
Comments Posted By MossyOak

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We Are Aiding and Abetting the Republicans

I am SO sorry. I did not realize this is where all the ObamaBots closed ranks. Enjoy your little therapy group. Ciao.

» Posted By MossyOak On March 28, 2011 @ 8:14 am

Don’t bash Obama because it helps the GOP? Whose side are you on? Certainly not America’s. Obama is a complete neoliberal sell out to the corporations, he lied to us more than Bush ever did, he is dismantling the Constitution (Miranda and due process, on the way out the window) he stayed completely silent while WI lost their union rights, didn’t even bother to show his face, his HAMP program not only did not save homes, it insured the banks took more of them, is still going after one room medical marijuana dispensaries in small towns while letting Wall Street thieves wallow in tax breaks and bonuses, his inner circle has disappeared and been usurped by corporate bigwigs like Immelt, started yet another war we cannot afford and will not get out of for a long time, once again with no end strategy because we’ll be hanging around long enough to rebuild what we blew apart. Jobs? What are those? And a flawed health care bill no one is paying any attention to except those applying for waivers. Gitmo still open, Bradley Manning rots uncharged and naked indefinitely in a cell while the CIC says last he checked Manning was being treated fairly.

We need a complete do-over in Washington, and those who insist on debating whether the GOP/TP or the DEMS are the lesser of two evils are wasting valuable time and resources while the United States of Insanity swirls down the toilet bowl.

» Posted By MossyOak On March 27, 2011 @ 1:14 pm

Everything from “Over There” belongs “Here!”

No, I completely understand your post and intent. I simply took a bit of an issue with comparing a talking point troll with the innocent OT posts you’re finding on some of your threads because newbies don’t know their way around yet and are still wandering in the dark a bit.

Here’s what maybe you don’t see fully… Many of the former HP posters spent many years on HP and oftentimes put as much effort into their posts as you have put into this site, just for the sake of truth and sharing insight and nothing more. Cher had close to 4000 fans– that represents a lot of effort, and smart, on-point writing. As veteran commentators, we also had some limited influence on the world of politics and all that was more or less snatched away, forcing some excellent voices into the cyber dustbin.

Am I comfy here? Truthful answer: Not yet….still kicking tires.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 12, 2011 @ 7:04 pm

Just dropped by HP. A’s “merging visions” article posted on 2/5 is once again top billing in her usual spot with about 7000+ comments. I recognize few old timers, everyone new seems to be bitching, and those who have still not left are threatening boycott.

Note to bito: Creating this thread was a good plan, but try to be patient with the detoxers. PPOV just picked up a lot of valuable subscribers for little effort…IMHO

» Posted By MossyOak On February 12, 2011 @ 6:23 pm

Obama: Culture Warrior?

Great post, Funksands! I’ve been struggling with the same issue and you gave me much to consider. My thinking at any given moment: Yes/no/maybe….filling that little oval in with a pen next to him name will not be an easy act. I do agree Obama is reading from Clinton’s playbook and, as much as I liked Clinton after his eight years and a booming economy, I now realize he was just another neoliberal kneeling at the corporate altar to get re-elected.

The most cogent point of your post, the getting something for losing something, is a pattern that has played out in DC consistently since Obama took office, paring unlike things into bills to make it palatable for all and satisfying for none. DADT was fabulous, but seven million people lost their homes. That’s tough medicine to swallow. If Obama is the chess master we all thought him to be, it is in the area of sending mixed messages where he has excelled. Barring anyone better throwing their hat in the ring (highly doubtful) I guess we’re stuck with him.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 12, 2011 @ 7:23 pm

Tips For Newcomers (and Regulars Alike)

Thanks Chern! It’s WONDERFUL to find all my HP friends on PlanetPOV! It’s been a bummer of a week, but also a growth period,forcing us to move on and out of our comfort zones.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 10, 2011 @ 11:06 am

Doing Business – The Right Way

Great article PW! Nice to find you here, I always enjoyed your comments on HP. My MBA nephew did a stint processing loans at the Small Business Administration for a few years. When I started up my small green business seven years ago he told me, “The major difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is passion. If you have passion and believe what you are doing is in any way good for the world, that will carry you through the hard times.”

Had to share that because he was right.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 10, 2011 @ 11:22 am

50 Ways To Leave Your Blogger

It’s so weird you say that, your posts were also so well-written and never crossed any kind of line.

I had all the dumb badges, been writing there for three years, then on New Year’s Day everything I wrote was censored, about 20 posts in several stories. So I figured I landed on some mods’ bad list and she just deleted everything I wrote just for spite. So I wrote to HP and complained and got the snottiest reply from her, telling me I had no right to use the word “troll” and listed everything she didn’t like about what I wrote. From that point I knew something had changed radically.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 10, 2011 @ 12:58 pm

According to my husband who watches teevee (cause I refuse) said some talking head on CNBC stated that HP employees were getting a chuck of the sale. Have seen no confirmation of that. Given the lack of pay for everyone else, seems hard to believe.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 10, 2011 @ 12:50 pm

Corporington Post

Other groups ruining America: Socialists, Marxists, Communists, hippies, the unemployed, unions, pot smokers,

» Posted By MossyOak On February 10, 2011 @ 12:03 pm

We peek because we want to be sure we did the right thing by leaving. There are two main attractions to HP, the blogs/articles and the comments. The articles will slowly morph into the typical corporatist BS you find elsewhere for the reasons listed in this piece by AdLib, but most of the seriously good commentators are gone. Some of us actually believe in free speech.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 10, 2011 @ 11:59 am

I took a sneak peak over to AOL after the announcement of the HP buyout. It was a sobering sortie.. the comments were unreadable and I had a sneaking suspicion that many of them would attach themselves to HP to make mischief. What a surly bunch of wackos. I bet when Arianna gets done counting her Judas coins she’ll have some serious down time in front of a mirror. One can only hope.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 10, 2011 @ 11:46 am

Hello Abbyrose! I know, I got a little choked up finding her too, even with the new avatar you can’t miss her. Everyone seems to have gone through HP withdrawal and came out on the other side detoxed and healthier. This is good and I like PPOV. Bunch of HP deserters on Alternet, too.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 10, 2011 @ 11:38 am

Time Out for O/T – Vol. 15

Lessening the budget for the Homeland Insecurity border patrol might actually be a good thing. I live on the Canadian border and the border patrol is insane here… they patrol thousands of miles of wilderness with their high tech laser technology that only manages to catch bears and moose who wander over an invisible line. Why do we spend billions of dollars trying to keep the Canadians from sneaking in? They should be more worried about us sneaking into Canada.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 12, 2011 @ 9:16 am

Poor Flossy… he must be a Lost Flossy now without all of us beating up on him.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 12, 2011 @ 9:10 am

This sounds very much like an email I received on New Years Day, and I think it was the same person (or perhaps her evil sister.) Really snarky and petulant. That morning she deleted everything I wrote for the day no matter how bland, just for spite it appeared. I wrote and complained and got a similar email to this one. As most people noted, this extreme moderation policy started a while back.

Even though she did nothing but lambast me, I wrote back “Apology Accepted.” After that I was golden for some reason. The day the merger was announced, I was up really early and I published all kinds of negative stuff about AOL and corporate BS. I think they were all caught off guard by the anger and didn’t react until later in the day, at which point they just shut the whole thing down more or less… unless you wrote I LOVE ARIANNA! That was acceptable.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 10, 2011 @ 3:27 pm

Here’s what’s sad…

1) Jason Linkins’ latest post explaining that he really does get paid, “It’s like a real job, you have to show up and stuff.” Pitiful.

2) Overall number of comments WAAAAY down.

Not that I’m gloating.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 10, 2011 @ 1:35 pm

Here come the big rigs … to drink our milkshake

Update to my update… just heard on local news tonight the behemoths are approved to move through Montana. That was timely.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 10, 2011 @ 4:19 pm

I’m in Montana and I’ve been following the situation with one eye for some time. There has been a long debate going on in Helena. We have a new Republican legislature and a very environmentalist Dem Governor, so the battle continues. It’s quite possible they cannot find a safe route and are still working on that. The bridge issue is a big one, we’re no better off than any other state in the failing condition of our roads and bridges due to extreme weather conditions.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 10, 2011 @ 3:13 pm

I understand the approvals (or denials) are making their way through the Montana DOT channels at this point. No one has specified a route through Montana yet that I am aware of. Our local news station said the tanks were ordered by the mining company without the prior transportation approvals and just shipped to the U.S. My sense is that once enough people are paid off they will start their ponderous, dangerous journey to Canada.

» Posted By MossyOak On February 10, 2011 @ 3:08 pm

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