What happens when a homeless couple shows up at a homeless shelter? The policies and procedures will punish them for their audacity, and rightfully so.
While scientists remain puzzled as to the cause of the dramatic decline in honeybee populations in North America and elsewhere, some are speculating the...
I'm not a great fan of Cynthia Boaz, but I'll give her fair due. She's written a cracking piece which you can see on...
DESPITE the treasonous and degenerate Republican efforts to stop us.. DESPITE the RACISTS (whether they care to admit it or not)... DESPITE them ALL,...
In yesterday's New York Times, Charles Blow, one of my favourite opinion writers, wrote a brilliant and poignantly evocative exhortation to politicians of all...
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"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left."
- Einstein
My morning yesterday was...
We are the United States of Shallow Americans. We obsess over the nuance in a phrase or a word and are distracted by the...
So I understand Keith Olbermann, the multimillionaire media egotist and ex-sportscaster who deems himself eminently qualified to comment on political affairs, whose resurrected...
When the Democrats have to be told home truths by Pat Buchanan, you know something is not only rotten, it's shameful.
Earlier this week, in...