Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments “At Last!”: How HP Continues to Cultivate Cynicism Kevin, very well stated. We Democrats and Progressives simply MUST get out and vote EVERY TIME not just in Presidential election years. It is really irritating when I consider just how much further along America would be if Democrats and Progressives actually voted every single election year – we would be LEAPS and BOUNDS beyond where we find ourselves today! » Posted By AllenMcw On June 17, 2014 @ 8:15 pm Beatriz, very nice post and all very much to the point. All of us Democrats and progressives simply must get off our lazy behinds and vote all the radical GOPters OUT on the street where they belong! It is long past time to QUIT being complacent about voting just because it is a mid-term election year! ALL elections are CRITICALLY important. Look how much the Koch’s are spending this year – to the tune of 290,000,000 just to keep their radical TP members in power. THEY know how important mid-term election years are…it is time we all face that reality as well and do something about it to end this tyranny of the radical right once and for all!! And we need to continue to fight for a Const. amendment to overturn Citizen’s United and Mucutcheon. » Posted By AllenMcw On June 16, 2014 @ 7:38 pm Beautiful video! I so much wish all parents could be like this! When I see things like this I can believe there truly is hope for the world. But then when I see what politicians and others are doing I sometimes have to wonder how we as the human race has lasted as long as we have. In the end I do have faith as a whole that we will come together as a species and make this world a better place and the starting point is to get rid of the radical TP conservatives. Thank you for sharing this. » Posted By AllenMcw On June 20, 2014 @ 7:13 pm Well stated Killgore, I couldn’t agree more. » Posted By AllenMcw On June 16, 2014 @ 8:54 pm Great post AdLib! What Bush and his Administration done is truly the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of the world! In my way of thinking I do think it was justifiable to go after Al Queda in Afghanistan because I do think we had enough proof they were behind 9/11, but to push for war against Iraq was truly unforgivable – they had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and as we’ve now known for some time they had no WMD’s. That they would falsify intelligence reports to support their determination to go to war makes them guilty of the worst war crimes in world history! I so much wish Bush, Cheney and everyone else involved would stand trial in the Hague for war crimes and crimes against humanity! Allen P.S. I LOVE your feature that must have saved a draft of my comment when Firefox crashed on me and when it restarted my comment was still there and fully intact! Well done! 🙂 » Posted By AllenMcw On June 14, 2014 @ 5:43 pm Huffington Post Finalizes Its Divorce From Its Bloggers Thanks again Kalima. 🙂 I went ahead and messed around some more. Turns out that I was better off choosing the original wedding picture (1 MB) rather than the one I locally resized. Using the original (large) picture resulted in the cropping working much better and no more blurriness! 🙂 All the best, » Posted By AllenMcw On June 10, 2014 @ 9:56 pm Thanks Kalima, much appreciated. 🙂 The resizing made it just a bit blurry so I might have to do some local resizing of my image and re-upload later but for now I uploaded as is. Thanks again, » Posted By AllenMcw On June 10, 2014 @ 9:43 pm Hi Kalima, Thanks very much for the welcome! 🙂 May I ask you a quick off topic question? 🙂 I noticed you have an “avatar image”. Where does one go to upload that? I cannot seem to find that option anywhere. 🙁 Is it a permissions thing that I have just not been here long enough to have access to do? Thanks very much, » Posted By AllenMcw On June 10, 2014 @ 9:19 pm Kevin, I’m very new too but I would still like to say Welcome to the Planet! 🙂 So far I like what I see here. I think this will become my new home and become even more lively as more and more HP’ers move here! 🙂 Allen » Posted By AllenMcw On June 10, 2014 @ 8:33 pm Thanks Killgore. Yes so true! Regarding their extreme censorship of non-violating comments I actually took the time to “figure out” Arianna’s direct email address and sent her at least a half dozen emails imploring her to follow up with me and direct someone at support to work with me and I would PROVE they have a censorship problem. Not once did she even have the courtesy to respond to me. And those emails to her was after repeated attempts and challenges to their support people who on MORE than one occasion admitted to me that they will NEVER look into reports of improper censorships no matter how much PROOF is offered. Being a software engineer I could recognize that a significant part of this censorship problem was with FLAGS. FIVE people flag your comment and the software will automatically delete it, leaving you NO recourse at all – ZERO. To me they clearly did this to save the almighty DOLLAR so they wouldn’t have to pay as many REAL moderators to do the job properly. They also deleted many comments simply because they disagreed with their Corporate philosophy. Not to mention the software bugs that looked for keywords and refused to publish a comment because it could not understand the CONTEXT. I remain there now solely as an observer but more importantly (as I mentioned) to reach out to my many friends and recommend they consider these alternate sites as well. Thanks again and I’m happy to be a member of the community here at Planet! 🙂 Allen » Posted By AllenMcw On June 10, 2014 @ 7:59 pm Yes, many thanks to Murph (and a couple of other Pundits) for working so diligently in putting together these alternate site recommendations. » Posted By AllenMcw On June 10, 2014 @ 7:29 pm Yet another longtime HuffPo refugee here (same name at HuffPo). Like so many others I was VERY suspicious when HP decided to force members to link their FB accounts and in the back of my mind I knew something worse would happen in the future, but I chose at that time to ignore it and carry on….and hope for the best. Alas the best was NOT in the cards and they took the final FB step which forced a severing of ties with them! I want to thank Murph for so diligently compiling a list of alternate sites for us “refugees” to consider. I’ve signed up at 3 to this point and so far I think I like the Planet here the best. 🙂 I have not deleted my account at HP yet but I am just an OBSERVER there because of what they pulled. I wanted to keep my account intact for the time being so that I can judiciously “reach out” to many friends there and recommend these alternate sites. Like others I have noticed that the number of comments at HP has dropped off considerably since this forced change. Sites like HP need to strike a fine balance between Corporate interests and backing vs. LOYAL customers. Loyal customers will always be important because without them traffic dies off and they make less money from advertisers on their site which lowers their profit and the cycle continues. I guess only time will tell for sure but IMHO I think HP took this way too far and they will end up doing one of the following: 1. Continue doggedly and stubornly on the path in which they embarked and lose so many loyal users that they will start losing Corporate interest and eventually die off and go out of business. OR 2. They will realize the error of their ways and try to “turn the clock back” to one degree or another in hopes of bringing back many of the users who made them famous. If they (wisely) opt for #2 the question remains how many old time users will be willing to take the risk and come back and will the number of ones who do be enough to save them (HP)? Personally I think they will ultimately dwindle away and go out of business OR they will manage to survive with only the barest resemblance to what they once were. Only time will tell for sure but it will be interesting to see what happens. Allen » Posted By AllenMcw On June 10, 2014 @ 7:26 pm Huffington Post Goes NSA on Its Members Count me among those old time HP’ers who is really upset at what Arianna’s HuffPost has done to their loyal users! There is only one time when I will post a FB comment on HuffPost and that is to reach out to my friends there and recommend they get away from HuffPost and join one or more of the other alternative sites. At some point in the future (after I have lured as many friends away as possible 🙂 ) I will close my HuffPost account altogether and never look back. But for now I must remain an observer so I can reach out to my friends there….I very much value the friends and fans I have acquired there over time and want to at least try to connect with them on another less intrusive forum like here. So far I have signed up on 3 sites since HP made this last move and I must say that so far I like Planet here the most. It is more established and lively than the more recent ‘hprefugees’ at MSNBC. Having said that I still plan to contribute to ‘hprefugees’ to try and help them build up and become the lively place I’m sure we all want it to be. HP done their loyal users a great disservice and I for one think that somewhere down the road they will regret it because they will lose so much money from lack of advertisers (due to loss of users) that they may well go out of business in the next year or so. I don’t want to sound harsh but I will not be sorry to see them go at this point. They violated their users loyalty and privacy in a BIG way. No matter how many of their loyal users implored them to change their mind and back off of this they kept going full speed ahead. From my perspective it has been quite some time since they actually cared about their users. They made their bed, now they have to sleep in it! On a lighter note I am happy to be one of the newest members on Planet and hope to be very much engaged in the lively conversations and yes even disagreements here…..in a respectful way of course. 🙂 Thanks to several already for making me feel welcome here. Regards, » Posted By AllenMcw On June 11, 2014 @ 5:55 pmComments Posted By AllenMcw
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