
Comments Posted By AuntieChrist

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Coronavirus Panic is Real, Happening Now and Creepy

Regarding that video taken at Costco… There’s a sixth sense which makes me feel the need to point out and say, “I see white people”.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On March 15, 2020 @ 9:01 pm

Life Or Death


Always refreshing to read this site. A pleasant place for voices of sanity in a world that’s been drowned out in calls of lock-stepped hatred.
My health… Same as always, but I’m thankful to be alive.

I agree with you completely that the very foundation of exacting revenge is uncivilized. It both disgusts and dismays me whenever I see on Twitter someone posting images of the atrocities which ISIS commits. Without fail, those Twidiots are always right wingers doing the biding of mass murderers – in spreading the message of fear and propaganda of such rancid cold-blooded murderers.
They revel in their hate.
No doubt if they could order the fresh blood of innocents to bathe in, they’de do it in a heartbeat. Oh… Wait.

Communion anyone?

Auntie Christ

What part of scripture do so called Christians not understand when their own holy book states, ‘Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “it is mine to avenge; I will repay.” says the Lord’
-Romans 12:19

What else need be said?

» Posted By AuntieChrist On May 20, 2015 @ 9:35 am

Sorry to add my two cents so late after the original posting, but this is an interesting dilemma.
I, personally, oppose the death penalty. I also oppose torture.
However, in the case of Tsarnaev and Breivik I would be in favor of some deviousness.
As Tsarnaev is of the belief that he’ll become a martyr rewarded with 72 virgins for his horrendous crimes, I say lock him up for life without the slightest chance of parole – and for those 23 hours a day that he’s in isolation?
Pipe in the droning of The 700 Club.
As Breivik considers himself a Christian style defender of the faith, who committed wholesale murder with his twisted hate, lock him up for life without any hope of an easy escape by state sanctioned execution or eventual parole.
And too: pipe in to his cell the teachings of everything contrary to all he believes.
Above both of their prison cell doors should be a sign spelled out in bold letters:


Then again, I am
Auntie Christ

» Posted By AuntieChrist On May 19, 2015 @ 10:41 am

Short Posts

You have more mercy and class in the smallest of your fingers than I do my entire being, kesmarn. I’m glad that you recovered from something which claims the lives of way too many unfortunate people.

I’ll see what he actually does, rather than take him at his word – which has time and again been nothing but self aggrandizing.

Thank you for your gift to me of that serving of humility.
I lashed out in anger without thinking who may have been harmed by such harsh rhetoric.

…is it a wonder that I put myself into a self-imposed exile after feeling as if I had devolved due to the demagoguery after the right erupted, after President Obama’s election?
I was becoming what I loathed most: one of them.

Thank you again, kesmarn.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On July 25, 2017 @ 5:05 pm

Pardon me for a making what some may believe is a quick and cruel detour into the mind of a sociopath, BUT… I have always despised John McCain. He may have been a hero in Vietnam, but whatever remained of any kind of moral courage was long ago seared from his soul in his desire to climb to to top.

His appearance in DC this week will, no doubt be in order to grovel at the feet of the the man who said that he likes heroes who don’t get captured.

In his run against then Senator Barack Obama for the Presidency, he was so much less than honorable, and I believe that in his twisted mind, he still wants to exact revenge on the only black man who ran successfully for what was then an esteemed office, as President Obama brought that esteem with him.

My hope is that McCain’s brain cancer quickly eats him alive. As his plans are to surely to match up to the petty piece of shit that he’s always been; and now, by signing on with the plentiful spineless milquetoasts which make up the conservative base. Their never ending wet dream: to deprive tens of millions of Americans from receiving affordable healthcare, which President Obama made possible – will be the only thing that can make them feel virile.


» Posted By AuntieChrist On July 25, 2017 @ 2:43 pm

It’s been fun. This administration is so toxically stupid that it’s almost meditative to create something which pokes it in the eyes.

Thank you for your and Adlib’s help.
A web designer, I am not.
Photoshop and creative writing I know.
Glad this site exists.


» Posted By AuntieChrist On July 20, 2017 @ 1:00 am

AdLib! That’s brilliant!
Unfortunately the story, as is usual with the Dump administration, took on yet another turn, which I, being who I am, decided to exploit further. It’s most likely pending your approval [hint: it adds a certain elf into the fray]

» Posted By AuntieChrist On July 19, 2017 @ 9:32 pm

Yes. An article. Sorry to hear that spammers are such a problem.
It goes with that saying, “those who can not create, they destroy.”
Of course that’s been true of the GOP ever since their red-baiting. Now? They eat that red bait as soon as Putin puts his seal of approval on it.

Thank you for your patience and your help, Kalima.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On July 19, 2017 @ 4:52 pm


I’ve done all I know how to do in order to try and start a new post, Off-Topic, humorous and what-not.
I’ll be damned, though… it refuses to post.

Given the contents of the story, I could say, “frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!”

Thing is: I don’t know anyone by the name of Frankly.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On July 19, 2017 @ 3:50 pm

Hi Nirek! I didn’t intend to slight you by saying nothing, but as I read through the posts, it looks as if I had done just that.

It’s a strange concoction of beliefs these followers of the Orange Julius Caesar happen to be willing to swill down. They have no right to tell us, or anyone, how we should live.

Alas, the Ides of March passed without incident – which is always a good thing. I’m of the belief that violence begets violence, so needless to say: I’m against it.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On July 18, 2017 @ 9:39 pm

Kalima, you are a saint.

– AuntieChrist.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On July 18, 2017 @ 9:21 pm

Thank you. Hopefully this will work:

» Posted By AuntieChrist On July 18, 2017 @ 9:14 pm


I made a new image in PhotoShop for you of McConnell. How do I get it to you?
…And YES. It’s McConell as a turtle. Let’s all be honest: does anyone see any semblance of a man in that fool?

» Posted By AuntieChrist On July 18, 2017 @ 8:33 pm

If I recall correctly, exorcisms require a lot of holy water.
Unfortunately, Trump and his ilk have hoarded all what was once good on this planet. That of course will not discourage Trump’s biggest fans from collecting vials of his sweat. Hell. I’d not put it past him to convince his most ardent unholy disciples to purchase pints of his urine for $10,000 a bottle.

Talk about repellant. Something that unholy would be like the oceans opening up and swallowing themselves.

The spinelessness which is on display by today’s so called, “independents” and “conservatives” has proven ONE thing: those still spineless cowards have never taken a single step towards evolving.

Nice to “see” you, too.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On July 18, 2017 @ 5:27 am


Your call for an excorcist woke me from a long slumber.
Strangest of all is that I, AuntieChrist, feel more than qualified to cast out the very demons in these churches which cater to such a craven mindset which afflicts the so called, “moral right”

They’re not moral nor are they right.
It’s more apt to call them the “neither of either”

» Posted By AuntieChrist On July 17, 2017 @ 11:50 pm

Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Romney’s Debate Bounce

Thank you Bito, that looks much better. One of these days I’ll figure out how to do that.
My Inner Homer Simpson voice is saying to me, “dumb brain… Be more smart!”

» Posted By AuntieChrist On October 10, 2012 @ 9:53 pm

I don’t care what anyone says, you’ve got to admire this President.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On October 10, 2012 @ 9:33 pm

I *still* haven’t seen To Sir With Love.
I’ll have to see if that’s on Hulu.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On October 10, 2012 @ 4:24 pm

The evangelical party of the moral majority (aka the neither of either) were more than willing to accept Sun Myung Moon as an influential voice after he showered them with all kinds of cash.

Something about the love of money being the root of all evil comes to mind… A quote from someone whom Sun Myung Moon declared a failure.

Republicanism and Christianity are like oil and water, in that they don’t mix – tho Joe Barton would have us apologize to BP for the catastrophe they leveled at us.

Republicanism is regressive, aggressive, and destructive. The GOP is about as useful to the world as the Taliban.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On October 10, 2012 @ 3:52 pm

Hi Sue,
Since you brought up a film from 1954, let me close the loop from a film made 13 years later:
At the next debate when President Obama shakes RMoney’s hand he should pull a Sidney Poitier and say aloud, “THEY CALL ME MR. PRESIDENT!”

…And hopefully, Mitt will be caught totally off guard in the heat of the night.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On October 10, 2012 @ 3:32 pm

Propaganda. That right there nails the problem.
The GOP is heavily invested in the idea of American exceptionalism, and the Mormons? They believe that early Americans were visited by Jesus after his resurrection – making them a chosen tribe to later be revealed through golden tablets by Joseph Smith in the 19th century. Fundamentalists have long made the claim that they’re the chosen ones, now that a church with some of the most bizarre beliefs which was founded in this country, and has struggled long to shed the negativity that has always enshrouded them, has the chance for the highest office in the land?
That’s scary as hell – another thing which Mormons don’t believe in.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On October 10, 2012 @ 2:40 pm

Hey AdLib!
I do hope that Obama takes it to heart that Romney, Mormon or not, is one the the biggest liars to ever disgrace this nation’s political discourse.
Forget Romney the Mormon, remember Romney the Narcissist.
It’s disturbing that such a cold psychotic sociopath and serial liar is only enabled by his family and a cold aloof bunch of supporters. This country is in definite need of some serious mental health care.

…No wonder they’re so afraid of a health care plane that would work.

The MSM is a useless bunch of self masturbating chimpanzees. With all apologies to actual chimpanzees, whom I believe are thousands of times more honest and intelligent than any pundit on FOX.

Also, in regards to the next debate, it’ll be interesting to see if there are any Jeff Gannon / Andrew Britbart (who is STILL dead) types planted in the audience by the GOP.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On October 10, 2012 @ 2:03 pm

The damnable thing about the whole first debate was that if the President had asserted himself more forcefully in calling out Romney’s continual spew of untruths, the MSM would have said that he came across as an angry black man. As it was, I believe that the President, being an honest man and wanting to actually have a real debate was taken back by the sheer dishonesty being vomited from the mouth of Mitt.
Romney reminded me of Linda Blair’s Regan in The Exorcist. Every time he opened his mouth and said something was like a never ending stream of unbelievable lies — And President Obama was probably wishing he had some holy water and a couple of priests.

Since Romney pulls things out of his ass without a qualm, the President should be be able to do the same and insist that there’s an old saying which fits Mitt and it goes something like this: You change positions more often than a whore with a bad back.

…of course that won’t happen, President Obama respects the people of this country, which is why he was ready to debate the truth, only to be surprised when Regan showed up, head spinning and vomiting over everything decent.

What’s not to like about that?

Auntie Christ

» Posted By AuntieChrist On October 10, 2012 @ 1:18 pm

LIVE CHAT TONIGHT! – 6:00 PM PST: The First Obama-Romney Debate

So… Mitt Romney is as obvious in his lies as Jon Lovit’s SNL character Tommy Flanagan: Pathological Liar, and the media drives the narative that says that he won the debate?

Jim Lehrer was so bewildered that he couldn’t moderate, the President didn’t know he was there to do stand-up comedy against a deluge of lies upon lies, and some of the undecideds are thinking that Romney made a good case — BASED ON NOTHING BUT LIES?

Jesus Hussein Christ.
The media does like it’s horse races, and since Rafalcal lost the dance contest they want to give Mitt the last dance.

And truly, I do say again, Idiots.
So let it be written.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On October 4, 2012 @ 2:54 pm

“I am anxious to see Mitt put his foot in his mouth again.”

You speak as if he ever pulled his feet *out* of his mouth in the first place.
It’s a well known and established fact that Republicans tongue bathe their feet constantly, it’s a foot fetish – Read up on Dick Morris.


» Posted By AuntieChrist On October 3, 2012 @ 5:25 pm

Time Out for O/T – Vol. 18

This video should be shared everywhere:

The enthusiasm, excitement, energy, and appeal for President Obama’s reelection is real. No matter the spin of the putrid pundits of spastic plastic platitudes.

Stand UP! Stand UP!
Elect Obama!

» Posted By AuntieChrist On October 10, 2012 @ 11:17 am

What Mitt Romney’s and most Republicans view as the greatest threat to America:

» Posted By AuntieChrist On October 3, 2012 @ 9:26 pm

As sponsors continue to flee from the imploding gasbag that is Rush Limbaugh, the GOP is still divided on which candidate they despise least for their sad and pathetic choice of gutless wonders in which to choose for who will least embarrass their party’s demise at the hands of our current President.

Some want to go out with much whimpering and gnashing of teeth believing themselves Persecuted Martyrs of Holiness™ , as  yet another like group of non-thinkers wish to continue eating the never ending subsidized last meals which they believe is their birth-right,  while Newt wannabe Moon-Commader Gingrich,  and Rand I’m Not Paranoid Paul, also continue in their delusions of grandeur as they too ponder which  way is the least French of not facing the guillotine to which they have condemned themselves.

In other news: Andrew Breitbart is still dead.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On March 7, 2012 @ 10:23 pm

Hi Kalima, life is good. Regardless what the fearmongering denialists of chicken-little chicken-sh*ts may say or believe due to the fact that their fear and prejudices are the only things which sustain them, I believe they should take a break and turn their backs on those things which keep them living in their state of fear by turning off the TV and AM radio. Maybe if they read a book (by someone who has a degree in something) or simply relaxed and read something along the lines of the Hitch Hikers Guide: keeping these words in mind, “Don’t Panic”

And if they really wanted to feel some challenge in order to brave it, to read further where it reads:
…The Book: In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people angry and has widely been considered as a bad move.

Imagine a bunch of conservative’s smiling without the world having to be brought to the brink of war for it…

Such a book is worth a read.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On March 5, 2012 @ 5:15 pm

Thanks, Kalima. You made me throw up in my mouth.

» Posted By AuntieChrist On March 5, 2012 @ 4:18 pm

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