To celebrate Martin Luther King Day today, Donald Trump did absolutely nothing. No public event, no speech and the White House Twitter account had...
"Okay, I'm the Beast From the Abyss, the man of sin, the son of perdition but I am not a witch and the Democrats' impeachment is a witch hunt," Trump declared as his hair smoldered from Satan's fiery chuckles.
Democrats need to stop running against Trump, and instead run against Trump AND the Republican Party as well as Republican voters. That will sound harsh to most Democrats, but Trump is not the problem, merely a symptom of the problem.
What I see is another division being created in our already-marginalized community.
Trump is a thug and a bully. He insults, mocks, belittles; and now, damns and curses anyone who disagrees with his methods. He reminds you more of a schoolyard bully that loses their nerve if you challenge them.
The lesson from 2016 should be, nominate someone who is inspiring to voters and brings with them too little baggage to be buried under. The media types who are Republicans and lean to the center/right or right, are more preoccupied with filling the Dem nomination slot with someone reflecting their more conservative, establishment sensibilities. That is very different from picking the candidate most likely to beat Trump and best bring change to the country.
Liberals don’t promote that conservatives are racists. They promote that the Republican Party is racist, and conservatives who are not racist should leave that party.
To put it very simply, there wasn't any need for a Gestapo style raid, they were on their way to work. They were trying to support their families, put food on the dinner table.
ICE and the D.A. endangered small children, after planning for months, and never thought of the safety or welfare of the kids that would obviously be traumatized and left without care providers! Whether or not the District Attorney had a valid legal goal or purpose; they behaved monstrously to attempt to achieve it.
Racism is a rampant disease, that the Republican Party and Trump intend to use as a wedge to tear this country apart; to "bust it out" and burn it down, to end the experiment, America. And Donald Trump would love to light the match.