
Comments Posted By TParrish

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The Whys And Wherefores Of Suing The President

Hi MurphTheSurf3,
Of course, Boehner doesn’t have to actually file a lawsuit. He just has to say he plans to do so, and the tea party contingent, as unaware that he cannot do so as they are of almost everything that can and cannot be done in our government)will take it up as a rallying cry. The lack of a lawsuit will be spun as a gigantic liberal conspiracy to quash their rights, and proof that Obama is coming for their guns.

The conservatives have elected morons.

» Posted By TParrish On July 1, 2014 @ 8:29 am

An Open Letter To Any And All “Conservatives”

I absolutely agree. I am not sure what I said to indicate otherwise.

You will know when I am talking about multi-national corporations since when I do I almost always use the words “multi-national corporations.”

I was pointing out to Cindybru that voting against a tax break that she might think would benefit her personally was not necessarily a vote against her own interests once context is considered. I guess I was not clear.

» Posted By TParrish On June 11, 2014 @ 3:50 pm

“So if I personally would financially benefit from a tax break involving issue X, you would claim I am voting against my best interests if I voted for a politician who was NOT in favor of a tax break for issue X.”

It depend upon what was cut in order to pay for your tax break. Tax breaks do not exist in a vacuum. If the budget balancing cuts involved worsening the lives of the working poor or middle class or the elderly or those unemployed because of the actions of others, or our veterans, then you would get an argument from me as to whether your tax break would be a good thing, and would actually be in your interest in the long run. As you pointed out in your second paragraph, sometimes NOT getting a tax break is better “down the road”. As you say, multi-layered and many faceted.

» Posted By TParrish On June 10, 2014 @ 3:56 am

JumpingJackFlash, have you heard the parable of the blind men and the elephant? Basically it is a story about some blind guys who form very different opinions about what an elephant is like based upon the part of one they touched. Each one was wrong about the big picture, but insisted that it was the others who were wrong.

Personally, I am sure I would have liked the way you supported your opinion, had you done so. Unfortunately, all you did was sound like a blind guy calling other blind guys blind.

» Posted By TParrish On June 9, 2014 @ 2:17 pm

The Death of “A Good Guy With A Gun”

While reading your post I was reminded of discussions I have had with former military personnel who were stationed in Germany. What they had to say about the German gun laws sounded very much like what you proposed.

Have a look:

Oh, I absolutely agree with your point about “good guys with guns”. On HP I ticked off many a right-wing raider by pointing out that most mass shooters would have been described by the NRA as good guys with guns *the day before they committed their mass shootings*.

» Posted By TParrish On June 5, 2014 @ 3:25 pm

One Veteran’s Opinion About the POW Swap

Unfortunately, when the GOP hears that there is a 40% chance of rain they try to think of a way it is a scandal with which they can impeach the President. And everything is politicized these days. Everything.

» Posted By TParrish On June 4, 2014 @ 1:10 pm

I rather doubt it, although I admit to thinking for a few moments about a Manchurian Candidate scenario. Kind of a reverse “Homeland” scenario (for those of you not old enough to get the first reference).

» Posted By TParrish On June 4, 2014 @ 1:06 pm

Huffington Post Finalizes Its Divorce From Its Bloggers

Regarding the many Facebook usage warning articles you mentioned, is the air not positively thick with irony?

» Posted By TParrish On June 5, 2014 @ 4:03 am

Hi MurphTheSurf3,

Once again I am reading your posts with interest. Thanks for the pointer to this site.

» Posted By TParrish On June 4, 2014 @ 5:28 pm

Interesting, very fair minded article. I enjoyed it. I, too, am a Post-Huffington ship-jumper, and what happened to that site reminds me of a line the late, great Walt Kelly once included in a Pogo strip:

“Don’t take life so serious, son, it ain’t nohow permanent.”

Neither, I suppose, are online communities. I figured HuffPo would not stay the same, and would eventually change in ways I would not like. I used to be a co-moderator in a Usenet news group, and look what happened to that.

Anyway I look forward to reading more of what I see here. Thanks for the article.

» Posted By TParrish On June 4, 2014 @ 8:49 am

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