Friday night on Vox Populi, I mentioned that I had been posting the HP Bush Years Posters to answer Obama bashers across the net....
Got my mind wandering.
Apparently some chappie has a book out, California After Arnold, or some such. And apparently he had the opportunity to give...
A 20-something photographer professional acquaintance of mine, a twin, came to me and disclosed a litany of things that weren't going well: a male...
I would like to communicate to you my sincere concerns over the overall premise and day to day operation of your website, the Huffington Post. If I did not care on how the image of Huffington Post reflects on all progressives, within and outside of the blogosphere, I would just walk away and say nothing, but it is considered a “representative” source for progressive thought. Therefore, I must speak on these issues.
I find myself rather in the minority in my fondness for Christoper Hitchens. It has been said, with very real credibility, that he is...
Reprinted from "DocStrangelove's" message on the HadEnoughington Post...
"For what it's worth, I just heard from my friend on the west coast known as "MrCreosote"...
Hi, I'm Rob-S, and I'm a Moderatorholic
{Audience} Hi, Rob
{Rob} I've come here to confess I've been a heavy handed, two fisted moderator for over...
Here it is people, the answer.
(The question, by the way, is: politics – why?)
The answer is:
Hume’s Guillotine’: One of the core philosophical problems of...
Cartoon by Jeff Parker - Courtesy of -
I saw this cartoon and I had to share it with everyone. It says so...
I'd been planning to offer some thoughts on another right wing meme, "political correctness," to follow up on my piece about "personal responsibility." With...