Trump instructed his aides to always have Diamond and Silk wear name tags whenever they're around him. "The downside in having black running mates to prove you're not racist is having to tell them apart," Trump nodded earnestly.
"Look, it's all very simple. If you want to vote for Sleepy Joe, you vote 'Trump' on your ballot. And you can do that with the confidence that the president who promised to make Mexico pay for the wall and end American carnage would never cancel Opposite Day once the votes are in," Trump snickered into both hands, leaving an orange crust on both palms when they lowered.
Let's say it straight out: Tom Cotton is a racist. He condones slave labor but assigns it no value. He would never have freed a single man, but he would use bigot law to punish anyone who even holds a different opinion.
There is one person who could gum up the works of Trump's dictatorship-in-process. And he's not even in elected office. Yet. Joe Biden has said that this election is a battle for the very soul of America. So right now would be a good time for Biden to really flex on this, step up and fire a loud warning shot across the bow of Trump's henchmen. The Rule of Law is coming back in 2021...and it could be coming for them.
The compulsive transparency of his array of personality disorders nakedly reveal his corrupt intent, fearsome ambition and incompetent weakness. His attacks on rivals are both psychic insights and admissions of guilt. And as his stress level has increased with the mounting coronavirus death toll, Trump's already fragile grasp on reality has devolved into mental deterioration, delusion and grandiose fantasy.
Despite all the polls currently favoring the Democrats. If the economy really begins to recover and the first wave of Covid-19 subsides (without a second wave striking), Donald Trump’s reelection prospects could improve greatly. The Republican Party and Trump 2020 Campaign have huge war chests ready to fund ads galore, massive targeted outreach, and widespread voter suppression.
"Have you seen what the Antifa radicals have been doing to these helpless symbols of white supremacy? I mean, 'our heritage'? It's disgusting. They've thrown paint on them, pulled them down, even moved one into the corner of my office," Trump complained until being told he was pointing at Mike Pence.
It appears that we may have made a series of critically false assumptions in the comparison to influenza, which this “novel coronavirus” is clearly not. Yet the idea of seasonal “waves” of infection persisted, a presumed lull in the summer heat, followed by a “second wave” in the fall – just like the flu. But COVID-19 had other plans.
So when the reporter asked Pence the question, “is it harder for black Americans to make in this country?” his rambling answer tells us what we already know. He is far too afraid to admit the truth, Yes, it is harder for African-Americans to make it in this country.
Last night we saw a glimpse of a police state where Americans were all seen as the enemy. Where the press was seen as an enemy of the state, the very thing Trump has been pushing and that is also the sign of authoritarian domination. When all people and the press are treated as threats to be crushed in the name of "security", when the police and military dehumanize the public and press, democracy hangs by a thread.