Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments DawgBone, great post. I’ve given this subject much thought. I believe that our best hope for long term survival, regardless or even in spite of what elites decide to do in their greedy short term self interest, is to re-establish community culture. We can begin this process by supporting local farms and other businesses, especially co-ops. Employee owned businesses won’t ship jobs over seas. There are many other ways to bring people together for the betterment of all. Whether it’s child care, elder care, ride sharing or working in a food bank, getting involved in community helps us feel connected to each other. That’s what is missing in this corporate culture. People who feel connected to each other don’t abandon each other. It will take a lot of effort to rekindle the community spirit. We’ve been fed a steady diet of it’s all about me, who cares about the other guy for a long time. Divide and conquer has been a successful strategy for the plutocrats. It will require a few brave souls in many locations to break down the barrier of fear that has been built up. Places that have the strongest sense of community will weather what ever calamity awaits us better than the rest. Change comes from the bottom up. We need to start now. » Posted By intotheabyss On March 3, 2011 @ 7:41 pm Pessimism in the Age of Mass Manipulation and Plutocracy… Thanks much. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 26, 2011 @ 8:11 am I was hoping to copy the visual, but alas, I haven’t mastered that yet. Hope you are able to access the song ok. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 26, 2011 @ 6:15 am Abbyrose, here is the musical version of your article. I heard this song for the first time this week and it really struck a nerve.
» Posted By intotheabyss On February 26, 2011 @ 6:13 am The Kochroaches Emerge from the Woodwork I agree phread: We should call what we are dealing with by its correct term. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article27568.htm Even some progressives are afraid to use the term. At what point do we get to call it what it is? » Posted By intotheabyss On February 25, 2011 @ 2:40 pm Good post Cher. Thanks for mentioning US Uncut. I posted a link to it on another activist site. This seems really promising. I’m going to try and assemble a group from my area to travel to Boston on Saturday. This week’s action is targeting Bank of America. There are lots of BOA main branches that are being targeted around the country next weekend. Get there if you can! » Posted By intotheabyss On February 21, 2011 @ 12:56 pm The Daily Planet, Vol.1 Sunday Edition 174 bases around the world? More like any where from 800 to 1,000 bases around the world. Tom Englehart has done a fabulous job of documenting our expanding military empire. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 20, 2011 @ 6:24 pm Invite For Collaboration Part 2: One of the angles I was hoping to use in this collaboration is Arianna’s membership in that strange cult. I spent a fair amount of time doing a Google search on the subject. I found I had to wade through a ton of right wing allegations of her “communist upbringing”. Her parents were apparently opposed to the US backed fascist dictatorship that was ruling Greece at the time. Horrors! The right, for the most part is still buying the meme that Ms. H. is a lefty. The reason I wanted to bring up the cult involvement is because I think a lot of her devotes aren’t aware of it and would find it disconcerting. After finding it difficult to gather much information on the subject, I think it merits a mention, but the larger story is more likely her chameleon like political persona. She obviously changes her stripes when ever it suits her monetary needs, not to mention her insatiable thirst for attention. I’ll work on putting something together from that angle instead. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 21, 2011 @ 1:15 pm Employment at Will…what does it mean? Rachel Maddow pointed out the other night that the Wisconsin Governor’s attempt to crush the public employees union has nothing to do with the state’s deficit. He created the deficit by giving a big tax break to the state’s corporations. Without that, there would be no deficit. What this tactic is really all about is de-funding the Democratic Party. The Democrats rely heavily on unions not only for funding, but for voter registration and get out the vote drives. Since “Citizen’s United”, the Republicans already have a huge financial advantage. If public employee unions are crushed, the Republicans will face a severely weakened opposition. As usual this has nothing to do with balancing the budget and everything to do with hard nosed politics. More people need to be calling them out on this. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 19, 2011 @ 10:06 am I was referred to as dude by people replying to my HP posts more times than I care to remember. I gave up on correcting them. I chose my screen name because I felt like we are indeed falling intotheabyss. I haven’t changed my mind about that. My avatar at HP is a picture of me at my favorite get away, although it’s a little hard to make out my image without looking real hard. It doesn’t matter to me. It’s a place of sublime serenity and that’s what I wanted to convey. I too had difficulty trying to upload it to this site. I’m going to enlist my computer savvy son this evening to assist me (as usual). » Posted By intotheabyss On February 18, 2011 @ 1:48 pm I’ll admit that I’ve not been happy with Obama because of his unwillingness to prosecute the crimes of the Bush Administration which have been so harmful to this country, not to mention all the people who’s lives were destroyed by the boy king and his evil sidekick. His DOJ has also been a huge disappointment. I could go into greater detail, but that’s another post. What I posted frequently at HP and still believe is there are forces at work that remain hidden from the public that Obama has to be wary of. They have caused much suffering in the world and have no compunctions about doing what ever they believe is necessary to achieve their goals. It’s not clear how much power he really has to go against their agenda. A lot of people find that assertion too conspiratorial. As I posted above, that’s me. I believe there are conspirators in this world who are very powerful who need to be exposed. So I try to steer clear of bashing Obama and concentrate more on bashing our overlords in general instead. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 18, 2011 @ 8:49 am jkkFL: X2! » Posted By intotheabyss On February 18, 2011 @ 8:35 am A picture is still worth a thousand words. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 18, 2011 @ 6:16 am Truth: Yes, I am on board to participate in putting together an article. I’m not much of a computer geek so you may have to walk me through some simple tasks at first. I drive my techie sons crazy asking for guidance, but I like to write so hopefully that makes up for the technological disability. Talk about banned words at HP. One of my last attempts at posting was to refer to the members of the US Chamber as pigs, which may not sound polite, but as I pointed out, the title of one of Arianna’s books is “Pigs at the Trough” which was about those same people. Since the word pig is apparently banned, you can’t even mention her highness’ book without being modded off. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 18, 2011 @ 6:10 am Let’s remember that Arianna used to work for the conscience free Newt Gingrich. I don’t know about you, but every time he opens his pie hole and the media treat him as credible, it makes my blood run cold. It seemed almost too good to be true that Arianna suddenly had this miraculous political awakening. If it seems too good to be true… Being the conspiratorial theorist that I am, I’m starting to suspect a planned stealth attack by Miss H. from the get go. Entice the lefties to your (progressive) blog and allow them to believe they now have a main on line gathering place. Once you have them where you want them, pull a bait and switch. Start treating them with disrespect, frustrate their ability to communicate and see how long they tolerate it. At the same time you persuade bonafide progressive bloggers to post on your site for free while you rake in the dough. Finally, when everything is in place, you launch your attack from the right, leaving the progressive community dumbfounded. The saddest part of the whole thing is a lot of true blue progressives are still under the illusion that HuffPost is a progressive news blog. That would seem to be the best reason there is for publishing a collaborative piece by former HP posters. She really does need to be exposed for the phony she is. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 18, 2011 @ 4:29 am Very funny post Wolf. Thanks for the laugh. My two boys never got into scouting. My youngest tried cub scouts for a short time, but the ritualism was a turn off. My two nephews are eagle scouts. They’re also studying to be MBAs. Quite frankly, they scare me. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 17, 2011 @ 1:52 pm I agree things are looking pretty bleak. A lot of people still don’t see the gathering storm though. Denial is a hard emotion to break through. I’m frankly getting tired of trying with the people in my circle of family and friends. It seems like the human race has to keep going around in circles instead of learning from the past and going forward. I’ve been reading “A People’s History of the World” by Chris Harmon. It begins well before the birth of Christ. I’m up to the 15th century now which is a quarter of the way through the book. The thing that is striking so far is how many times this same dynamic has repeated itself throughout history in every part of the world. No culture seems immune, except perhaps some very small pockets of indigenous populations which of course suffered for their good nature at the hands of global elites. And here we are again dealing with a global cartel bent on enslaving the masses. How do the sociopaths among us always get the upper hand? Is there some flaw in human nature that prevents us from confronting bullies until it’s nearly too late? It’s a mystery to me. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 17, 2011 @ 9:53 am I haven’t read up on the sect yet. From the article on Gawker it sounds pretty typical of a cult. Mind control is what they’re all about. I hope Stephen Colbert’s bit calls more attention to the hidden motivations of Ms.H. She’s garnered a lot of credibility for herself and it will probably take a concerted effort to turn that around. I like the idea of an article we can all contribute to. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 17, 2011 @ 11:38 am Welcome! I’ve only been here for about 10 days. A lot of former HP people have just arrived as well. It’s a refreshing change from the growing insanity back “there”. Glad you decided to join us. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 17, 2011 @ 11:31 am Wow. I just read the Gawker post about Arianna’s cult. That pretty much explains everything. She’s a total manipulator. As others here have stated, it was easy to get sucked in to the site. It did become addictive. Now we know it was all in the master plan. Scary. I haven’t felt any desire to go back there in the two weeks since I left. I guess it’s like quitting any addiction. Cold turkey usually works best. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 17, 2011 @ 10:51 am I once heard it said that Independents, or centrists if you will, are the same people who create things like 4 way stop signs. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 13, 2011 @ 1:46 pm Good post Abbyrose. I agree with a lot of what you say. The key word in your post is balance. Without balance, no system is sustainable. All we have to do is look around at the environmental destruction that has resulted in a system that rewards short term profit over long term survival to see how out of balance our system has become. You have to be willfully blind to not be alarmed at our current state of affairs. We are going to have to have backbones of steel to engage in the struggle for justice that is breaking out around the world. Those who have bought their way to the top of the heap will not relent without a fight. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 13, 2011 @ 6:57 am Everything from “Over There” belongs “Here!” Good afternoon/evening all. Haven’t had much time to come by here in the last few days. Hope all are well. I just came upon this little gem and wanted to share. Enjoy! » Posted By intotheabyss On February 15, 2011 @ 2:42 pm Welcome! I’ve only been here a few days myself, but the atmosphere here is soooo much better than at HP. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 13, 2011 @ 2:01 pm Awesome! » Posted By intotheabyss On February 13, 2011 @ 1:52 pm I definitely started to feel targeted over there. It was impossible to avoid that feeling when more and more of my posts went to indefinite modsville or were pulled in a matter of minutes. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 13, 2011 @ 7:04 am Love that! » Posted By intotheabyss On February 13, 2011 @ 7:01 am I was new to the blogosphere when I signed up at HP a little under two years ago. It was a great place for a newbie to start because the format was easy to learn. It was fun for a while and I grew to appreciate the feeling of community among the people who post there. Before too long however, I noticed a shift from mostly substance to a lot of schlock, plus the moderation became so irritating I had to stay away for a week or more at a time to cool my jets. I guess the one thing we can be grateful for is the community that came together there has come together here. Take away the good and discard the bad. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 13, 2011 @ 6:29 am Striking back at the Chamber of Commerce and their dirty tricks squad The issue of two tiers of justice in this country is something that galls me to no end. I seriously want to take this issue on this year. I would love to interest enough people to start a campaign to restore the rule of law. I recently contacted the National Lawyers Guild to see if they have anyone already working on this issue. That was just 1 day ago. Hopefully, they’ll respond to my inquiry. I would be happy to co-ordinate a group of activists who would like to take this on. If someone doesn’t do more than complain, nothing will change. I’ve already made the same appeal over at Amped Status and generated some interest. If we don’t confront the Chamber and BofA, they’ll continue their illegal dirty tricks to undermine freedom of expression until there is none. Whose ready to rumble? » Posted By intotheabyss On February 14, 2011 @ 5:26 pm I’ve been reading AmpedStatus for a while. I love the revamped site and social network. David is definitely moving in the right direction with his activism. » Posted By intotheabyss On February 11, 2011 @ 10:41 amComments Posted By intotheabyss
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