Speakers' Corner

This category is for more personal posts about the lives and interests of members at PlanetPOV

Yup, since getting back in May from my trip in April, I've been putting this off for far too long. Due to popular demand, I've pared down 5,000 photos (not all of them winners, admittedly) and so here we...
This week we lost one of our bigger-than-life colleagues in the world of Progressive blogging, HumeSkeptic. Much has been shared about him here and at other blogs. Even if you didn't know him, you're invited to join in on this...
Vox Populi, our unique Friday night event begins at 7:00 pm PST tonight and you're invited! Join your fellow members in a live, open chat about the week's events in the chat widget on any page or at the Vox...
I Am S o o Buying This Shirt http://digg.com/d31TAm1
Vox Populi, our unique live chat event every Friday night where members discuss the week's events.  Vox Populi will begin at 7:00 pm PST and can be participated in at the Vox Populi page under Live Events (click here...
Good morning everyone! I hope that when and if you have the time, MB will be the place for you to catch up with friends before you leave for work or start your new day. A place to relax and...
I have a confession to make. I've never visited Canada in my life, although my British husband adores the country, has visited almost every inch of it and would love to live there someday. Me, I'm not so sure. One "meets"...
As a tired technician (retired technicians are just tired twice) I have a lot of time on my hands. Mostly I spend my time doing computing, reading, and arts and crafts. Most of my arts and crafts involve woodcarving...
Je suis de retour. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFtsWy7WqJo Great to be back, missed my fellow Planetarians! So, Vox Populi returns tomorrow night, hope to see you then...I'll probably be sleeping off the jet lag until then. Cheers!
Hey all! Just a quick head's up that I will be out of town for the next week and a half so though you may see few posts or comments from me, I will be checking in each day....


Happy New Year! It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

Lucifer and Mazakeen are making plans for Trump's presidential visit.

Affirmative Action, DEI, Voting Rights, They Want It All Part 2

How different would this country be if not for the logic of Jefferson and the citizens of the fledgling country we call the United States, clinging to their views of their right to enslave people who were free in their country but kidnapped and brought here against their will as enslaved individuals, designated as non-human and doomed to the inhumanity of enslavement?

I Believe in God, But I Hate Religion Part 2

The thought of eternal suffering is a significant motivator for those who are strong in their religious beliefs. It is also conducive to those who push various religious doctrines on their congregants to keep them in line.