Midterm election articles
One of Arizona's most famous son's is Barry Goldwater, a five term Senator known as "Mr. Conservative".
Republican Senator Goldwater launched a bid for President...
During last Friday's Vox Populi, we were discussing how the GOP/Tea Party, assisted hugely by Fox, the MSM and corporations, has foisted this fraudulent...
Heading out to searing Las Vegas for Netroots Nation and am hoping to provide updates of my adventures in this gathering of godless, communist,...
This Thursday, the premiere annual Progressive convention, Netroots Nation begins. I'm pleased to say that I will be attending, representin' PlanetPOV and our community.
This spring, the Move to Amend is on the move. Read on for the latest resources, actions, and upcoming events . . .
Pres. Obama and Congress have now turned to focus on passing financial reforms that are long overdue. Fox News and the Republicans tried trotting...