rich and has a wonderful life of his own. Trump has to make sure that everyone else’s life is horrible. So he starts the “birther” movement, calling into question Barack’s citizenship status and right to be president, making arguments that had already been proven false hundreds of times already.
What he was really showing the world is that Trump is a liar and a bully, a thug in a three-piece suit. The only way Trump himself was able to become POTUS after ten years as a reality show host. Trump wasn’t a great businessman, but he played one on TV.
After four years as POTUS, Trump has stacked government posts with other incompetents and wrecked the systems that provide justice and keep us safe from poison and disease. Now, in order to stay in power another 4 years Trump will have to destroy our systems for voting and elections. The GOP have already done a lot of that job for him.
Please vote in November, and vote Democrat. the USA can no longer afford to have Republicans in office.
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