The theme for this weekend’s music thread is about food (including im-peaches and just desserts) and drinks (that go down easy like Trump will).
Trump's goin' down! So the theme for this weekend’s music thread is law and crime, just desserts and paying a price.
To remind folks of the “wag the dog” scenario, where a president starts a bogus war to boost his re-election chances, this weekend’s music theme is about dogs that wag, cats that purr, American eagles that fly and songs about any and all animals.
Everything Trump's touched lately is failing. Tariffs, negotiations with North Korea, controlling the deficit and keeping the economy growing. As his prospects for re-election keep dropping, Democrats show off a field of contenders who all look like winners against him. So this weekend's music theme is about winning and losing, playing the game and rolling the dice.
Finally! After a two month break from debates, the top ten candidates for president in the Democratic Party gather in Houston to debate. And all of them on the same stage on the same night so it could be very...
Trump has quadrillioned down on his lie that Alabama was in the path of Hurricane Dorian, showing that the more Dorian blew, the more Trump sucks. So this weekend's theme is for songs about states and cities in the U.S...even if they haven't been needlessly panicked yet by the BSer who cried wolf.


The Hard Truth About This World – There Is Evil

“The times that tried men’s souls are over, and the greatest and compleatest revolution the world ever knew is gloriously and happily accomplished.

Donald Trump Does Not Love This Country

Donald Trump constantly talks about, no, that is wrong, brags about how much he loves this country. But his actions tell a different story. His behavior, what he supports and condones, and what he is willing to do are not the acts of a person who professes a love of country but a clear sense of megalomania and dictatorial tendencies.

A Tale about Racism – Their Mommas Lied To Them: Part 1

When Obama completed the oath of office, Thirteen-year-old Rashad glanced at his mom and dad, seeing something he had never seen his father and mother do, wiping tears from their eyes. They both looked at each other, not saying a word. He heard his dad say, ‘I wish Mom, Dad, and my grandfather were here to see this.'

Help Me Understand: Why Trump Again?

"No amount of persuasion can change a man's reaction to what he knows. But what he knows can be changed, and the most direct manner is to alter the images in his mind." - Dennis Kimbo