"Secrets From Beyond The Emerald Curtain" is an ongoing investigation into some inexplicable proceedings at the Huffington Post.
BudgetPOV is a proposed series on making ends meet in these troubled times (especially since the “ends” seem to be hacked off and cauterized).
Glossolalia 101 is a series of articles discussing how pseudo-cons, neo-cons, and theo-cons (among others) use language to disguise, dominate, and obfuscate the issues.
What do you want... really?
What is a reasonable Net Profit Margin?
A Rational Incentive Plan for Employees... "cost-free"
BudgetPOV is a series of articles intended to help people living with economic uncertainty to live frugally. This first article in the series is concerned with the most important facet of living frugally: a person’s attitudes about having to live this way.
Nope....missed it. Thanks Mom and Dad....I could have been living in Colorado City with 8 wives and 34 children.....or in Salt Lake City...
That word doesn't mean what you think it means. But that's okay, it can't be offended by you, because it's dead.
The Financial Plan as a crystal ball...
Overhead... Headache or a simple calculation?
Markup - Not getting what you think you are getting
Calculating the cost of overhead...
Pricing made simple... or is it?
So what is love? Has it found you or left you? Do you live with it or exist without it? Is...
Soon after, I returned home to my family, with a determination to bring them as soon as possible to live in Kentucky, ...