In this revealing video, the Mainstream Media Police continue to assure the wealthy and corporations that they have nothing to fear from the Occupy Wall Street protests:  
There is no knowing at this point if this phenomena will continue to grow into a full fledged and influential movement of the people, by the people and for the people but at this point, it is an exciting prospect.
    For centuries the death penalty, often accompanied by barbarous refinements, has been trying to hold crime in check; yet crime persists. Why? Because the instincts that are warring in man are not, as the law claims, constant forces in...
A most interesting article from Alternet, looking at the reasons for numbers of young people taking to the streets and risking arrest and possible police brutality to make their voices heard. By David Graeber With No Future Visible, Young Activists Have...
  America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ~Abraham Lincoln   Lincoln's words are as true today as they were over 160 years ago when he first spoke...
In their Class War against Americans, what the wealthy fail to understand is blowback. Once a democracy no longer serve its people, they stop looking to elections to solve their problems and take their destiny (and pitchforks and torches) into their own hands.
Please sign and circulate this petition that asks the Department of Justice to aggressively investigate and fight voter laws that suppress the Constitutional right of Americans to vote.
We have a unique opportunity to have the Obama Administration review and consider proposals and agendas that the people here at The Planet want our President to act on so let's take advantage of this great opportunity ASAP!
The true quandary is why on earth those whom at least purport to be advocates of human rights and civil liberties have also been piling upon the SPLC.
Americans Elect feels like a Koch-Brothers-type Tea Partying of the Left and Indies. Exploit the anger and frustration of the constituency and drive them together under a populist tent...that's in fact owned by the wealthy.