Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments Why a Biden Nomination is Likely to Elect a Republican President in 2024 It’s digression but by degree, no real change: Moscow, though worth a visit-so I’m told, is irrelevant. » Posted By Niemand On August 23, 2019 @ 3:09 am Biden Takes on Trump: A Call to Integrity and Courage in The Wave of Two Mass Shootings When ones looks from a distance Jake, no not Moscow, it’s easier to discern the full picture, similarly, when one doesn’t have a dog in the race. Here in Groede, near Breskins-Holland, it’s overcast, threatening rain. Arrived Thursday and returning home on the morrow after an enjoyable few days with cousin Robert. Less than three weeks now before our visit, of eighteen days,to the US, should be fun. » Posted By Niemand On August 18, 2019 @ 3:54 am Hi Jake, You are a naughty boy. In front of a crowd of people, on tv Trump calls for the Russians to find Clinton’s missing emails. Consider the manner of his speech his expression, communication arises in many forms and sarcasm excoriates like no other. Only someone, shall I say partial, here a euphemism knowing your sensitivity, could judge this part of his speech such. As for Mueller and your intelligence agency reports they, like Epstein’s purported suicide, shouldn’t be taken too seriously, especially after Iraq, for they are designed to undermine Trump’s Presidency, after all he was not the elites chosen one, Hillary was. » Posted By Niemand On August 18, 2019 @ 1:15 am I read a number of British newspapers from the far left, Morning Star to the far right Daily Mail, in addition to which I actually pay to read the New York Times and if this wasn’t enough other English versions of Foreign (enemy) newspapers. Then courtesy of Jake321 recommendations, RT, Sputnik, Daily Stormer and lately Russia Insider ( That boy does have time on his hands). But it’s been a long time. I read and ask to whose benefit am I being told this? That nice Mr Chomsky, ‘The Manufacture of Consent’ advises how the Media, owned and controlled by either wealthy individuals, governments or other organisations ‘massage’ information to control the narrative, this is how it is- this is what you should think. So the term ‘ Free Press’ disguises the fact that those in control are likely to have agendas interests at odds with those of the general population. Consequently, and particularly after Iraq, 9/11 and now this Epstein murder, sorry suicide I’m more than a little hesitant to accept anyone’s word, quite a quandary ; but when in doubt ‘follow the money’ » Posted By Niemand On August 14, 2019 @ 2:39 am That nice, articulate President Obama visited and offered advice that we would be better served by remaining in the EU; we listened respectfully and voted out anyway. Now you would have it that those baaaad Russians manipulated us, resulting in an out vote. Most here are conditioned to jump at the mention of Russia, Pavlov would be proud, and so any advice from them would be like seed on stony ground. Those that voted out, the thinking amongst us, took the opportunity to try and save that which can be saved, language, history, culture-simples. Free of Europe, a nation once again! » Posted By Niemand On August 13, 2019 @ 6:58 am Those poor Brits, intellectually unable to consider their own interests, needing some Russian Godfather to direct them. Look at the modern world and our fingers are all upon it, not a Russian needed, not a Russian wanted. And, suggesting that the, let me wash my mouth out, FRENCH resisted that to which the British succumbed! Well, really Jake. On a more serious note the Irish border issue has become a ‘stick’ with which the EU are ‘beating’ us with, hoping to, thereby, prevent us leaving. » Posted By Niemand On August 13, 2019 @ 1:47 am Midnight plus fifteen, night Jake my mattress beckons » Posted By Niemand On August 12, 2019 @ 4:16 pm I was aware of the distinction but thought that I had incorrectly designated the unfortunate individuals murdered in El Paso, but again thanks. » Posted By Niemand On August 12, 2019 @ 3:46 pm Thank you, being a newbie I’m still stumbling around trying to find my metaphorical feet. » Posted By Niemand On August 12, 2019 @ 3:33 pm Joking Jake, my dry English wit, you’re a boon to any site with your New York winning ways. I’m in a similar situation, wandering blindly around trying to figure how things work. Just noticed that a green bell appears, bottom right of the comment rectangle, when replying, which when ‘activated’ informs of a response to the post. I’ll ‘press’ it and see! Oops! seems that the default position already allows for a notification of reply. Think that I might consult the help section as a last resort if all else fails. » Posted By Niemand On August 12, 2019 @ 3:11 pm Hi AdLib, Anyway, I ‘heard’ disapproval in your tone, a light sarcasm, condescension, flavoured with a sprinkling of self righteousness. If I misjudged, apologies. ‘Unsolicited’, unsought-unasked for. We were originally advised that the common market, now EU, was intended as a is trading block, designed to facilitate and enhance trade between certain industrial European countries, and on that basis the citizens of the UK, via referendum voted to participate. I along with many others, recognising the perfidious nature of our politicians, voted against-declined concerned that at a later date a Political Union, not part of the original deal, would be brought about. And so it came to pass, the diminution of Parliament, a loss of sovereignty, control of major aspects of legislation, borders open to any citizen of the EU. These we did not vote for and these are what were slyly foisted upon us, and these we did not and do not like-well, those that voted for Brexit. As for the many that came here, often from depressed, less industrialised regions of the EU, who can blame them. Yet, we were not asked, being subjected to changes in spite of our concerns regarding the unplanned pressures being put upon housing, education, health, the general infrastructure, pressures that affect the masses disproportionately more than those, in control, lodged in their ivory towers-unaffected. Nor can I pretend that there have not been social tensions when large numbers of ‘others’ (using your term) have descended upon rustic rural country towns. Racists and bigots, if you wish, but knowing better we refuse these appellatives which, in this instance, seek only to demonise those that will not bend their knee to interests other than their own. » Posted By Niemand On August 12, 2019 @ 2:16 pm “Immigrants” it is then, apologies for the mistake. » Posted By Niemand On August 12, 2019 @ 12:39 pm Thought that I had joined the site Jake but only just noticed that I’m designated guest. Is there a probationary period? Whiskey is not to my taste, other than the liqueur Glayva which I hope to find on Thursdsay night’s ferry; four litre bottles should serve for the year. Oh, you are likely to get an innocent man removed from the site with your recommendations of my supposed subversive prowess. » Posted By Niemand On August 12, 2019 @ 12:35 pm Hi Murph, » Posted By Niemand On August 12, 2019 @ 12:12 pm Yes, I’m aware of the meaning of xenophobia. Don’t know your age but as the blue eyed, blonde haired, German speaking child of a German mother ( born 1948) life was not, initially, always easy for me either. » Posted By Niemand On August 12, 2019 @ 5:10 am I’m embarrassed Jake, oft have I said that there’s less to me than meets the eye and here you are elevating me to an undeserved station. Now, having firmly protested I admit to a rousing of interest by talk of vodka and kopecks. » Posted By Niemand On August 11, 2019 @ 4:40 pm I read that only whites can be racist and since those that have moved here, in large numbers, from the continent are, mainly, whites the accusation of the term racist seems ill fitting, inappropriate, intending to corral wide, legitimate concern within a narrow derogatory expression. Xenophobia, on the other hand, I have more sympathy with but still feel it’s inappropriate, deeming to explain all without really explaining anything at all. Rather, many ordinary people were and are uncomfortable with the speed and size of the unsolicited demographic changes foisted upon them and so, along with other concerns, voted to leave the EU. » Posted By Niemand On August 11, 2019 @ 4:30 pm ‘West of you’, wicked Jake, you are a one. North would be Scotland, but North East would encompass Scandinavia, Finland. As you know Jeanie is very good with the housekeeping and I’m trying to persuade her, February time, to return to Singapore ( Raffles is yet to be finished) and after a few days onward to Hong Kong, where, following a walkabout, we could catch one of their shiny, new bullet trains-YouTube- to Shanghai and later Beijing. Time’s passing Jake and so one should seize the day whilst one still has the strength to do so. » Posted By Niemand On August 11, 2019 @ 2:43 pm Hope that’s not me you’re talking about Jake. » Posted By Niemand On August 11, 2019 @ 2:10 pm Not sure about the “I smell a rat” Murph, look at my email address, my name and then peruse Facebook. Forgot to mention our friend Boris Johnson, what to say, the scion of privilege a product of his class and as such no friend of the working man. Some consider him a buffoon, but he just missed out on a first at Oxford and so should not be underestimated. However, he seems intent upon carrying out the popular will, perhaps also to escape the EU closing of tax loopholes, but time will tell. Ideally we leave and continue trading as is, but the EU jealous of the revenues from us are intent upon making our leaving very difficult. As for a trade deal with the US, that may be problematic, a cause of concern, especially if your Health Insurance companies are to be given free reign. » Posted By Niemand On August 11, 2019 @ 2:06 pm Hi Murf, you suggested this site In the dying days of Yabberz and so, after wandering around for a while, here I am: but if not welcome, seen as a disruptive force, I will quickly disappear without complaint. Also on New Yabberz but currently muted until August 15th because I failed to tow the party line, offering alternative explanations for events. Specifically, suggested that the shooter involved in the killings of twenty two Mexican migrants must be mentally ill to have committed such an act , not needing any encouragement from Trump: the iconoclasm didn’t go down well. By the way regardless of old Jake’s opinion of me don’t read anything sinister into the ‘party line’, phrase, just an expression in common usage. Regarding my political alignment, disappointed in the main, but after Jeremy Corbyn became leader of the Labour Party I ,along with tens of thousands of others, joined in the hope that real equitable social change was now possible. An uphill task with the right wing of the party against both him and the agenda he would follow. Similarly, he would and was assailed by the media and lately there has been the antisemitism accusation orchestrated I believe because he, like I, is sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians. Regarding Brexit, I voted out, considering the organisation undemocratic, high officials chosen, sinecures rather than being subject to election. Nor did I appreciate our Parliament and laws becoming secondary, or our borders becoming open to all within the EU, changing the face of our society-in some places, towns Lincolnshire for instance, the newcomers being more numerous than the locals wherein amongst them, locals, a feeling of alienation, dislocation pervaded. To my mind a deliberate attempt to undermine the unity of the nation state, resulting in the indigenous British becoming just one group in a nation that once was theirs. Neither did I like, appreciate the Idea of a United States of Europe within which our identity would be further diluted. Xenophobia, little Englander, I think not carrying English, German, Dutch and Irish blood within, just a man uneasy and unappreciative of changes around him over which he has no control. Yes I know a mass of messy contradictions. » Posted By Niemand On August 11, 2019 @ 1:43 pm Are you saying that I’m being plagiarised Jake, shocking! First it’s the Chinese stealing, appropriating Western technology and now those dastardly Ivan’s, without turning over a rouble, using other’s thoughts, opinions in their magazines. » Posted By Niemand On August 11, 2019 @ 7:28 am Shucks Jake, you make me out to be some sinister Machiavellian creature whereas I’m just a kindly old Englishman looking for somewhere to place his metaphorical hat, engage in discussion. Problem being that wherever I go I seem to find the same old story, absence of such due to a, mainly homogeneity of opinion- an apartheid of political opinion. Have been perusing this site for a while, but although I subscribe to the New York Times, yes I pay Jake, I’m left feeling out of my depth, all of those numbers and graphs, the well written and argued positions. But I take solace in an opinion, born of long experience, that Democracy as we know it is a rigged game, a vote every now and then after which the show continues as usual; Obama was an example of that, “Yes we can”. Shook my head in dismay that people still fall for the same old con, and here we are again with some now thinking that Biden, or some other bought individual, will take them to the promised land. » Posted By Niemand On August 11, 2019 @ 1:45 am Not still on about those bad ole Russians Jake, old news, sans proof. As for Mueller, very sad, but the report was much ado about nothing, a damp squib as I intimated that it would be. Nevertheless, as I claimed it served as a vehicle with which to try and undermine Trump’s Presidency-witch hunt being an appropriate term. As for Biden, too affiliated with power and capital, never met a Republican that he didn’t like-have you checked his voting record? Ok, if all that you desire is Trump’s removal, and even there I’m not convinced, but then what, for as with Obama the circus would continue: the rich becoming richer, the poor poorer and the wars of terror continuing. As the late, great George Carlin said the system is rigged and choice is but an illusion, theatre for the masses. Roll up, roll up and see the show. Going to Holland again next week, ferry from Hull-Zeebrugge, meeting my cousin Herr Tenk, cycling for a few days if the weather allows. Turning to yesterday, I tend to consider nostalgia an overrated emotion, but like you I miss Yabberz, particularly before a purge that transformed it into an echo chamber devoid of real discussion. Joined New Yabberz but I’m on my second muting, silenced until August 14th and threatened with expulsion, my views seemingly at odds with the nut jobs Zook and Opie who are site administrators. Was accepted as a member and then subject to censorship, so much for the first amendment. 01:14 here now and my eyes are heavy so I’m to my bed. Bye Jake, enjoyed talking to you again. » Posted By Niemand On August 10, 2019 @ 5:15 pm Is the Insistence of Moderate Dems to Win Back Trump Voters…a Racial Thing? When you’re right you’re right Jake. Currently my little vw golf and I are on a boat, destination Zeebrugge, 🇧🇪 Belgium. I know that you know that Zeebrugge is in Belgium. Have been fed and watered so now am at a loose end, reading emails and posting whilst the WiFi, my mobile allowance, is available. Looked at the weather forecast for the next five days and it seems that precipitation is likely-damn! Anyway, if it’s too wet to cycle we can take the old diesel burner and slip over to Brugge or other nearby delights. » Posted By Niemand On August 14, 2019 @ 12:23 pmComments Posted By Niemand
Thanks for allowing me on board, but with Jake321′ recommendations I don’t think that I’ll remove my ‘coat’ yet, make myself comfortable, as you may decide, or have already decided, that my stay is to be a short one. Oh yes, thought that I had joined, as recommended by Murph-a while ago, but seems that I only enjoy the status of guest?
My point being that the, supposed, main purpose of the enquiry, investigating the possibility of ‘Conspiracy between Trump and the Russian State-Putin’ was found to be unproven there being no direct evidence. NBC News, Ken Dilanian, 02/12/2019, reporting on conclusions reached by both Republican and Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee. As for Trump publicly asking for Russian help to find Hillary Clinton’s emails, even a simple Englishman is able to recognise sarcasm when it appears.
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